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Everything posted by colekern
Man, that sounds somewhat weird now that I think about it. Anyways, I am a ninja. Anyways, the story. I had just joined a server (I can never remember which one) after finding, like, 50 others that side-chat enabled. I hate side chat. It took me a second to catch my bearings and figure out where I was, because when I spawned, the only hint I got was "wilderness". Turns out I was down on the bottom left corner of the map. I started heading east. to reach a nearby town. On the way, I saw three tents and a body on the road. I figured it was a trap, but I didn't care because I somehow spawned with literally nothing. I got a basic kit from the body without getting shot, and checked the tents. Empty. POWPOWPOWPOWPOW!!!!!! I looked around, only to realize there... no one there. Weird. I moved along. As I approached the town, I saw a boat on the bank (someone must've been really bad at driving) surround by at least six bodies. Human bodies. I walked up to it. It was at this point that I realized it was probably a hacker trap. I still had nothing to loose, so I went for it. The first body a found was a hero's body. I looted it only to find rangefinders, an ALAS pack, NVG's, GPS, Mountain Dew, (which I did not touch) the list goes on. I looted him and went to check the other bodies. As I neared, I saw a cardboard box. Yep, definitely a trap. Oh well. I went in. I looted the other bodies, but I figured I should loot the bodies first. Why? If it was a trap, I could at least get some good gear from the bodies and run. If I went to the box, I'd have to fumble around in it for a while to get what I needed. Basically, I was doing it for my safety. In the end, I got some blood bags, bandages, and the stuff from the hero dude. That's when the ninja fingers came in. My screen went to patter of blue and black for a second, only to pop up in a group filled with everyone on the server. The hackers started shooting. I paused. I hit abort. And the last thing I hear before I disconnect is, "SCREW YOU HACKERS!!!!!". I'd made it out with all my gear, thank God. So yeah, fun.
I don't combat log. At all.
P.s. The boat was a trap set up by the hackers.
Oh no. I found a sniper rifle, but it wasn't a legit sniper rifle. As tempted as I was to take it, I didn't.
Oh crap! Mt. dew curse! Anyways, charging a hacker who was more than likely in godmode with nothing more than a hatchet seemed like a bad idea.
Actually, the only other times I've logged out in a fight was when it was zombies attacking me. My reasons? Every time a zombie moved it would lag like crazy.
This might help a bit: Go into steam, right on arma 2 oa. Click properties. Click set launch options. type in cpucount=# of cores. Go in game. Go to options, video options, advanced. Set VRAM to default, turn off post proccesing.
It could also be the AMD processor. Arma doesn't like those.
I think I accidently convinced a guy that I'm a hacker... or he's just a jerk.
colekern posted a topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I was on... some private hive server, but I can't remember for the life of me what is was called. Anyways, I spawned it the middle of nowhere with a pistol and no ammo. I then remembered I'd played on the server once but let because side-chat was enabled (I hate side chat). I don't know why, but I stayed on this time. I took a right and started down the road, only to run into... Electro. well, that's convenient. Considering this was a private hive that had side chat enabled, I decided to take off down the street like moron. I arrived at the office building. There was a man on the second floor shooting zombies with his pistol. I ran inside and dropped my makarov to show that I was friendly. I walked up the stairs, only to have a clip of his pistol unloaded in to me. Fortunately, his pistol sucked. I survived and bandaged. "Ow. That's not cool, dude. I even dropped my weapons for you." He just looked at me, puzzled as he reloaded his pistol. I just stood there looking at him. Now, at this point, I'd like to take a moment to describe the situation: I was an unarmed survivor, who had deliberately dropped his pistol as a show of friendliness. This guy had pistol (with bullets, by the way), and what looked like a sniper rifle (it was a cz550, or a lee enfield. I couldn't tell.). This guy wasted more bullets on me in five seconds with a semi auto weapon than I ever have (well... maybe not) into me. I survived, and remained peaceful after that. So we have two... no, three options: 1.This guy was a newbie and was scared out of his mind because he saw an unarmed player. 2. He was a Jerk (and a jerk without a bandit skin). 3. He thought I was a hacker and had godmode on. That was when I saw in side chat,"hes gonna kill you". POW! Did I mention I was unarm- nevermind. I typed,"well that wasn't cool." in side chat and logged out. Lesson learned. Don't run up to random armed dudes. So yeah. I just posted this for fun. What do you guys think about it? Ever convinced someone you're a hacker? -
I think I accidently convinced a guy that I'm a hacker... or he's just a jerk.
colekern replied to colekern's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Why do you think I said, "I once heard someone say..."? But yeah, his says "In a world full of monsters, you have to become a monster to survive." I said was gonna disprove that. -
Don't bother posting this if you don't have proof.
