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13 Neutral


About C.duck305

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  1. C.duck305

    Epic Epoch Private Server

    My server is looking pretty successful, I appreciate the tip but not necessary. Also, finally got updated to so if anyone wants to come hop on you are welcome to. =)
  2. C.duck305

    Epic Epoch Private Server

    Gentleman, I appreciate the bumps... But I think I can do it on my own. Thanks =)
  3. C.duck305

    Epic Epoch Private Server

    Changed the in game map a bit.
  4. C.duck305

    Epic Epoch Private Server

    Added lights to houses, a excelsior bridge to skalisty, A few safezones, and currently working on AI missions.
  5. C.duck305

    looking for a new server

    I am aware that you said vanilla servers, but if you decide at any point to give Epoch a try come and check us out at Epic Epoch. http://dayzepicepoch.enjin.com/home
  6. C.duck305

    Epic Epoch Private Server

    Adding self blood bagging right this second.
  7. C.duck305

    Epic Epoch Private Server

    Still plenty of room for people to occupy ;)
  8. C.duck305

    Epic Epoch Private Server

    It was good to see a bunch of new names last night. Hope to see some more today.
  9. C.duck305

    Epic Epoch Private Server

    Z.E.R.T M3gaGl1tch Just a heads up, there will be a manual server restart in 5 minutes.
  10. C.duck305

    Epic Epoch Private Server

    Yes it is, just type in Epic Epoch or the linked server IP and it should direct you to the server :)
  11. C.duck305

    Epic Epoch Private Server

    Already have some consistent players, would love to have more :)
  12. Welcome to the TAS clan who has joined the server.
  13. 12 people on right now... Help us make the push to 20!
  14. Averaging 10-15 players at this point in time. Lets make the 20-25 push!