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Everything posted by colekern

  1. colekern

    No surrender

    I still don't understand your point. I don't know about you, but surrendering whenever you're outnumbered and outgunned seems smart.
  2. colekern

    1.8 Makes Melee Nearly Pointless

    Zombies are controlled client-side, ping has nothing to do with it.
  3. colekern

    DayZ Standalone... ...Let's Talk.

    You're definitely not helping either way.
  4. colekern

    DayZ Standalone... ...Let's Talk.

    They haven't even shown the AK in-game in the standalone as far as I remember. Edit: I'm retarded.
  5. colekern

    DayZ Standalone... ...Let's Talk.

    No, there's been one confirmed release date, everything else was either speculation and wild guesses from Rocket or misquotes on gaming websites.
  6. colekern

    I'm screwed

  7. colekern

    US 1154 Cheater Report

    Is this a private or public hive?
  8. colekern

    I got killed and then banned

    Contrary to popular belief, false bans do happen. If you really were falsely banned, talk to Battleye like Chabowksi said. As of now, DayZ is just a mod, and has nothing to do with global bans.
  9. Here, have some beans.
  10. If I remember correctly, this is not a bug. It was added by R4ZWHTAEVERHISNAMEIS to give players a chance to survive a zombie knocking them out.
  11. colekern


    Yes, it would.
  12. colekern


    I was thinking of the running animations.
  13. colekern


    I don't think it's possible.
  14. colekern

    Item damage in Dayz SA looks dumb...

    The system is just beginning to be implemented right now, they're going to have to do some tweaking obviously, that's why the game is labeled pre-alpha.
  15. colekern

    [Suggestion] Optional anti-theft system

    I don't really think it fits vanilla DayZ, but I'm sure a mod could add it.
  16. colekern

    Fix the Dang Zombie Damage and AI already

    They can't fix the AI simply because you can't add custom AI to Arma 2. The current zombies are literally re-skinned soldiers that use a mission file to try and make them run towards you. Unfortunately, you can only do so much with a mission file.
  17. colekern

    Won't be gaiming for a week or two :(

    I don't know, I had that same problem caused by a bad processor....
  18. colekern

    New DayZ Machinema Series, FOURMZ

    Can't wait to see this!
  19. colekern

    why do you trust strangers, WHY!!!!

    Sorry, I didn't want to add that to a post that was in reply to a different member. Should I edit it?
  20. colekern

    why do you trust strangers, WHY!!!!

    So, you just kind of ran around the coast killing freshspawns? That's kind of pathetic.
  21. colekern

    why do you trust strangers, WHY!!!!

    Use the edit button.
  22. colekern

    DayZ AllStars! (comic)

    Nice one fraggle, made me crack up.
  23. colekern

    Some Q's

    Personally, I'm a hero. As for will you run it, yes, that will run it just fine.
  24. colekern

    Menu + Freinds list

    If I remember correctly (dont take my word on it), they will be using the steam server browser.