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Everything posted by noisegrrrl

  1. noisegrrrl

    ArmA 2: CO in "Top Seller" list

    What exactly does DayZ use from the two dlc packs? High Res textures for the PMC model.
  2. noisegrrrl

    Remove the bandit, create the legend

    T'was a figure of speech. I really don't like the idea of unlockable skins as achievements personnally. I don't want this to turn into BF3. The best way to try to balance this out in my opinion is to have a real disadvantage to playing the lone psycho, and that means becoming less human. The friendly/trusting players are already at disadvantage because they can get f* easily by being too trusty, all we need is something to push people to actually have contacts with other players.
  3. noisegrrrl

    Remove the bandit, create the legend

    T'was a figure of speech. I really don't like the idea of unlockable skins as achievements personnally. I don't want this to turn into BF3.
  4. noisegrrrl

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    I don't know, would kinda make sense to me to actually make player who act like psychos (alone, killing everything in sight, not interacting with others) become psychos in the end. But yeah, having an uniform for bandits is possibly not the best solution.
  5. noisegrrrl

    ACRE Support

  6. noisegrrrl

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    What about some kind of hallucination system? If your humanity score is really too negative (and by that I don't mean killing 3 or 4 people, but more like killing by the dozens) you start becoming a real psycho and get hallucinations, or start yelling/grunting randomly, possibly attracting attention in the process, or could randomly lose control.