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Everything posted by colekern

  1. colekern

    Battle eye failed to update..

    The way I do it is go to steam, right click on Arma 2 OA and click properties. Go to set launch options. If there's anything written in the box that pops up, cut it (as in, highlight it and right-click on it and press cut). Now, close that box and properties then right click on Arma 2 OA and click reinstall battleye. Now go and and paste whatever you cut back in launch options,
  2. colekern

    DayZ on the Wii U

    I doubt it could be done from a hardware perspective. The Graphics card on the WiiU is better than the Xbox 360's or PS3's, but it's processor sucks. Arma 2 is EXTREMELY taxing on processors.
  3. colekern

    Over 230 hackers got banned on my server

    I've got an idea... why not create a script on your server that changes hacked to non-hacked weapons of equal value.
  4. I don't like this idea. In fact, I think more items need to be like the blood bag.
  5. colekern

    Deathmatch balance

    No. Punishing playstyles would officially make me quit DayZ forever.
  6. Wow, you're clumsy... -Break a leg after falling less than one foot.
  7. For the 400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000nth time, it's ALPHA!!!!!
  8. colekern

    Blood Regeneration

    I already made a poll about this.
  9. Has it ever occurred to you that you could maybe, I don't, ask? I'd give you some gear.
  10. colekern

    Cell phones.

    Right now, if we have to communicate with a buddy, we have to do it outside of the game. It kinda breaks immersion. Now, do you own a cell phone? Chances are you do. I think it would be something cool to experiment with. Obviously, there are some issues with the whole concept of reception and getting a signal during a zombie apocalypse. But still, it would be cool. Everyone should have a phone number assigned to them, and once you have the number, you add them to your contacts list. Obviously the phone would have to be charged etc. etc. It would also create some awesome stories. Imagine, your creeping through Cherno, when all of the sudden, "BRiIIIING!!!"
  11. colekern

    Things you shouldn't suggest? (Thread idea/game)

    Not suggesting what can and can't be suggested.
  12. colekern

    Zombies should be more deadly

    Or I could just run because the zombies are so slow.
  13. colekern

    Having to zero your weapon

    Most of the guns would be pre-sighted in. But there's going to be an attachment system in standalone. Maybe they could add this mechanic to scopes.
  14. If there's one suggestion that urks me every time I see it, it's the "make zombies tougher and slower" thread. Why? Cause 1. super-tough zombies wouldn't really fit in with DayZ's realistic nature and 2. If they were slower, by far the best option would be to run. So here's what I propose. Make zombies smarter. Make them think like predators would. Like uh... wolves? What I mean is that they should work together to get their meals.For example, if you attract a couple of zombies, then one should charge you while the others circle around and come from different directions. Pretty simple, nut it would make it much easier to get overwhelmed. Like it? Don't like it? Tell me in the comments!
  15. I was just thinking out loud. I've got full faith in Rocket, though.
  16. Female bodybuilders would be weird.
  17. That happens to me on DayZ commander also. Just connect to servers in your area and try port-forwarding.
  18. colekern

    Best Weapon for a Hero?

    Gordon Freeman style!
  19. I was on an app called weave. It's a news app for windows phone. Saw a thread on Kotaku while I was on the app, and had to get it.
  20. AMD processor are terrible when paired with Arma 2.
  21. Easy. Make that survivor worth more than his gear by making DayZ harder.
  22. How bout we let this one slide?
  23. ​If you don't know what viewmodel means, then you probably shouldn't read this post as it will seen like gibberish. This has been bugging me for a long time. But I've always been too lazy to write it out until now. When I first started up Arma 2, my first thought was, "Wow, these weapon animations are terrible". Then someone told me that Arma 2 used the thirdperson weapon animations in first person. I must say, I was impressed. This system works great for a military-sim. But DayZ is a more mainstream game. (I'm basing this purely on the fact that DayZ has zombies in it... lol) Since DayZ occasionally sacrifices realism for gameplay, and it needs to look polished in the standalone, AND that shotguns need special reload animations, AND that making bolt action third person animations look pretty in first person would be practically impossible, I was thinking they could drop the third-person-animations-in-first-person thing. There are several advantages to both, so I will list them here so you can tell me what you think: View models: Advantages: It will be much easier to make bolt action animations, shotgun reload animations, and all around more realistic animations look good in first-person. It will be easy to change the "feel" of a weapon. Weapon models will look much better in first person. Disadvantages: Two separate animations for reloading and shooting will have to be made. It may seen odd to some people that weapon animations look different between first person and third person. Third person in first person system: Advantages: Only one animation for reload, shooting, etc. will have to be made. It might increase immersion. Disadvantages: It would be nearly impossible to make the weapon animations seen professional with this system. So tell what you guys think: Should we keep the current system, or should we use viewmodels?
  24. colekern

    Grounded the little turd

    Are you on crack? Think about it... this kid is smart enough to know how to inject scripts straight into his game, and your telling me he can't tell the difference between right and wrong?
  25. colekern

    Grounded the little turd

    It's not getting the job done that makes the world go 'round, it's getting the job done right. Let's say I'm studying to be a surgeon. I realize that I can't make the grade I need to pass. So I cheat to make it through. Now, whenever someone needs a surgery desperately, I can pull out my diploma and awards and make them think I know what I'm doing, but I can't actually perform the surgery because I cheated my way through med school. See how flawed your logic is?