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Everything posted by colekern

  1. colekern

    Please help me

    I hope you mean buy. We don't take kindly to pirates here. But really, do some google searching on the topic. DayZ is a modification (a modification is a free, user-made content pack designed to change the original game in some way) of a military simulator-ish game called Arma 2 Combined Operations, which you can buy off of Steam. DayZ mod is completely free, Arma 2 isn't. DayZ is currently being made into a new, actual, improved game. It is expected to release in a an unfinished form (called an alpha) at a reduced price sometime in the next year (there's no release date yet). For more info, just ask.
  2. colekern

    "Slow" crawling doesn't work?

    It works off and on.
  3. colekern

    Less ammo = more KOS

    Yeah, because everyone thinks like you. If any of you guys have seen me on the DayZ forums before you'll know that I'm a pretty laid back guy. But Ozelot, you seriously piss me off. You come on the DayZ forums with the biggest ego I've ever seen and treat everyone who says anything that you don't agree with like crap. You think that the only people here who are smart are those that think exactly like you. You are the biggest, most worthless piece of crap on this forum I have ever seen.You post a thread that's supposed to be a discussion and then bash anyone that doesn't agree with you. You treat everyone else like a complete idiot, and completely ignore the fact that maybe, just maybe you might be wrong. Exhibit A. We've given you tons of reasons why it could work yet no matter what you completely ignore every point that's made. You're blinded by your massive ego. Take a look at what you say for two seconds and try to apply that to yourself. You constantly complain about KOS and make "discussions" (which are horribly one-sided) about the topic yet you haven't even given one good way to reduce KOS. You're more worthless than Gooogle, because at the very least he had suggestions. So shut. your. mouth.
  4. Turn off post-processing and anti-aliasing. Then, play around with the resolution. I'll post some more fixes later but I've really gotta to go.
  5. This came from a #DayZdaily post from Dean on twitter, by the way.
  6. I made this a while back, but I think it hits the basic idea:
  7. colekern

    Screen goes weird??

    It's called artifacting, haven't heard of that issue since way back in like, 1.5. Google "DayZ artifacting fix".
  8. colekern

    What Do You Want to see Dayz SA?

    Just... no. You've completely missed what DayZ is.
  9. colekern

    Idea To Reserve Space.

    Perhaps for most weapons a tool-kit would be needed?
  10. colekern

    Slots for a t-shirt?

    You have a very good point.
  11. colekern

    what have you done with a RPG in dayz

    I launched a zombie into orbit.
  12. colekern


    To use the hop, vault while you have a primary weapon equipped.
  13. They've estimated it will be on-par with Arma 2 singleplayer due to fewer CPU calculations.
  14. colekern

    Inventory question/suggestion.

    Just don't put your machete there and you should be good.
  15. colekern

    What's with the DMR / SVD?

    Man, I really wish R4Zh0w3veryouspel1it would stop "balancing" the game.
  16. colekern

    Lets go back to the classics...

    To be fair, 1000 vehicles in a small country is kind of realistic. But I definitely see your point and agree with it.
  17. colekern

    I have done a bad thing.

    You can show yourself out if you wanna talk like that.
  18. colekern

    Computer For Under £1000 For DayZ?

    If you'll send me a private message, I could help you with the entire build.
  19. colekern

    Please... Help....

    Delete @dayZ from your Arma 2:OA folder. Reinstall it. Make sure your playing the correct version of DayZ.
  20. colekern

    Ban~ Brothers Fault.

    Seriously, how did you miss that? You had to see it to post an appeal! We don't handle global bans, for the love. There are two stickied threads just to tell you that. DayZ is just a free, unofficial mod. Contact Battleye. We're just supposed to take your word for it? There's a reason we DON'T do that. Lessons you can learn from this thread: 1. FOR THE LOVE, READ THE STICKIES PEOPLE. 2. Don't hack in ANY game. 3. Don't trust brothers.
  21. Pssst Post this on the DayZ subreddit, you might get more replies.
  22. The title was brilliant. Hats off to you sir. But sadly, I'm too young, and I've had over a year of experience. But, I wish you the best, and hope you do complete your noobtet.
  23. You do realize this is an unofficial mod of a game right? And you don't think you should have to buy a game to play a game? What?
  24. colekern

    What is going on??

    It might be a good idea to find a more well-moderated server.
  25. colekern

    Musty Epoch Cinemantic

    ...I might need to try this.