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Everything posted by colekern

  1. colekern

    More Realism(Stamina, Breath)

    A stamina system already exist. If you sprint for a long time, you slow down, allowing zombies to catch up. If you try to aim after a lot of running in DayZ, your aim is super inaccurate.
  2. Can we graveyard this already?
  3. colekern

    game achievements?

    No. Make your own goals. It's better that way. No one has to worry about achievements.
  4. colekern

    My ideas for plausible NPC survivors.

    No. DayZ is unique because every encounter with a human is an actual player who thinks reasons a lot like. DayZ would lose it's charm if we added human AI.
  5. No Non-zombie Npc's is DayZ. Ever.
  6. colekern

    First impressions

    Look up some tutorial videos and get familiar with the map(http://dayzmap.com/). Once you do, head to the bolota airfield and get some military gear from the barracks. Go find a player. Let the adrenaline rush of DayZ commence.
  7. colekern


    You must be new here. Nothing can be done about the hacking until standalone.
  8. colekern

    dumb nooby question..

    Did you actually install DayZ through Commander?
  9. colekern

    New Items When Spawning?

    You accidently joined a private hive. My advice: Find a private hive on DayZ commander and favorite it. Problem solved.
  10. colekern

    Bring back Side Chat

    Standalone will fix that hopefully.
  11. I think suggesting weaponry or vehicles is kind of useless. It's not that I don't think they should add more guns, (they should) it's just that suggesting new systems or revisions would get more done.
  12. I've had that happen before.
  13. colekern

    Image editing software (anyone know?)

    I used Paint.net for a while, but I'd go with these guys suggestions.
  14. colekern

    Have you Mistook an Animal for a Zombie?

    Rabbits scare the crap out of me because it's a favorite for hackers. Other than that, no. Bushes, on the other hand, I have mistaken for players.
  15. colekern

    Bring back Side Chat

    I don't like side chat. In fact, whenever a server has side chat on, I leave. Why? Because I think it's immersion breaking. It removes that feeling loneliness you get.
  16. colekern

    I don't understand?

    A really good ping is below 100. However, my internet sucks, so I normally have about 200-300. Still easily playable because of the way DayZ works.
  17. colekern

    Abandoned Camp Sites

    I don't really like randomly generated camps or heli-crashes. But randomized stuff is gonna be in the game, this should definitely be implemented. Well done, sir.
  18. Also, are you using DayZ commander, SixLauncher, or a manual install (which would be impressive for a new guy.)?
  19. Also, try reinstalling BattlEye.
  20. Have you updated your video card drivers lately?
  21. Now I see where you're coming from. My bad. Can't wait to see the mods approve this.
  22. colekern

    I suggest the dev's play War Z...

    I suggest we graveyard this post. Why? Rocket has stated multiple times that he hates the animosity between DayZ and WarZ players.
  23. Rocket has talked about making fuel rarer and vehicles more common. It's not confirmed but he said it seemed like an interesting idea.
  24. You didn't know DayZ had hacking?
  25. They've made a zombie lifecycle. Older zombies will walk slower but be tougher, newer zombies will move faster.