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Everything posted by colekern

  1. It could be something interesting to experiment with. I'm not sure it should implemented. But hey, what is alpha for?
  2. colekern

    Simple idea to fix mindless deathmatching

    No, but DayZ isn't meant to be a simulator. It's not supposed to be completely realistic. Adding in restrictions to DayZ, a game made unique by the fact that there is absolutely nothing stopping you from doing what you wanna do, would be ruined by adding in systems that prevent this freedom.
  3. I don't really know what to think about this one. I think it's interesting.
  4. colekern

    Simple idea to fix mindless deathmatching

    One of the beautiful things about DayZ is that there isn't any of those systems in place. It's one of the most freeing experiences you can ever have in a video game when you learn to love that freedom.
  5. I was playing 1.7.3 for the first time, when I realized that the singleplayer option wasn't shaded out. DayZ? Singleplayer?!! HA!!! But seriously, anyone else noticing this? It's so weird that this is happening...
  6. colekern

    Death Of DayZ

    Hey that's my li... wait, no I stole it from someone else.
  7. Literally nothing can be done about the hacking in the mod. With 135 posts, I'd think you would know better than that.
  8. colekern

    Does this look good for runing DayZ?

    Yeah, this thing will beat the crap out of DayZ.
  9. colekern

    Fixing up the Game

    It's pretty obvious you're new here. Anyways, the heat thing is either a glitch, or you're playing in Namalsk, or your character is sick. As for the bugs, expect those to be to fixed in standalone. There's not much they can do about that right now. P.S. Use the search function next time.
  10. Literally ALL of this has been suggested before. Use the search function.
  11. colekern

    Backpacks - a new idea for them

    Void being a bit rude, but still no. It's not that I don't prefer my games to be unrealistic, it's that 1. this would be almost impossible to do and 2. it would make inventory even harder and more complicated to use than it is now.
  12. colekern

    Squa support

    I think a system like this doesn't really belong in DayZ. I used to, though. When I was new, I suggested a squad/spawn on buddy idea. No one really liked the idea, but like every newbie, I was stubborn. Fortunately, my stubbornness in what I now consider to be a dumb suggestion didn't ruin my reputation or anything. Anyways, once you start playing DayZ for a while, you realize that the systems that power other games don't really belong in DayZ. Just my opinion.
  13. colekern

    My Idea for DayZ Standalone

    Don't feel sad, just use the search function next time.
  14. colekern

    Servers with advanced presets

    I'm sorry... What? What kind of kid doesn't wanna kill zombies? Also, what kind of kid will be honest and enter their real age?
  15. colekern

    Community Releases Spectate Mode

    How about this? You wait and see what happens, THEN we decide what to do. But no, that won't work, cause you won't even consider the fact that maybe, just maybe... programmers know what they're talking about! MIND-BLOWING!!!!
  16. colekern

    Gore. Gore. WE NEED GORE!

    Toggeable gore maybe. But I'm not a fan of excessive amounts of gore.
  17. I've heard about the new Namalsk map or however you spell, and I decided to try it out. Unfortunately, DayZ commander isn't agreeing with me, and it glitches when I try to download it. Where can I find a safe download? (and no, sixlauncher won't work.)
  18. Rocket said that user-created maps could be used in standalone. Maybe, if it's good, you'll get it featured there.
  19. There's your problem. You're looking for balance in a game that shouldn't be balanced.
  20. colekern

    Factions/PVP and Zombies

    The beautiful thing about DayZ is that we're free from those systems. That, and it wouldn't make a whole lot of sense to for a man to secretly murder someone then suddenly everyone knows that he's a bad guy. It'd be like oblivion's crime system. Horrible. Without a system in play, it's completely up to the humans to figure how he was killed and what to do after that. It's a whole lot more interesting and dynamic.
  21. colekern

    Factions/PVP and Zombies

    I think players should make their own factions. I don't think there should be any faction mechanics.
  22. My friend doesn't have a computer powerful enough to run DayZ, so when he comes over I let him play it. Anyways, long story short, he searched for a private hive for a long time. He never found a good one. Anyways, I've come here looking for help. What I need. A good private hive with decent hack prevention. The server's I.P. address. Preferably an incorrect time-zone. I have to play at night most of the time, so if a server keeps up with my time, it will always be night. My friend hates DayZ night. Preferably a server close to Arkansas that doesn't kick for ping over 250 (350-400 ping should be okay though. My internet isn't high-speed. And, most importantly... no side-chat. Thanks you guys.
  23. colekern

    Again ...

    I smply asked to be moved back and it worked. Create a new thread or contact an admin and give them your character ID.