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Everything posted by colekern

  1. colekern

    Did something with the lighting change ?

    I've had my settings get reset after a patch before. You might wanna check your settings, specifically cloud settings.
  2. Cool? It's an alpha, what did you expect? Don't spam the forums with useless topics. If you have a bug report, post it on the feedback tracker. Don't make a post just to whine. If you don't want to play a buggy game, wait until DayZ hits 1.0. Until then, deal with the bugs.
  3. The map is actually bigger.
  4. colekern


    Rain is already in, nothing confirmed about snow though.
  5. colekern

    The character models in DayZ SA aren't attrative

    They've already modified the engine quite a bit, I don't see why they couldn't modify it more.
  6. colekern

    Game isn't starting

    Verify your game cache files.
  7. colekern

    Char Selection / Allow multiple Chars

    Just join a hardcore server, a new character will be created. Keep in mind that hardcore is 1st person only. Also, you could play on the experimental servers. Just allow betas on DayZ in steam, and join the experimental server.
  8. Just shut up. Now OP, the only thing you can really do is post this in the feedback tracker. Hopefully, they'll patch this up pretty soon.
  9. colekern

    Teaching friends basics

    PVE servers are against the rules, I believe. They're not supposed to exist.
  10. colekern

    Got a Loot Farming Server shut down :D

    Nice one! It's always annoying seeing those servers up.
  11. colekern

    Char not saving?

    Report it to the bug tracker, and make sure that you didn't join a hardcore server by mistake.
  12. colekern

    How fast should my internet be?

    My connection is unbelievably bad, 250kb down speed on a good day and 100-200, and the game is okay for me.
  13. colekern

    I cant play with my brother !?

    What's your ping?
  14. colekern

    Defibrillators and their uselessness

    Defibrillators shouldn't revive people from the dead. In real life, a defib just fixes an irregular heartbeat, it doesn't magically heal you. However, I also don't think that they should revive unconscious players. You're just shocking them, after all.
  15. colekern

    No zombies, no loot

    Your game should auto update, as for loot and zombies, neither of those respawn until server restart yet. Most likely, all the coastal towns were looted already. Head inland to find some actual loot.
  16. colekern

    AA bug textures ?

    Do you have FXAA on? Try disabling it if so. Same with SMAA. Also, make sure Atoc is on.
  17. colekern


    Most people in America only own Bolt action rifles, semi-auto pistols, and pump action shotguns. But I see what you're saying.
  18. colekern


    I don't know... on one hand, it could facilitate gameplay, but on the other, I'd hate to see every survivor achievement hunting.
  19. colekern


    None of those guns are really used in Russia. I think a larger variety of weapons is needed, but household items and melee weapons come first.
  20. colekern

    Rapid Drawing

    That's actually a pretty cool idea. Edit- Some artwork I found a while back depicting the idea: Source
  21. colekern

    Ingame mobile phone using steam voice chat

    To be fair, in Contagion, the outbreak was just starting. The electricity hadn't even gone out yet.
  22. colekern

    Zombie children,Dismemberment,Burns/Scars

    Definitely like this one. Again yes. It's a nice idea, but no. This would probably get it banned in Australia, which would cut off a very large part of the community.
  23. colekern

    TAVOR TAR-21 Rifle [Poll inside]

    I don't think so. It's a sweet gun, but it's more of an Israeli rifle, so I don't see what it would be doing in DayZ. If were talking about weapons foreign to Chernaurus, wouldn't make a bit more sense to have something from a slightly closer area, like maybe the UK?