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Everything posted by colekern

  1. colekern

    Everyone is suffocating! Gas masks issue.

    That makes a bit more sense.
  2. colekern

    I Love This Game

    It's not the Arma 3 engine. It's a mix of the Take on Helicopters engine, small bits The Arma 3 engine, and some custom made parts, such as the netcode and AI.
  3. colekern

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    Have some beans.
  4. colekern

    Everyone is suffocating! Gas masks issue.

    I'm not in the military, so I'm just gonna guess that it gets hard to breathe in a gasmask?
  5. colekern

    With DayZ comes other games.

    The linger has potential but it isn't there yet. I'll probably pick it up once it starts getting a bit better.
  6. colekern

    Ruined Ammo

    I don't think ruined ammo has an effect, but I do think that food has a higher chance to give you a sickness if its ruined, and clothes don't protect if they're ruined.
  7. You can't upgrade a laptop. Sorry. Besides, that processor isn't good enough either.
  8. colekern

    [SA] Less M4's please.

    Confirmed in the next patch.
  9. colekern

    Why no zombie kids?

    I'd love it, but a large part of the playerbase would no longer be able to get the game.
  10. colekern


    Yep, they explode when you whack them or shoot them a lot. Hope to see it used in combat sometime.
  11. colekern

    I found the rarest item

    Nice find, haven't gotten one of those yet. Not sure what was wrong with the other forum goers though.
  12. colekern

    Need an Antihack NOW¡¡¡¡

    Yes, because it's totally not possible that you got sniped.
  13. colekern

    Need an Antihack NOW¡¡¡¡

    If that's correct, there's your answer. Also, sorry about your character. But I honestly don't think this was hacks. Who knows? It could have been someone sniping from apartments. Those long range shots are possible.
  14. colekern

    Need an Antihack NOW¡¡¡¡

    You don't hear the gunshot that kills you. It was a legit kill.
  15. colekern

    Health regen

    I kind of have an explanation here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/157525-no-hungerthirst-statuses-does-not-mean-you-are-healing-heres-how-you-heal/?view=findpost&p=1578180
  16. colekern

    Issues with lag / command delays

    What's your ping?
  17. colekern

    Is my game hacked?

    Yes because re-doing several parts of an engine from scratch is lazy.
  18. colekern

    Minor UI gripes.

    Yes please. This is my #1.
  19. Note: This is from personal experimentation, so it could be wrong. I've seen this mistake a lot, but getting rid of the hungry/thirsty icons does NOT mean you are regenerating health. In order to actually heal, you need to get rid of the hungry and thirsty statuses. Then, keep eating. I mean it. You need to eat 5-8 more cans of beans and some water. Once you eat enough, you should get a message that says "my stomach is stuffed". Then, when you check your inventory, you should see a "healing" status next to your character where hungry/thirsty normally go, like this: That means you're healing. When you're fully healed, you should see this: So there you go. Healing de-mystified.
  20. Not really. Honestly, if you don't have an axe, use fists and aim for the face. If you hit their head, they fall over, allowing you to beat them while they're down. The fists are GODLY against zombies.
  21. colekern

    Some Ideas for Dayz

    I really like the idea of broken legs. Base building was talked about, but nothing is confirmed yet. I'd like this idea though. This was actually in the mod, and I'd really like to see them in the full game. Good suggestions, and great first post. Also, your english is fine. Welcome to the forums!
  22. colekern

    I need help. PLEASE.

    I recommend binding it to F4, as F1, F2, and F3 are bound to the other gestures.
  23. colekern

    [SA] Opening Boxes From Inventory Menu

    You mean like this?
  24. colekern


    I forgot to specify. It works with the mosin and the m4, but that's it.