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Everything posted by colekern

  1. Yeah, I've been raged at in the past for not making my motives crystal clear. That's why I did it.
  2. colekern

    they should make non PVP servers!!

    How is Rocket and the team failing in any way?
  3. colekern

    Radeon users should try enabling MSAA

    From the looks of the post, it should help with speed and prettiness.
  4. Uhh.... it's a free mod. Not a free game. He can't make money off of it. He had no idea it would go standalone.
  5. I asked him if he was joking.
  6. That's true, but do you give that thing that has interest on it to a million people for free?
  7. No, I really think Rocket should have systems in play that allow players to make things happen like this instead of NPC's or random chance doing it.
  8. colekern

    Would you like the .950 JDJ in DayZ?

    I literally yelled, "oh my gosh!!!" when I saw that.
  9. Are you joking about "the selfish dev's"? I mean, how are they greedy? Rocket, the guy who made the mod, pulled money out of his own wallet to make it. How is that selfish?
  10. colekern

    'new' bandit skin is terribad..

    How is it half baked? I'll agree with you that the bandit skin isn't very good, but let's not forget that 1. Rocket doesn't owe you anything, and 2. He's doing this for free. He spent his own money making the thing. You think mo-cap is free? Let's see you do take money out of your own to make a free mod.
  11. colekern

    Radeon users should try enabling MSAA

    Thanks man, I'll try it out.
  12. colekern

    why are so many children playing this game?

    As long as the kid's mentally stable, he'll be able to tell the difference to tell the difference between fake and real life.
  13. colekern

    climbing sliding and safehouses

    No artillery strikes.
  14. colekern

    Kids On US 1992

    Those couldn't be kids. Heck, most 4 year olds have a better aim.
  15. I've heard a lot of people talking about how many bandits there are.I know they're just whining, but it got me wondering what most players do when they see a player. I chose option Number #2, by the way.
  16. If your good with not using to much hard drive space, you might want to look into this: http://compare.ebay.com/like/290769062619?var=lv&ltyp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar It's a good card and a pretty good processor. It's discontinued, by the way, so you can only find it on Ebay.
  17. colekern

    Please read.

    Save your money for the standalone. It'll be out in a couple months, and it will have optimizations.
  18. colekern

    battleye global 3065 issue

    Dude, you tried to hack. For all we know, you're lying and you're still trying to run the hack. You're stuck now. Time to take the punishment. You've been banned. Try to think next time.
  19. colekern

    Will my laptop be able to run DayZ

    Dude, it's a mobile card. They are much slower than their desktop counterparts.
  20. colekern

    Starter weapon

    I've been here a while dude. Also, this is general discussion. All of the threads are worthless. They add absolutely nothing to the game.
  21. colekern

    Starter weapon

    He wasn't suggesting there should be starter weapons, he was saying that if there were starter weapons, which would you want?
  22. colekern

    I quit.

    For the love, look at the Rocket said thread. They literally CANNOT fix hacking until standalone. Changes have to be made to the engine, and that's something a mod can't do.
  23. Standalone is really going to help clan up those problems. Until then, well, you'll just have to endure.
  24. If I understand correctly, the Arma engine isn't powering the the bone-breaking, or the temperature, hunger, or, thirst. That was all added in later. As for the inventory, I don't know if that's built into the engine or not.
  25. I don't know, maybe help others achieve endgame status? It'd be a lot better than keeping them from ever reaching their goals.