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the horror

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  1. the horror

    Partner cannot connect AU/NZ HERP DERP

    This sounds very similar to a problem I had a while back. I couldn't join any servers (including my own) hosted by a certain company but was able to join others easily. It was doing the exact same thing as you mention and customer support from said hosting company was useless. I ended up finding a workaround myself by changing the MTU size on my router from 1300 to 1500, and was able to get in straight away.
  2. I bought one of the Official ones a while back... I really like it :) But back on topic, this guy would be cool on a tee...
  3. the horror


    That is the best suggestion Ive heard in ages :beans:
  4. Well played sir :thumbsup: It's tempting... but Im going overseas in 2 days for a couple of weeks, when I get back I may consider it. Props to you for your positive attitude, and actually trying to change peoples perception of DAYZ.ST It's not an easy thing being dumped in a pile of shit and being told to make it smell good.
  5. the horror

    Reason behind your username?

    Brando quote from Apocalypse Now
  6. ^ LOL. 1 post bandit. You forgot to include the disclaimer saying how you absolutely, definitely do not work for DAYZ.ST and have no affiliation with them at all... :/
  7. the horror

    Any good Australian servers?

    Balota Buddies Public is a 60 player server that is always packed. Has heaps of extra buildings added to the map too. Be warned though, it's pretty cut-throat.
  8. Yeah This is why I cancelled mine too. Service was terrible and their attitude is a bit on the arrogant side.It's funny when you search the dayz.st servers on DayZ Commander and it brings up a huge list of mostly empty servers.
  9. the horror

    Illegal drugs

    Seeing as there are weed plantations on Lingor, I would like to see some big phat doobie blunts please!
  10. Needs more realism. In the standalone, I propose having electrodes attached to your body that give you a zap when you get hit by a bullet or zombie. *jokes*
  11. the horror

    Survey results are in!

    FFS :facepalm:
  12. the horror

    Wait for host since

    Having exactly the same problem here too. Everything is updated to latest versions... :(
  13. Just a heads up to those considering using DAYZ.ST This is the contact info for DAYZ.ST when you pay via paypal :/ Bit of a worry, no wonder I cant get any support.
  14. I dont think hackers are able to change the server starting loadout are they? Ersan, can you please confirm or deny this?It's happened before when I had the server password protected too, so I dont think it's hackers... but im open to suggestions.