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Everything posted by colekern

  1. colekern

    New player here!

    I copied this from another thread I posted in. It tells you how to play.
  2. colekern

    How Do I Actually Get DayZ?

    Follow those instructions precisely.
  3. colekern

    How Do I Actually Get DayZ?

    1. Buy Arma 2 Combined Operations from Steam. 2. Download and install both included games.. 3. Run Arma 2 and Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead once to finish installation. 4. Download and install DayZ Commander. 5. Run DayZ Commander. 6. Download and install DayZ from the versions tab. 7. Find a server. 8. Double click on it to play.
  4. colekern

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    The foundation DayZ mod was built upon was flawed. The developers decided to take a risk and focus on the foundation before anything else (the client-server architecture). Redoing the very foundation the game is built upon is a huge risk that most developers with much, much larger teams won't even risk. Sure, they could have focused on new features, but down the road, the engine would have limited them. That's the reason for the delays. They're planning for the future, and turning DayZ into the game it should be. They're fixing the fundamental problems the mod has.
  5. colekern

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Bohemia Interactive has more than just one game as of now, in fact there are three in active development. They don't have unlimited resources, so they're having to find a balance. Also, those tweets are just the things that Rocket himself is doing. There are other programmers and such doing lots of stuff who don't bother to tweet about it.
  6. colekern

    How good of a PC do I need?

    Hey I can help with that I think. Send me a PM.
  7. colekern

    Lag spikes unplayable

    What do you get in Arma 2 singleplayer?
  8. colekern

    Dean Hall @ Pax Prime

    How common will encounters with zombies be? Will it be like it is now where zombie encounters are guaranteed in every town, or will they be a bit more rare?
  9. There's not a whole you could do to make it better. The only thing I can think of is shoving a GTX Titan or 780 or a HD 7990 or 7990 in there. Really, that Ross pretty good.
  10. colekern

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    Something tells me that there are certain things that have to be in place when it comes to the engine (specifically, the netcode) before serious work on zombies can begin. But, unfortunately, I'm doubting that every programmer specializes in working on game engines. My guess is that rocket is trying to knock out two birds with one stone by getting programmers who don't really know how to modify an engine to work on other features like radios and creating. That's just my guess, and it could be wrong.
  11. colekern

    Admin threat

    Both sides of this argument were dumb. The OP murdered sometime on what was clearly a no PvP server, and got the appropriate ban. But, then, the server admin took to calling the OP a child and even took legal action against a YouTube video. It really is just dumb what this turned into to.
  12. colekern

    If you could suicide bomb (in DayZ)

    Perhaps you should make a custom suicide helicopter.
  13. Wow, really? Don't be that guy who downs everything.
  14. colekern

    first person server option

    Try BMRF DayZero servers.
  15. colekern

    Lag on high end PC

    Okay, it's definitely the server.
  16. colekern

    Are there still a lot of hackers?

    If you join a whitelisted private hive, no. I haven't run into a hacker in months. I'd recommend joining musty gaming or BMRF.
  17. colekern

    Lag on high end PC

    Also, what do you get on vanilla singleplayer Arma 2?
  18. colekern

    Lag on high end PC

    Try turning your settings up.
  19. colekern

    Rolling up your sleeves

    But they would have to make two models of each shirt. Maybe later down the road, but I don't see it being important as of now.
  20. colekern

    really laggy on good computer?

    The 330m is, well, pretty bad.
  21. Why did you choose today, out of all days, goo0gle? I'm going out of town today!
  22. colekern

    Best Antivirus ?

    AVG. I'll never use anything else.
  23. colekern

    A zombie idea

    I don't think the server, nor any computer could handle enough slow zombies for them to be dangerous.
  24. colekern

    One life per day idea.

    Heck no.