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Everything posted by colekern

  1. colekern

    My First DayZ Kill.

    My first kill was in panic. I had just found my first full-auto weapon (AKM). I was low on blood too. I was looting a hangar when a bandit ran around the corner. He was armed, but he backed off and got some cover. For the next 2 minutes, me and him just kind of peeked at each other back and forth. All of the sudden, a guy in a zombie skin ran into the hangar. He was unarmed. Suddenly, he dropped. The bandit thought he was a zombie. Then, a newspawn ran out onto the runway with the mother of all zombie hordes behind her. I fired a few shots at the horde, and eventually decided to go after her. Right then, the bandit started shooting at the zombies. But, in the heat of the moment, I thought he was shooting at me. I fired back, and the zombies finished. I died trying to protect the newspawns a few minutes later.
  2. colekern

    DAYZ STANDALONE - Doodle Rant #2

    I don't agree with all the ideas, but I LOVE the first one. You need to post it on the DayZ subreddit.
  3. colekern

    Virtual monitors. Frustrated and slightly desperate.

    Run a game on windowed mode.
  4. colekern

    Poll: Actually playing DayZ

    I still play, but I play DayZero instead of vanilla.
  5. colekern

    I need help

    Try running steam as admin, then running the game.
  6. colekern


    It isn't even released yet. But, when it is released, the devs are interested in porting it.... to the PS4
  7. colekern

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    Minecraft had basic functionality. Currently, you can't even play DayZ without crashing.
  8. It'll run at about 60 fps outside towns.
  9. http://joystickjunkies.com/dayz/dayz-road-to-cherno-black-t-shirt.html
  10. colekern

    Day Z Wallpapers

    Try adding "showcinemaborder=false" or "showcinemaborder false" to a trigger to get rid of the black lines.
  11. Have you guys tried posting on the DayZ subreddit?
  12. colekern

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    That was really clever. Nice one.
  13. colekern

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    The server client architecture has been working for a while. I'm not really sure how you could possibly expect tons of new content with a small team in less than a year. Yeah, the sa hasn't even been in development for a year. Most games take longer to do what the DayZ devs have done with a large team and a much larger budget.
  14. colekern

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    The server client architecture has been working for a while. I'm not really sure how you could possibly expect tons of new content with a small team in less than a year. Yeah, the sa hasn't even been in development for a year. Most games take longer to do what the DayZ devs have done with a large team and a much larger budget.
  15. colekern

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    My gosh, you are never happy. Seriously, change your profile pic to grumpy cat or something.
  16. colekern

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    Actually, they were going to add transition animations, but that would have made movement and shooting not clunky. Please tell me you're joking.
  17. colekern

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

  18. Quite frankly, these threads are a dime a dozen nowadays. Pretty much everyone here cares about DayZs future as much as you do, but there's really not much we can do for now.
  19. colekern

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    Severely doubt it.
  20. colekern

    DayZ zombies running inside

    You have to wait for an animation to play. After the animationm you'll stop bleeding. It's a pretty long animation by the way.
  21. colekern

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    I hate to be that guy, but..... seriously, buy a tripod for that camera.
  22. colekern

    Any hardcore servers?

    BMRF DayZero servers.
  23. colekern

    Odd framerates, even at ultra low.

    Hey man, what's your framerate in default Arma 2?