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Everything posted by colekern

  1. colekern


    I've never found one. Ever.
  2. colekern

    Thankyou Battleye!

    I've only been killed by hackers once. However, I once ran into 12 (surprisingly friendly) hackers all at one time.
  3. colekern

    DayZ Weapons - A Question?

    It depends. In America, it really depends on where you live. In more rural places, like, say, certain parts of Arkansas, you'd most likely find a hunting shotgun(long barreled, low capacity, and very accurate shotgun), or hunting rifle. But you'd also find crazy stuff in rural areas fairly easily(Ar 15's, 357 magnums, and extended mag shotguns). In cities, however, the most you'd find in a home is a self-defense pistol. As for ammo, in cities, practically none. In rural areas, you'd find enough to last several lifetimes.
  4. colekern

    The mighty Enfield

    I hate waffles.
  5. colekern

    Standalone: Actual Mtn Dew Curse

    It's already in the game!
  6. colekern

    Nicest guy EVAR. This is unheard of!

    I once had a moment like this... Except in my story, 12 hackers popped up and gave me stuff.
  7. Actually, hacks have been doing this stuff for a while... Sorry buddy, you tried to download a hack, now face the consequences. Inb4lock
  8. colekern

    Rocket, I demand you add animals like this.

    Oh heck yes... Now I can have a squirrel bite off a bandits face!!!
  9. colekern

    explosive tip bolts

    I think it's CODBLOPS. But it might be a good craftable item.
  10. colekern

    DayZ Concept Art

    We should be able to find lootable razors for the beard. Also, it be weird to see a female veteran. I wonder what her beard would look like!!!
  11. Oh no, that was just my tears of sadness for WP7. Carry on android\IOS\whateveryouuse.
  12. colekern

    Spawn next to friends???

    Your expecting DayZ to mold to your ideas and wants. Well its not. You have to mold to DayZ.
  13. I hope you don't get flamed. This was hilarious.
  14. Idea: Captions for other players footsteps or gunshots. Idea #2: Add a "deaf mode" or something where surround sound is disabled, so that way you hear everything in one headphone or whatever.
  15. Still no love for windows phone. :(
  16. colekern

    what do you do with beans?

    Eat them. Right next to a starving survivor. Kidding.
  17. That's kinda the point. Your practically asking to get shot in the face if you go in the city.
  18. colekern

    Your Final Words Before Death

    Nothing. I got sniped.
  19. Nah. I read that the WiiU processor sucks. Arma 2 and games like it (such as DayZ) use a lot of processing power.
  20. My CPU: Intel core i5-2500k cpu My GPU: Amd HD 6900 series (not sure exactly which one.) I get probably 24-30 frames a second on high with 5000 visibility. So, to max my settings at about 40 frames, wich one should I upgrade?
  21. colekern

    Should I upgrade my CPU or GPU?

    Already did that a while ago, but thanks anyways.
  22. colekern

    Should I upgrade my CPU or GPU?

    I can't really remember. I think it drops a bit.
  23. colekern

    Beards For Standalone Seasoned Veterans?

    Razors should be lootable....
  24. colekern

    I'm still wondering how i'm running this game so badly

    Please don't ever let me see that .GIF again. Ever.