Best way to make DayZ run faster/smoother?
colekern replied to Dark Veteran's topic in Technology/Programming
The AMD processor is the problem. Arma 2 HATES AMD processors. One thing that might help: Set VRAM to default. Go to steam and right click on ARMA 2 oa. Press properties. Go to set launch options. Type in cpucount= # of cores your processor has. -
Also, run both of the games before you install DayZ.
Dude, your massively overreacting. Just because you can turn your brightness or gamma up to get an advantage doesn't mean you should. When it comes to resolution, however, that's not a cheat. You're simply playing the game the way it's meant to be played.
Been unable to play the game lately due to insane Ping issues.
colekern replied to Abandonedcartoon's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Try port-forwarding. It might help a little bit. -
Challenged completed - Negative 1,000,000 humanity
colekern replied to smokke1982@gmail.com's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I'll be impressed when someone gets 1,000,000 humanity. -
Inb4graveyard. But PM one of the forum admins and they might reset your character.
Nah... if anything, players should get the same starter gear and skin choices, but have certain skills that make them unique.
You can't really help but disappointed by a mod, and not only that, but a mod in alpha. The standalone will be much better.
I like the starter map idea, sorta. It would have to be experimented with. As for loot maps... no.
Did you read around the forums at all? The bugs and hackers are literally the first thing on Rocket's priority list for the standalone.
Note: I did use the search function. I saw all of the threads that are already on this topic. But no one has really gone this in-depth (or at least used grammar) when making this suggestion. The melee system right now sucks. Badly. I know that melee weapons are essentially heavily modified pistols, and it suprises me they've even gotten this far on a re-skinned pistol. The melee system could be very interesting and intense in standalone. However, many changes need to be made. Here's some possible suggestion: 1. Animations that matter. Animations shouldn't just be there for looks. Zombies should react realistically to the way you hit them. If I come in with a baseball bat to the legs from the side, it probably wouldn't kill you. There's not a doubt in my mind that if you were kinda crazy and clumsy(they are infected you know), you'd fall over. Also, more on the falling over thing... 2. Make it easier to hit with a melee weapon. I suggest adding a 'box' or radius on the screen that goes under a close enough philosophy. As long as the zombie we're swinging at is in the box or radius, we score a hit. It should shrink the more injured you are. 3. Most melee weapons shouldn't insta-kill infected. It should disable them temporarily instead. Hitting you with a bat wouldn't kill you. It would definitely hurt and make you fall over because your brain is sloshing around like jello, but it wouldn't kill you. So, hitting a zombie should make him fall over or trip up and turn around, leaving you time to escape or deliver another blow. 4. Direction-of-impact based damage. I'm gonna use the hatchet for an example. If I was in plain sight of an infected person, and in front of him, and I swing my hatchet, he could block it with his arm and survive (in the most painful way possible. Good thing he doesn't feel pain). If I attack from behind, there are no defenses. 5. Stealth moves should be restricted to knives. Knives are fairly silent. But a hatchet isn't. With a knife, you can go for the heart, but with a hatchet, the ribs are in the way. I doubt cutting through ribs would be easy or silent. 6. A separate weapon slot for melee. We all want it. Well, everyone except the guy who suggests DayZ shouldn't be changed in ANY way whatsoever. 7. Give them more of a use than just whacking stuff. It's 3 o'clock, and I can't think of anyhting right now... I ahd some ideas, but... zzzzzzz I'll post more ideas later guys. Tell me what you think. And forum admins, feel free to take this down if you see this as spam or something.
It will be possible, but much harder due to the fact that the engine can be modified. Expect much less hacking.
The most terrifying thing Rocket could add......
colekern replied to dustylion@gmail.com's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion