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About Tumoa

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    Queer as clockwork orange

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  1. Tumoa

    Suggestion - disable VOIP during gameplay

    every mic has disable outside noices option atleast i have you have to use mic close up in order to it take your voice
  2. Tumoa

    Suggestion - disable VOIP during gameplay

    just put force voip in game. problem solved
  3. i like this it adds to roleplaying aspect of a game. though i think there should be a way to fight this like anti-depressants
  4. Tumoa

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    double tap shift it works in arma 2
  5. Tumoa

    Alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha alpha

    i have word of advice just follow these simple steps 1. grab a dictionary 2. look for the word alpha and beta 3. read the definition of alpha and beta 4. after that go to corner of shame
  6. Tumoa

    [SA] Wall 'press'

    would be cool feature
  7. Tumoa

    Variable zombie speed?

    difirent running speeds i would be okay with everyone don't run at same speed
  8. Tumoa

    proper turning animations (sa)

    you see another avatars turn and seeing them not move their legs when they turn makes it look ugly. it shouldn't be that hard unless they have super complex skeleton with 50 joints then i can see a problem but they don't so i don't see a problem. in skyrim when you talk to npc from behind they turn moving their legs up and down basic leg movment
  9. Tumoa

    proper turning animations (sa)

    have you even seen the gamplay videos of sa? turning animations doesn't look nice they don't even exist
  10. as title says proper turning animation when you turn while standing still. it doesn't look nice when your character turns and legs are just straight like sticks. it shouldn't be hard to implant i have seen it games done it before.
  11. Tumoa

    Radios, More Viruses, Wound Cleaning

    seems cool i would love to see this
  12. Tumoa

    make time more real for player task

    i did thread that eating food should take some time. i try to find it