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Everything posted by colekern

  1. colekern

    PVE and PVP Servers

    Pvp is the most important part of DayZ. No.
  2. This is actually something Rocket is already considering implementing.
  3. colekern

    Just put a full bandit skin

    What's wrong with his post? It had nothing to do with CoD.
  4. colekern

    Standalone retail reduction for players

    First, it'll be sold in alpha. You bought Arma 2, not DayZ.
  5. colekern

    One character per server?

    I have to server hop occasionally because of lag. Do you have an idea on how to help people like me?
  6. colekern

    DayZ Photoshoot

    Pretty legit looking.
  7. colekern

    bye bye hackers ... you will not be missed

    Do people realize it's not Battleye that's having a tough time, it's Arma 2 itself? The engine is easily hacked.
  8. colekern

    Suppressors and clips

    For #1, the barrel would have to be threaded.
  9. colekern

    Realistic gun mechanics like Reciever

    The current controls would have to have massive amounts of fat trimmed.
  10. colekern

    Hero skins have bullet proof vests?!

    It's not punishing bad guys, it's rewarding good guys.
  11. colekern

    Hackers. Hackers everywhere.

    Actually, hacking CAN'T be stopped until they modify the engine in standalone. Next time, read the Rocket said thread.
  12. colekern

    Well whats left to do?

    Be a medic.
  13. colekern

    Humanity should reset at death

    Ugh... King James. I've always had serious trouble reading it. I can't understand!!
  14. colekern

    Fist fun

    Already planned....
  15. colekern

    My few suggestions

    I love the intro video idea. I mean, I LOVE IT.
  16. I think in parts of that he just meant make it harder to snipe.
  17. I think he changed it. yesterday it said that there would be 24 hour wait before you switch servers.
  18. colekern

    Combine magazines

    One idea is to make bullets and mags separate. Not sure it should be that complex though.
  19. colekern


    I've always wanted a way of identification that makes sense...
  20. I don't like #29. I have to switch servers occasionally due to ping.
  21. At least I didn't want to change nine things like the guy above me.
  22. Actually, about 45%, according to the poll, try to be friendly.
  23. It's actually around 35%. I did a poll a while back.
  24. I've developed a love\hate relationship with hackers. The following story will tell you why. So I was REALLY low on blood(you know, in shock and my meter was red) and I was at the airfield. I decided to head to the warehouses in a last ditch effort to survive. Boy, I got SOOOO much more than I bargained for. I kept hearing flies buzzing around, so I kept looking for the body it was coming from. I went around to the side of the warehouse. "STOP. WE'RE HERE TO HELP!" "Oh, thank God.", I said. "LAY DOWN!!" I laid down. "You want me to drop my weapons?", I said. I was trying to comply, because these guys had the upper hand. They said No, and that it wasn't necessary. I could only hear these guys. I looked behind me to see if they were there. They weren't. But when I looked back, I saw two dudes with military clothes. One had a M249 SAW, the other had what I'm guessing is a DMR. I turned around. Now there were about ten other guys, all with extremely high-tier gear and military clothes. "How many people have you killed?", asked the hacker. "Uh, none. Wait, no, I killed on person in self-defense." "Did it count as a murder or bandit kill?" "Bandit kill."(At least, that's what I'm assuming it would've counted it as, if it actually registered the kill. What happened was I was protecting a new spawn at the airfield, when I saw something fly past my face. There was a guy with bandit skin I saw earlier to my left(the direction the bellet came from, by the way) and I assumed it was him. Not wanting me or the new spawn to die, I unloaded my AKM into him. He went down, and eventually I went down trying to protect the spawns. ( I found another survivor when we were running away.) I knew they were hackers, but I didn't wanna say anything about it. Nothing that would make them suddenly un-friendly. "Well, we're gonna leave you a little present. Keep killing bandits." A cardboard box appeared. "Uhh, thanks." With that, they left. I opened the box, but I already knew what was inside. I'd found one before. By the way, it had five of every gun, and fifty of every item in the game. I healed up, grabbed some stuff before the box disappeared, and left. Moral of the story: Be friendly, and twelve hackers might just pop right up next to you and give you a reward. Or something like that.