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Everything posted by colekern

  1. I can already tell that this (http://www.msimobile...px?cid=6&id=368) laptop is a beast (it beats my desktop graphics-card wise) and will be able to run almost any game I can throw at it. But I'm not sure if the processor can handle DayZ and Arma 2. I don't know a whole lot about processors, and I wanna be sure before I buy it. Also, 5000 visibility would be nice.
  2. colekern


    He said somewhere else the weather will completely re-done.
  3. colekern

    Churches & Repentance

    1. Even if you repent, there are still consequences 2. It would make stabbing survivors in the back too easy.
  4. colekern

    DayZ suggestion #5 - Chainsaw

    Maybe it should have an impact on humanity.
  5. I've got a desktop PC, but it's shared. As for the gpu, that's the best mobile card I could find for under $2000.
  6. I've already got one, but it's shared. I might build a desktop, but there's no space. And yes, I'm well aware that most gaming desktops could blow this thing away.
  7. Wait 'till standalone. It'll save you from frustration and getting burnt out on DayZ.
  8. colekern

    My Hand Shakes

    Happens to me too. It's normal.
  9. colekern

    use raw mouse movement in game

    Try this, it'll help: Go to documents, Arma 2, open Arma2 and Arma2oa with notepad. Find GPU_MaxFramesAhead and change the number to 1. Find GPU_DetectedFramesAhead and change the number to 1. Do this in both Arma2.cfg and Arma2oa.cfg. Open the game. Go to controls. Turn off smoothing. It won't fix it, but it will help dramatically.
  10. My record is maybe 25 feet. I went into shock and passed out bleeding, but I woke up, bandaged, and hit the road while my meter was green. Yours?
  11. I remembered this time where these hackers saved my life (http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/89097-it-happened-again/),and was just wondering if hackers have done something weird like that to you. I one time read somewhere that a guys avatar got turned into a goat by hackers. Has that happened to any of you?
  12. I was finally able to log back on after a huge server browser mess-up. So anyways, I walked out of the warehouse I was in and saw a little cardboard box. Thing is, I'd never seen an openable cardboard box before.I thought,"probably nothing good in here, it's just a box" as I opened it. My jaw dropped. Inside was EVERY WEAPON AND ITEM IN DAYZ!!!!!! I squealed like a little girl, but I felt no shame. I was too excited. I took food, NV goggles, a rangefinder, radio, compass, map, gps, waterbottles, a mountain dew(yeah baby), a silenced m4, a silenced m9 and enough clips to last me, oh, three lifetimes is my guess. Right now, I think I'm in love with that hacker. Also, would you consider this okay? Me taking all the gear I could carry, I mean.
  13. My worst record is 3 feet off of a ladder.
  14. This poll, and the questions in it do not represent my views on DayZ. There have been a lot of threads complaining about KOS lately. Is it really that big of a deal? Should we address it?
  15. Can you give me a suggestion for next time?
  16. colekern

    What the heck?

    I was trying to join a server. I was almost in, then I looked to the side of the screen as I saw every single person on the server get kicked for battleye script restriction #20. There were probably about 30 people on. I used task manager to stop my game from loading before I got kicked. What happened? Was every single person on the server hacking or what? Was it a good thing I got off?
  17. colekern

    Dayz ruined by rampat hacking?

    For the love, you still don't believe us? It's not going to use the same engine, it's going to use a branch of the engine that can be modified to prevent hacking.
  18. colekern

    Dayz ruined by rampat hacking?

    We already have, like, 500 posts on this.
  19. So, I was just chilling and I went to go check my poll results, but my poll disappeared!! Is there any way I can fix this?
  20. colekern

    My poll went POOF!!!

    Nope, my poll from a couple weeks ago is still up.
  21. They could just kill zombies and take their beans...
  22. colekern

    GTX 670 FTW getting 20 FPS in cities ._.

    Set your vram to default. That might help.
  23. I know, I know, it's a long way off. But still, I'm curious. So here goes. SOOOO, what kind of map do you wanna see next? A modern day city like New York, a more rural, country area, something like Dallas, TX, or.... THE MOON???!!!!!(I just put that one up for fun.) I personally wanna see a Branson, MO style map. You know, a place that would attract tourists. Lots of shows, theme parks, blah, blah, blah....