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  1. Some guy just killed me as well, teleported, invincible, wallhack, same server
  2. switch out the m107 for a bolt action .50 cal then would be better, but a semi auto close quarter spam machine like the as50 currently is, makes the assault rifles pointless. before i realised as50 was nooby, if i got one and didnt have an l85 i ran with it out all the time, because its simply the best gun both as close and long range, with a m107 10 round clip in it, given that hipfire is laser accurate.
  3. Sniping needs a massive nerf in this game. It is way way too easy. AS50 needs removing completely as it is too quiet. M107 should be INCREDIBLY rare and should be a bolt action with a 3x slower fire rate than it currently has. All other snipers are balanced as they require a HS to one shot kill. From what iv seen only noobs run with AS50s now. Game is broken by AS50 spawning hackers. Rocket should close the mod and just work full time on cheat protecting the standalone oh, and L85AWS is gamebreaking, who needs hacks when you have that, there should be no thermal scopes in the game at all.
  4. Id like to attend, whats your teamspeak, where do you post where it will be held?
  5. The Hero skin should ALWAYS be cooler than the Bandit skin, as killing on sight is the easiest thing in the world to do, actually trying to take hostages / avoiding killing is much harder, so Heros should be rewarded for this. Hero > Bandit.... by far
  7. there are 2 solutions in the post. but only one which you can achieve yourself.
  8. Unfortunately fraps doesn't get you your gear back.
  9. So, i have searched and searched and searched the forum. And still I cannot find the answer to this question. What is the solution to the script kids in DayZ? You spend hours getting high end gear, then the whole server is instakilled. Hm... Rocket isnt part of Battleye team it seems, so he can't seem to do anything and Battleye are clearly incompetent in not fixing this and seem to have no clue how to. Hm no.2.... this is an Alpha, so it should be put up with! Well maybe, but if the Alpha is no fun, because of the hackers, what is the point in playing it? So why not stop? Because I like DayZ and want it to be a fair game. Which makes me wonder how to achieve this. Should Rocket each evening just ban everybody who has used a script like he did before? Every evening, ban hundreds of people, as he has a list of those who have used illegal scripts. Im for this. But it seems he doesn't want to. Should, if Rocket doesnt use this, everybody get hacks? Only way to get back high end gear quickly is to script it in yourself. Would this be immoral wrong to do? After all you lost the gear to the server killing hacker illegitimately, so why shouldnt you get it back illegitimately? Makes me wonder, the more I play this. My main concern is not this though. It's that DayZ will become known as the "Hacked Game" and WarZ will become the choice of open world zombie survival. I don't want this, but everytime I read a post on the forum about somebody complaining about hacks and the next poster writing STFU MORON, USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION, I know this game is screwed. This forum should be flooded with posts about hacks, every person here who has been hacked has a right to write about it here, and I would imagine nearly everybody who plays the game legitimately for more than 10hours or so has encountered some sort of hacking. Food for thought, although I doubt the children who seem to patrol this forum now will see this post as such.
  10. already searched. all i see is thread after thread of people posting instakilled here instakilled there. seems nothing is done, no solution, so im gonna create my own thread. the more threads the more important the issue. Guessing since you seem to support hackers RayPugh your one of the jackasses who spawn stuff in and instakill everyone not that we will ever know as all hackers claim they dont cheat.
  11. Seriously, can you fix the game Rocket. Hackers are rampant. You can barely play now for 1hr with "All Players Killed" on a server. Game is broken.
  12. Awesome! What Blood Point Damage to Zombies have i.e. their Blood Health? Presumably its just under 4500, as the AKM one shots them.
  13. Hey, Could anybody tell me where or list below the weapon blood point damage a single round from each of the weapons does. e.g. (and I don't know if this is accurate or not) Lee Enfield does 12,000 blood point damage. e.g.2. M1911 does 1,200 blood point damage. Cheers Frankie (if you don't know any Blood Point Damages and are bored, enjoy:)