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Everything posted by colekern

  1. colekern

    I can't stand this any longer.

    Simple things? Okay, that's just ignorant. Those are massive parts of the engine. It's not like they can just rip out the entire netcode and replace it without causing any problems elsewhere. When you change something as big as the netcode, you have to change a LOT more than that. Many thing sbecome completely broken because of it, and they end up having to do more work to change those parts too. So even if the AI systems, the noetcode, and the inventory were small parts of the engine (they weren't, by the way), you have to change other parts of the engine too.
  2. colekern

    I can't stand this any longer.

    Yes, actually they have. They completely re-did the client-server architecture, added a clothing system, and re-did AI. All of that was made from sratch. The reason it's looks worse than the mod is because all of this stuff is brand new, and they're still polishing it. They built a foundation. Now, they can use that foundation to build a better game. Bullcrap. They completely re-coded the entire netcode from scratch, the inventory from scratch, the way objects are handled from scratch, the AI from scratch. They have re-made MASSIVE parts fo the engine. From this point, with a bugger budget from the money they've made from sales, they can do even more.
  3. colekern

    I can't stand this any longer.

    Yeah, I stopped reading when you said they couldn't modify the engine. They can, and they've changed major parts of it lately.
  4. colekern

    I can't stand this any longer.

    You have a point, but it's getting to the point that saying "IT'S A ALPHA!" is a religion. People post suggestions or ask a question and theres at least a few people who tell them to be quiet because it's an alpha.
  5. colekern

    Reset and Rollbacks

    Calm down. A DDos'd is an attack on the actual servers of the game, and not a bug to be fixed. There's nothing the devs can do. We have to wait it out. Yes, only FIVE hours.
  6. colekern

    Reset and Rollbacks

    Look around the forums for five seconds. The servers are being DDos'd. It's causing issues such as character resets, and rubberbanding.
  7. colekern

    Reset and Rollbacks

    Okay since, everybody seems to have become completely unhelpful for some reason, I'll explain the issue. The servers are currently being DDos'd. It's causing issues such as rubberbanding and character resets on login. Stay off the game for now if you want to keep your character safe.
  8. The servers are being DDos'd, and it causes issues like that. Stay off the servers for now they're danger zones.
  9. colekern

    Dayz is unplayable right now

    The hive is getting DDos'd. Stay away from the game until this issue is cleared up, it's causing lots of problems.
  10. colekern

    Constant character resetting?!

    DayZ's hive is currently getting DDos'd and it's causing all sorts of problems. Stay off the servers for now, they're a danger zone.
  11. colekern

    Character spins

    Servers are being DDos'd right now, I'd stay away from them for a while, there's a huge risk of your character getting deleted on log in, and it causes other issues.
  12. colekern

    Bad Weapon Carry animation.

    Have you posted this to the bug tracker?
  13. colekern

    Blurred screen, please help.

    Turn off post-processing.
  14. colekern

    Regarding the current zombie AI

    No, it's the new AI system. Keep in mind that this was made in the month leading up to the Standalone release, so it's still a heavy WIP. Also, keep in mind that the new AI system wasn't necessarily to improve their AI, but to improve server performance. Still, I find the new zombie AI loads better than the mod already, and for an initial alpha release, that's a good sign.
  15. colekern

    Shader model 2 not supported anymore

    What are your specs?
  16. colekern

    Getting thirsty/hungry to quick

    Eat larger portion sizes. Just because you don't have a hungry/thirsty indicator does not mean you are well-fed.
  17. colekern

    KOS is for lazy people...

    Okay, let me get this straight... you were at the Northwest airfield... you walked out directly into the middle of a field... and then you come one the forums and complain about getting shot because of it? I think I found your problem... it's called poor planning. The airfields are killzones, and if you're going to go to place that has extremely valuable loot and is a hotspot for players, you shouldn't walk into the middle of a field. Snipers can get ridiculous amounts of loot by camping these places and killing players.
  18. colekern

    Killed by a Bug, No more playing for me.

    Not really sure we needed to know about this, but at the very least you recognize it's an alpha and you weren't complaining about it. Hope to see you again sometime!
  19. colekern

    Built rig lagging like a truck?

    What FPS are you getting? If you're getting 25-30 in towns, and 45-60 in other areas that's normal. The devs have plans to optimize the game later, but it doesn't have multi-core and GPU optimization yet.
  20. Great idea! Have you thought about posting this the DayZ subreddit?
  21. colekern

    Underwhelming performance after video card upgrade

    The processor is the main problem.
  22. colekern

    how can i fix this ? ( draw distance ?)

    Enable antialaising, then turn on ATOC .
  23. colekern


    Nice gear. I've done pretty good with my character so far: Also, upload a screen of your character please.
  24. colekern

    I Love This Game

    There actually is some of the Arma 3 engine in there, I believe they added the Arma 3 lighting.
  25. colekern

    Suppressors not working?

    Doesn't work yet.