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Everything posted by colekern

  1. I will beat you down.... But in all seriousness, I'm still trying to find a camo shirt to replace my hoodie, after that he'll look better.
  2. colekern

    Low on blood need blood help, Bland colors

    I figured out how it works today. You need a lot of food, I mean, a LOT. It took me about 5 cans of sardines and beans, two boxes of cereal, half a water bottle, and half a canteen to start healing. There have been reports of people healing after eating less food though. After you eat and drink a lot, you should get a message that says 'My stomach feels stuffed'. After that, when you open your inventory, it should say 'healing' right next to your character. It should look like this:
  3. colekern


    Unfortunately, chambering a round does not work yet. You need a magazine.
  4. colekern

    Someone can flank me using other server change it

    Indeed, it is a serious problem. I would imagine they'll start trying to find a way to potentially fix it soon.
  5. colekern

    Bandit/Hero Identification

    I personally like this simple yet effective version: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/101579-perma-identity-nickname-is-permanent-nickname-as-face-cover-face-conceal-nickname/
  6. colekern

    Character wipe glitch..

    No. Report it to the feedback tracker.
  7. colekern

    "Search the forums first"

    Use the advanced the search and search for titles only.
  8. colekern

    Standalone any better off in terms of ******

    Wait. It's hardly a game yet, so unless you really want to help with development, don't buy it.
  9. I like the stance system, but I like the movement from the standalone better.
  10. colekern

    Help hacker put me in the ocean

    Is this a report for the Standalone game or the mod?
  11. colekern

    Whats with this Shoot on sight mentality?

    Rule #1. Always have the upper hand. It's not smart to run right toward an armed person. If you want to help someone, make them drop their weapons, tie them up, then give them a bag. Rushing right towards them yelling is bound to get you killed. That's going to happen sometimes. Again, always have the upper hand. Don't be dumb. Yes, he totally killed you for that reason. That's not true at all; you're a threat, even when you're unarmed. Plus, if he kept you alive, he has to share. Again, you weren't being smart; always have the upper hand. Welcome to DayZ. Enjoy your stay, and try not to die.
  12. colekern

    Please fix doors!

    I like the idea. Seems like a simple fix to an issue that's always happened in DayZ.
  13. colekern

    Glitched into wall

    You can press the vault button (v) to get out when you stand next to a wall.
  14. colekern

    Movement feels really stiff.

    I actually like it. You aren't just a floating head that has awesome spinning abilities like other games, you're actually connected to your body. There is one thing that should be changed though. When you stand still, your character turns more slowly than if you were moving.
  15. colekern

    DayZ UI / HUD Photoshoped *UPDATED*

    I like it. I'm not a big fan of the main menu, but I like the concept. Perhaps some dirt smudges here and there could work? Also, I would love to see the item slots also be transparent.
  16. colekern

    $30 full game?

    No. You buy it once in any stage, and you'll always have it.
  17. colekern

    DayZ Hacks already happening

    So apparently, parts of the new architecture are disabled for now: Quote from rocket We can't really comment in detail on out anti-hack methods as it makes them less effective. Please remember functionality for the architecture was greatly reduced for the initial launch, to both help identify the key weaknesses and ensure the server could withstand the load. This functionality will be turned on slowly over the next few weeks. Hopefully, that will close up the remaining holes found in the game that allow server-side hacks.
  18. Edit: Sorry, misunderstood. I thought you were talking about the Standalone.
  19. colekern

    Languages in dayz sa

    He was probably not sure on all the languages it is supposed to have. I'd imagine he was just making a guess.
  20. colekern

    Languages in dayz sa

    No word on it so far if I remember correctly, but they are planning on allowing community-made translations. Wow, way to be helpful. Not everyone speaks fluent English.
  21. colekern


    I didn't think you were kidding. What town was it? EDIT: Kamenka. Please slap me.
  22. Barely an engine? I will say that it isn't exactly optimized, but it can do some amazing things that just aren't possible in other game engines. Specifically, massive open worlds with fully dynamic AI, multiplayer, and enterable buldings that aren't in a seperate instance.
  23. Yes, because they totally didn't spend a few years or at least months custom-making an engine from scratch specifically for the game before they released an alpha/