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Everything posted by colekern

  1. colekern

    The SHovel needs to do more damage

    Agreed, but keep in mind that having the art team make different colored variants of gear doesn't slow down programmers. As for the suggestion, yes. I'm pretty sure melee is mostly just a placeholder for now.
  2. colekern

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    He posted the specs. He can run it, albeit not smoothly.
  3. colekern

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    I have a friend that has similar specs, and he can run it. Expect to run the game in medium/low settings in 720p or 900p. You should get an average of around 35-45 fps in forests, and 20 in large towns (30 FPS in generally considered the minimum standard, it's what a lot of Xbox 360/PS3 games run in). Not smooth, but playable. As for upgrades, that's sadly not how it works. Upgrading generally refers to replacing hardware. Hardware is the internal parts of your computer. for example, if my processor is weak, I can buy a new one and replace it. Unfortunately, you can't upgrade a laptop. If you have any questions about in-game settings, shoot me a PM. I'd be happy to help.
  4. colekern

    Not a soul at NWAF on 3 servers...

    Same thing for me, few days ago on a full server, me and a group of guys looted the airfield for 4 hours straight because the server restarted so often. Not another soul in sight.
  5. colekern

    Machetes? or a large kitchen knife?

    Yes, there was discussion about how ridiculously underpowered between the devs. It's a known issue, should probably be fixed soon.
  6. colekern

    DayZ with an Xbox controller

    Have you tried turning off mouse smoothing in the controls menu?
  7. colekern

    What does server reset every 2 hours mean?

    It means only the server restarts to avoid stability issues and respawn loot. Your character is safe.
  8. colekern


    Zombies spawn on server restart, you can't use them to locate players.
  9. colekern

    New build, will this do?

    Input lag doesn't come from poor performance, it comes from the fact that dayZ has forced negative mouse acceleration right now. Once that's gone, then there will be no input lag. But yes, that rig is a great rig. You won't have any issues with framerates except in large towns, because, you know, alpha. For now, have you tried disabling mouse smoothing in the options?
  10. colekern

    DayZ with an Xbox controller

    Good job, you have my beans. I'm not a big fan of controllers but I'll probably hook one up when vehicles get in-game. Thanks man.
  11. colekern

    Can you treat the axes with a little more respect?

    I like it, but I think it can wait for now. Hopefully, we'll get entirely re-vamped melee weapons later in the alpha (Hopefully with the ability to go right-handed.)
  12. colekern

    Scope realism

    I agree, That would be pretty awesome. It's not really a big deal right now, though it would be nice later down the road.
  13. All that needs to be said.
  14. A server owner can't reset characters, except in the mod.
  15. colekern

    DayZ SA is already becoming too damn easy

    I agree, but it is alpha, and we're testers basicallt. Loot can't be too scarce, otherwise we could never get around to testing it.
  16. It's WIP system, there's already a lot of talk from Dean about how the system is a bit overdone.
  17. colekern

    <<<< Zombie Improvements. >>>>

    Those are the only two I like. Firstly, headshots only makes no sense because DayZ zombies are living infected, think 28 days later style. Plus, the mouse acceleration in the game right now would make that quite a chore. As for infection, again, no. The survivors are immune, although this could change in the future. As for faster zombies, no. I think we need more zombies. The only reason there aren't more zombies already is because they don't respawn, and they're having to cut them back a bit while they optimize the servers. Making more zombies, in my opinion, is better than fast zombies. Zombies were faster than you in the mod, and they weren't dangerous; they just looked cheap, and were annoying. There's some good suggestions here, but they're only good for other games. DayZ has a bunch of reasons why this stuff wouldn't work.
  18. colekern

    Standalone Mac Release

    Maybe in the future. At the earliest, it would be around 2 to 2 1/2 years, since the Standalone will be moving into beta in one year, and it will probably take a bit to reach full release, then that's even mentioning the porting process.
  19. colekern

    "Useless Items" - an authentic world

    I'd definitely like to see that. I think the main reason that isn't in yet is because loot only spawns at a server restart, and they're trying to make sure everybody gets some good loot.
  20. colekern

    I cant play!

    Do you have any containers within containers? Such as a medkit in a carrying case? That caused the issue for me, and dropping that was the only thing that fixed it.
  21. colekern

    i have big performance probs with new patch

    It is a known issue, and is being worked on. It's a glitch called memory leak
  22. colekern

    Character reset..

    You could have accidently joined a hardcore server
  23. colekern

    Healing status

    Eat and drink a lot. Basically, any food you find, eat it. Find a water fountain and drink from it 10-20 times. Once you are well fed and hydrated, your blood should start to be restored. Eventually, you should reach the healing and healthy status.
  24. Server FPS is basically server-side calculations per second, and it has no effect on the client. Server performance is the main priority on DayZ right now as poor server optimization is the reason why there are so few zombies. Client optimization will come in the future, in fact they've already talked to Nvidia and Intel (I think) about what could be done to optimize the client.
  25. colekern

    Freeze of Dayz after the new patch.

    Yep, it seems to be a pretty common issue. I'd stay out of Chernaurus until it gets fixed.