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Everything posted by colekern

  1. colekern

    the anti-KoS machine gun

    I need that
  2. colekern


    That's definitely a hardware problem, your card is too hot. My specs aren't as good as yours, and mine runs just fine. You need to keep your card cooler.
  3. I had one character that I played with for a few months before he was ended by a hacker. I think he was around for about 285 days, if I remember right, but of course I didn't play all of those.
  4. colekern

    Logged in, stuff's gone

    Were the zombies around when you logged?
  5. colekern

    How to deceive people in DayZ.

    That was fantastic. What ended up happening?
  6. colekern

    After you die

    Oh gosh, there were multiple ones? And if marriage doesn't do it for you, the legendary wall climbing machetes ought to do it.
  7. colekern

    After you die

    Not even remotely close. Remember the marriage suggestion?
  8. colekern

    Will this custom pc be able to run DayZ?

    Got an HD TV? Use that if so. Also, have you thought about getting the 2500k instead of the 2500? You can overclock the 2500k.
  9. colekern

    Remove "vicinity" item grabbing

    No. I kind of see 'vicinity' as feeling around with your hands.
  10. colekern

    Am I able to delete posts I've made?

    Unfortunately, no.
  11. colekern

    I know this is kinda weird but...

    This is so far out left field it's not even funny it just might work.
  12. colekern

    DayZ Live Action Short Film - Lost and Forgotten

    Great video! The camerawork was nice, the scenery was great. The acting was what I'd expect from a low-budget short film. However, a good mic would've made the video better, or some sound effects. It was very quiet, unusually so. Other that, it was pretty great!
  13. colekern

    Feeling bad after first kos

    It's normal, and one of my favorite parts about the game. I've always been a friendly player, but there have been times where I've felt bad for a kill that could have been avoided or I could've accidently gotten the wrong guy.
  14. colekern

    Ugly graphic even with Very High. How to fix?

    Alpha to Coverage. Basically, it's an anti-aliasing effect that smooths complex objects and textures such as grass or tree foliage.
  15. colekern


    Where can I get a source? If co-op were added, I would've at least seen one or two articles. I honestly don't think you're talking about State of Decay. EDIT: Just saw your other post. I looked on their website at the news, and still saw nothing about multiplayer. Can you please link me to the source?
  16. colekern


    When was this announced? And can I get a source? Last I heard it just wasn't feasible.
  17. colekern


    State of Decay does not have multiplayer.
  18. colekern


    That's not really DayZ. That's a completely different game. DayZ is special because it wasn't the norm. It didn't follow conventional rules and as a result stories were bred from. Stories of survival, betrayal, tragedy, victory, loss, and human interaction. Human nature made the game what it was. To remove human nature would be to destroy DayZ. If you want a different game, go play a different game. but PvP will always be a part of DayZ, and that's not a problem: that's the defining feature.
  19. colekern

    Why is DayZ Standalone not for the Mac

    Because converting to Mac is a very difficult process. You'd essentially have to make two different versions alongside each other- one with DirectX and one without DirectX. It'd be easier (as in, actually feasible) to develop the PC version- what the engine is designed for- then make the Mac version once 1.0.0 releases.
  20. colekern

    Using burlap sac as container

    Grab some duct tape and you can make a backpack out of it. EDIT: Facepalm. It's burlap sack and rope.
  21. The hundreds of crazy people who wear payday masks and KOS.
  22. colekern

    Okay ummm

    Wait you typed this while getting shot?
  23. colekern

    .50 Cal Muzzleloaders

    I support this idea.
  24. colekern

    .50 Cal Muzzleloaders

    I like the idea. I've shot a few .50 cal muzzleloaders and they feel about like a twelve gauge, not much kick. But the loading time is sloooooow and you have to clean it pretty often. Seems like a good idea.
  25. colekern

    Error message please help

    Is this what you're seeing? By the way, you probably won't see this exactly when you open DayZ's properties, just something similar. It's just that Starbound is the only game I have installed on my computer.