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Everything posted by colekern

  1. colekern


    As if it were that simple. I wish it were. But, on the bright side, they're planning on adding true multicore support for the servers, which do most of the CPU stuff in the Standalone. Who knows? Maybe down the line, the devs will tear out some bad code and add true multicore support. But until then, it's too much work to delay the alpha for.
  2. colekern

    Day Z Wallpapers

    P.Y.T His real name is Thomas Jake Ross. Forum profile: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/user/17869-pyt/ Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWrXzFbWTaj54tuqDu0T5bQ
  3. There's a man bound up in the picture.
  4. colekern

    Does the gun make me a bad person?

    Many have a rule that if you have a sniper, you should have a bullet in the brain to go along with it. Most of the time, a sniper means KOS.
  5. colekern

    About the scope blur

    Most don't. I have never seen a scope with a red tint in my life, and I've seen a LOT of scopes.
  6. colekern

    Random idea about the Disease/sickness feature

    EDIT: Oopsies, double post.
  7. colekern

    Random idea about the Disease/sickness feature

    That's actually a really good idea. Beans to you.
  8. The 750 M is kinds of low-end, but everything else is good. In the future, use this thread: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/146536-can-i-run-dayz-post-here/ Also, check out some of the pinned posts lying around. they'll get you up to speed on the rules here.
  9. colekern

    About the scope blur

    Military scopes, yes. I don't see a whole lot of anti-glare scope set ups on hunting guns.
  10. If he had a valid point he'd be fine. But literally, every post this guys makes is just complaining. Heck, I even think it would be better if Dean turned down the motion blur, but it's just ridiculous to whine about it.
  11. colekern

    DAYZ sa maps

    Not at first, but eventually there will be. Once hacking gets locked down good enough, then they'll allow it.
  12. colekern

    Some various ideas & suggestions for Standalone

    Maybe, but I kind of like the idea of Utes being secluded. I like this, nice idea. As far as I know, the military tends not to disassemble weapons unles they're being cleaned. Not a big fan of this idea. Maybe only certain guns would be disassembled, and all the parts would be on that military base, you just have to look for them? That doesn't exactly work with scopes. It's already really unrealistic that scopes are instantly zeroed in for your gun when you attach them, I think it would be laughable to duct tape a scope to it. I like the bayonet though. I'm not a big fan of it being forced. Maybe we could just get more meat if we hang it up?
  13. Oh my gosh, you are the whiniest person I've ever seen.
  14. Perhaps there could be a laser-sighting kit that spawns at military locations? Or maybe there could just a be a a single button to zero your gun after firing a few shots.
  15. colekern

    New DayZStats System

    This is pretty awesome R4ZOR49, well done.
  16. One of the things I'm kind of curious about is about base building. Are you still planning to make bases underground(that is, if you make bases possible in the first place), or would the network bubble allow above ground bases?
  17. colekern

    Quick update for 4 December 2013

    Because it isn't playable yet.
  18. colekern

    Quick update for 4 December 2013

    Way to ignore every other point I made, but since you wanted to focus on a single fact, I will too. Here's some proof. Enjoy: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147533-Low-CPU-utilization-amp-Low-FPS http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=716
  19. colekern

    Quick update for 4 December 2013

    I say that because they didn't even do half of what the DayZ developers have done. Arma 3 still runs on an outdated netcode, barely uses your CPU and GPU, and has AI that eat performance like crazy. And ALL of that has been redone in DayZ standalone.
  20. colekern

    Quick update for 4 December 2013

    It's because with Arma 3, optimization wasn't really a goal, especially considering it has DX11. Optimization has been one the central pillars for DayZ. It's partially why they made the new netcode. It's why they re-did zombies entirely. It's why they added the network bubble. Considering they re-did most of the engine, yes, it is a very short time.
  21. That was really great, I normally don't read walls of text but i'm gad I did this time.
  22. colekern

    Is it just me

    EDIT- Perhaps this quote from a reddit post rocket made will explain it a bit better:
  23. Maybe that's because it's in pre-alpha.
  24. Because then they have to set up the vectors for the attachment system, then they have to make it so that you actually hold the gun right, holster the gun right, reload correclty, program the damage, capacity, range, etc., which takes more time than a model that only needs one or two lines of code.
  25. Most of what they're doing is programming stuff right now. Since the modelers don't have much to do, why not have them make more items?