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About memphislegion95

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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    Bristol, UK
  1. memphislegion95

    Suggestion (Graveyard)

    Well as much as it sounds good, but these Zombies aren't that type risen to roam the earth by the devil. These zombies are living humans which became infected. So no :L But yeah there needs to be more graveyards anyway
  2. I'm gunna have to disagree with this, you can't just craft bullets. This game is mean't to be the most realistic zombie simulator out there, and if you were crafting bullets... well then your gun would break at the bullet just would not work. You cannot make bullets by hand.
  3. Dude you can't if the standalone is on a new engine... simple.
  4. memphislegion95


    I think that idea is really good! a map that is huge I believe would be amazing and be good to run on high performance servers which can host loads of players. This would allow more room for potential clans or small - big military companies being created. One of my previous suggestions would be good for this (petrol tanker suggestion for convoys - http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/103142-petrol-tankertruck/) Also if dean does add a mechanic for building your own base then a big map would be good because they wouldn't be all tightly compact together as if they would be on Chernarus.
  5. memphislegion95

    More body studying options

    You couldn't re use the bullet as it wouldn't be attached to the shell/casing which contained the gunpowder which causes the bullet to be fired in the first place. A bullet that has been used is most likely to be slightly or very highly dis-formed so it would muck up your gun's mechanism's anyway.
  6. memphislegion95

    Trading function?

    Add a trading function so that you can actually buy, sell and trade/swap items offically instead of just dropping things. If people are able to make a camp/base and fortifications in the standalone then it would be good it people could build trading posts for their faction/clan and can choose what currency their faction runs with? For example forms of currency - bullets (the better the higher the value), food and drink, tin cans, empty whiskey bottles?, forms of medication/medicals such as bandages? Just trying to think out of the box here. Perhaps add in actual currency which this fictional soviet state would have used> Like pre-apocalypse currency is thought of having no value anymore but now people have began to get used to the new way of life they they pick up some old ways and use what is not post-apocalyptic currency.
  7. memphislegion95

    Petrol tanker/truck!

    Yeah they could just use the usual 'Jerry Cans' and go steal from fuel :P
  8. memphislegion95

    Petrol tanker/truck!

    Petrol tanker/truck! Hi there, I believe that if more vehicles are going to be added and that they are more customizable then perhaps there should be at least one of these vehicles on each server for everyone/factions/clans to fight over. I believe this would be great because it means that a convoy of people's vehicles would be able to stay fuelled for a very long time, however it adds the risk of the tanker being shot and blowing up most of the convoy and scarring the land in wreckages, flames and bodies dismembered with blood everywhere. So people would fight overthese tankers or stay away from them. If a clan is enemies to another clan while surviving against zombies then they would need to watch out if they have a petrol tanker or for the enemies it would be a fun task to intercept or ambush the convoy and kill them all/blow them up or strategically try take over the convoy with less casualties. It's up to you how you would play but I think many many people would back up my idea/suggestion. Please add this Dean/Rocket! P.S - This also adds reason to introduce more rag-doll and definitely add dismemberment! Thanks, Harry
  9. Petrol tanker/truck! Hi there, I believe that if more vehicles are going to be added and that they are more customizable then perhaps there should be at least one of these vehicles on each server for everyone/factions/clans to fight over. I believe this would be great because it means that a convoy of people's vehicles would be able to stay fuelled for a very long time, however it adds the risk of the tanker being shot and blowing up most of the convoy and scarring the land in wreckages, flames and bodies dismembered with blood everywhere. So people would fight over these tankers or stay away from them. If a clan is enemies to another clan while surviving against zombies then they would need to watch out if they have a petrol tanker or for the enemies it would be a fun task to intercept or ambush the convoy and kill them all/blow them up or strategically try take over the convoy with less casualties. It's up to you how you would play but I think many many people would back up my idea/suggestion. Please add this Dean/Rocket! P.S - This also adds reason to introduce more rag-doll and definitely add dismemberment! Thanks, Harry
  10. Ahaha why thank you on his behalf. :)
  11. You should be more careful and watch your back mate. I didn't take your as50 as I already had one, pretty much all your stuff is still on your body. However after you rage quitted there was a server restart xD
  12. memphislegion95

    Teleported to an island far from Chernarus

    Definitely not skalisty... It has no trees... probably around 40meters squared in size, no trees, nothing.
  13. Hi there, I was playing a server and then I suddenly got teleported to a island far east of chernarus. Anyone know what island this is, and how far from the shore I am? Thanks.... cba to swim all the way back.
  14. memphislegion95

    Day Z Videos

  15. memphislegion95

    Looking for GB group/clan

    My clan can take you on :)