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Everything posted by colekern

  1. colekern

    Will this computer run DayZ standalone?

    SSD's aren't necessary. It really just decreases load times. I would recommend holding off on it for your first build, but I'd recommend one down the line.
  2. colekern

    I have a complaint.

    Dear lord guys, enough with the "IT'S ALPHEWRWRRR!!!!!1!" crap. He knows, you know, we know, your grandma knows. Just shut up, it's feedback, Alphas are supposed to get feed back.
  3. colekern

    Will this computer run DayZ standalone?

    Just no, those aren't even close to the recommended specs. You can run with a $500-$600 custom built computer on medium-high, you don't need a stupidly expensive rig to do so.
  4. colekern

    Will this computer run DayZ standalone?

    Check out the 'can I run it' thread in new player discussion. Also, yes, it will run it if the specs shown below are the correct ones. However, I would highly recommend custom building. This isn't the greatest value for the money, and building a PC isn't that hard, especially with places like reddit's buildmeapc sub section and forums like Tom's hardware. I could also give you some basic advice on how to get started. PM me if you have any interest in that. An SSD is not necessary, however they are nice to have. Mostly, they just decrease load times.
  5. Okay, no. Not true in any case. As for the suggestion, again, no. The M4 was designed to be kind of a 'base' weapon. If they can make an M4, with all the attachments and customization of the real thing, they can use the same system they built the M4 as a base for more weapons. Second, the m4 is kind of a placeholder. They'll always be in the game, but they'll be made much rarer down the line. You know, once the devs actually have some time to put more extremely detailed weapons in. Right now, there are five guns, and that's it. Once there are more civilian guns and russian guns, then they'll be made rarer, for now, they need to stay the way they are.
  6. colekern

    I have a complaint.

    You're doing it wrong. First, don't crank up your gamma. Second, don't just eat until the hunger indicator is gone. Eat until it says you're full.
  7. colekern

    My dayz so far

    Good story, welcome to the forums. Glad to see you like the game. Definitely adrenaline. Player encounter always scare the crap and get adrenaline pumping for new and old players alike.
  8. colekern

    Global Ban already on CD

    If you really are innocent, follow the instructions here. Are you sure you didn't have any hacks running in the background when you launched, or a DayZ "optimizer" or something similar? Perhaps cheat engine? Were you banned on Arma 3? Arma 3 bans carry over into DayZ.
  9. colekern

    What is wrong with my game?

    Well I've never seen that before. Um... try verify your game content through steam. Edit: Also adjust gamma.
  10. colekern

    NOT just another skills post.

    I... I actually like this idea. This actually seems really cool. It would be a great way to encourage interaction too.
  11. colekern

    Hackers Teleporting Me

    Your right, you paid $30 to help test a game. But honestly, there's nothing you can do. You character is lost.
  12. colekern

    PvE servers

    There's not supposed to be any PVE servers.
  13. colekern

    Can I carry 2 guns

    I think there's a way to do it. Try shouldering your current gun, then right click on the gun you want and press "take into hands".
  14. colekern

    Character Screenshots!

    I would have matching camo, but my character decided to spawn without pants one day, so I had to settle for those. Also, I'm really considering ditching the camo look altogether and getting something more unique.
  15. colekern

    Anti aircraft weapons

    Sounds cool, but what's it for?
  16. colekern

    Miles or Kilometers?

  17. colekern

    Bad looking Grass and trees

    The only thing I can think of is try turning Antialaising transparency on in Nvidia control panel. If that doesn't work, I don't think there's a fix.
  18. colekern

    Bad looking Grass and trees

    Yes, but those artifacts he's getting aren't normal.
  19. colekern

    Bad looking Grass and trees

    Well that's good, let me look around in my driver settings...
  20. colekern

    Bad looking Grass and trees

    UURRGH. Okay. Did you try disabling it altogether? Also, what's your graphics card?
  21. colekern

    Bad looking Grass and trees

    FXAA!!! Turn off FXAA and try SMAA. I noticed the same type of stuff with FXAA enabled on my 1080p monitor. If that doesn't work, try disabling edge smoothing.
  22. colekern

    How do I take a screen shot

    Just press F12, and it will save to Steam. You can get the picture or upload it from there.
  23. colekern

    Bad looking Grass and trees

    Turn off post-processing. EDIT: Take Bonesnaps advice and post a screen shot. Just press F12 in-game to to take one.
  24. colekern

    Bleeding and no badages

    Basically this, these are awesome tips. One thing to add is to eat to eat even when there's no hunger status in the inventory.