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Everything posted by jezex90

  1. jezex90

    Really bad ideas that suck!

    Wow I actually like Tunusa's suggestion a lot. It should really have it's own thread.
  2. Ah, so bummed my mic is broken. I've been keeping an eye out for a VA opportunity for a long time.
  3. jezex90

    Replace 'hide body' with 'drag body'

    It's a good idea but problems with localisation due to countries censorship laws regarding the topic. Unless servers exist with 'drag corpse' enabled or disabled I'm not sure it'll be able to carry over to SA.
  4. An incorporation of this 'handshake' idea (plus animations to go with it) would be an amazing addition to depth and immersion: By adding the 'handshake' to the existing nickface suggestion, bandits playstylers will get to retain that extra layer of anonymity that they are so afraid to lose. At the same time, a 'friends list' has been born and more friendly fire incidents can be avoided.
  5. This is a fantastic idea. Those who are strictly against it really have no legitimate reason for doing so. If you were going to be a bandit and KoS, your Id is safe regardless. If you were going to be friendly and then backstab them at a later point, they'd already have your name through it popping up during VOIP or typing in channel. - I'm in favor of this idea, but I would go one up: if you kill a person wearing a mask, you should be able to remove his mask and find out his identity. If I was to survive being attacked by an clown wearing a mask, I should be able to avoid the 'friendly' backstab approach by the same snake.
  6. jezex90

    Knocking people out.

    Biggest problem I see with this is how they would implement it. It would suck to be caught up in a KO stunlock for hours by a troll. Perhaps you simply die if KO'd more than once within a certain time period? Certainly a nice idea for people who want to play more "humanely".
  7. jezex90

    Standalone Idea: More Immersion.

    Hmm, did Rocket say anything about Zeds spawning exclusively on server restart? I thought the change was that spawning was going to be server handled and not client-based; otherwise a group of fps-oriented fellows armed to the teeth would be able to easily liberate a village or even a city, which, would be awesome. I can Imagine a group heading to one of the smaller towns guns blazing, and then cordoning off the entire place with barbed wire and defending it as a base.
  8. jezex90


    If anyone's played Telltale's The Walking Dead game, they would have probably come across Episode 4's steam train. So how about we refine the idea about implementing a train before we shoot it down. A steam-powered train in the Russian countryside is not impossible. Players would have to gather resources such as firewood or coal (from supermarkets and the like) to fuel the train. It would have to be repaired in some way, shape or form. The train would have to be 100% player controlled; no autonomy, no set stops. The assuming conductor will have to predetermine his stops and stop the train manually. The train would be very resource intensive, only going a short while before needing to be refueled. The train, being as loud as a steam-train is would alert a huge mass of infected once rolling, providing even more risk to its use. Perhaps someone should polish this idea up and repost it, because it is a good one, IMO.
  9. jezex90

    Dragging dead bodies.

    It's a nice idea and you have my beans, but this feature wouldn't be able to be carried over onto the standalone due to Germany's very stringent ratings system (and is a contributing factor as to why bodies in ARMA 3 Alpha cease to ragdoll seconds after death without the use of mods). I haven't been on in a few months, is it possible to drag unconscious bodies?
  10. You pretty much only eat beans in DayZ; not really that much chewing needed. What would happen if you failed at eating your beans, would you choke on the lid and die? If I poop, would I need to scavenge for paper? The smell could attract zeds. Come to think of it, what about all those unbrushed mouths walking around in DayZ, no wonder all they can eat is beans.
  11. jezex90

    Driving miss zombie

    Zeds aren't dead, Butthat.
  12. E.g. If two survivors are within 20 m of each other and they alert a large number of Zs, the player with the least amount of health should be prioritised as an 'easier target'. This would have its implications with sacrificing another person in order for you to make an escape
  13. I suppose you're right. I also think that I may have overreacted to the negative review of my less than spectacular suggestion. It can be locked/deleted if as a moderator sees fit.
  14. jezex90

    Sleeping zeds

    It would add a lot to the ambiance rather than all the zeds going someplace nowhere all the time. Would definitely be interested :)
  15. So I take it none of you have even seen a Zombie movie before? They -always- go for the slower/weaker individual first. If your buddy is bleeding out and unable to bandage himself and you're perfectly fine, in this scenario who do you think a zombie (or zed) would go for as you both hobble for your life? The mechanic would work so that in this scenario, your buddy, if he so wished, would get the attention of the pursuers allowing his friend to run off to safety. Perhaps when I said 'prioritize' as a mechanic I may have confused you; a Zombie/Zed need not 'think' to be attracted to the shiny red stuff. However, DayZ's Zeds are not 'Zombified' in the conventional sense and whether they consume their prey or just beat the living daylights out of them a la '28 Days Later' has not been clarified in the official canon (as far as I know) and the viability of this mechanic would rely heavily on that. Apologies for being so curt.
  16. jezex90

    How to down Heli with a lee enfield :)

    Under the general impression that this Viles character does not have as firm a grasp on the English language as he would choose to admit, what with upvoting comments at random including ones actually calling out the OP. That and his apparent overall inability to get a point. On topic, as said before, unlikely any of the shots on camera actually hit the chopper (lagshot aim, desync,no zeroing ammendments etc.) It could well be that off camera you actually did manage to hit the pilot and he fell unconcious, but you just sounded so happy when it went down, like you weren't even expecting it or anything (plus how could you even confirm a hit?) I'm thinking that perhaps either someone else took the winning shot or the pilot dc'd/failed miserably only because if he was hit by you previously and knew he was bleeding out, the moron should have landed the bird, and he had a lot of time to do that whilst you were missing him.
  17. jezex90

    How about a Kill Cam?

    Playing by yourself, yeah, fair enough, at least you get to see what the heck happened. Playing as a group - Gamebreaker
  18. Hey All, With all the known limitations of the game in its current iteration to be able to give players a sense of identity especially within groups I propse the addition of a simple new item, the coloured arm band. Similar in fashion to those worn by football (soccer) captains and the like, they will allow for a sense of group identity especially if available in a number of colours and styles ranging from matte, through fluorescent and glow in the dark. The aim of this item will be to grant the player(s) the ability to quickly identify group members at a glance thus reducing paranoia and the dangers presented by silent carry-ons to large groups. The items could be found in special, exclusive areas, perhaps a chest in a school with a range of colours available. Just a quick suggestion, havent been on the scene in a long while now. Apologies if this has already been a discussed topic, may have missed it due to my tiredness/ineptitude. --------- Expanding on a suggestion by LunaTiK (below) the item could be further integrated into the game as a grouping mechanic; when two or more individuals decide to work together the 'leader' would be able to select his companions and give them a band, the band could be a colour chosen either at the moment of group creation or make a variety of group identification arm bands available to be found around the island. --------- My thinking is that the armbands should be collectible, and once you have one colour of armband you can distribute it (limited uses per item. 10?) to team members after a dialog box confirming whether or not you want to wear x's armband. This way only the party leader need be concerned with finding arm bands. As you may only wear an armband if you initiate the grouping process or are invited to once, an outsider may not simply see a group of people, wear the corresponding armband and mingle (without first starting their own party with said coloured wrist band) The group leader may disband the party through a dialog box choice upon clicking his leaders band in the inventory, upon which time everyone's wrist band would disappear (although not entirely 'realistic' it's not like we press buttons to breathe or have a defecation meter and such a lapse should be tolerable by most) If the group leader disconnects from the server without first disbanding, the first person invited to his group will be given leader status and so forth thus allowing the group to survive and order to be maintained under such a circumstance.
  19. jezex90

    Coloured Arm Bands for quick group ID

    My thinking is that the armbands should be collectible, and once you have one colour of armband you can distribute it (limited uses per item. 10?) to team members after a dialog box confirming whether or not you want to wear x's armband. This way only the party leader need be concerned with finding arm bands. As you may only wear an armband if you initiate the grouping process or are invited to once, an outsider may not simply see a group of people, wear the corresponding armband and mingle (without first starting their own party with said coloured wrist band) The group leader may disband the party through a dialog box choice upon clicking his leaders band in the inventory, upon which time everyone's wrist band would disappear (although not entirely 'realistic' it's not like we press buttons to breathe or have a defecation meter and such a lapse should be tolerable by most) If the group leader disconnects from the server without first disbanding, the first person invited to his group will be given leader status and so forth thus allowing the group to survive and order to be maintained under such a circumstance.
  20. jezex90

    Coloured Arm Bands for quick group ID

    I can only wish to comprehend what you think the purpose of a suggestions forum is for, friend :)
  21. I'd like to try my hand at a personal wallpaper that I wouldn't mind sharing if it's any good (spur of the moment notion), does anyone know what the nameof the font used for the awesome forum logo is?
  22. If the corpse still has everything on him, I generally assume that he's been sniped (recently) and steer clear.. I always hide bodies to keep loot away from other people (corpse running, snipe kills etc)
  23. Add ACE mod's more involved medical system to the DayZ mod package
  24. jezex90

    More Infected People Types

    And then we can paint them green and call them Creepers! Seriously though I think that having zombies which were to follow the same behavioral pattern over and over again would be against the nature of the game.
  25. I've been successfully '1 shot' by a Zed before, that is to say I got hit once, broke a bone and got devoured. This mechanic, yet unrefined kind of already exists within the game.