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    Video Games

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    Do you even yolo420blazeitfgt4theancients?

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  1. Hosty

    Am I doing it right?

    You guys don't even listen to logic Get some lotion for your butt and stop getting so mad over KOS Tell me one good thing that you gain out of not KOSing, and tell me if it's better than just killing and taking all the loot Oh, that's right, there isn't one. Except maybe those few seconds that you get a 12 year old to be friendly with you before he changes his mind or grows some balls to punch you in the face.
  2. Hosty

    Plans to hotfix 0.50? (Dev reply please?)

    Lack of loot? wtf? I've literally found houses full of loot, that are kind of game breaking Like this one http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=337751470
  3. Hosty

    Am I doing it right?

    Guys It's a game with guns and glitchy zombies that you rarely get to shoot and players that if you shoot you get massive amounts of loot depending if fully geared KOS is not a thing anymore, it's part of the game, atleast for now inb4 go back to COD
  4. Hosty

    Status Report - Week of 03 Nov 14

    I was kidding, really
  5. Hosty

    Status Report - Week of 03 Nov 14

    Vehicles will come as a DLC for purchasing Half Life 3, I can feel it in my bones
  6. I died way too many times falling off the ledge at the half of the ship
  7. Hosty

    Kiev Protest Blaze 95

    Chernarus doesn't exist.
  8. Wolves aren't really human predators..
  9. Thanks for the devblog, really didn't see it.
  10. Hosty

    "Flawed Concept" - Discuss

    He leaves when he's no longer needed. @ Whole thread/Forum/Reddit/Twitter Why do you guys panic so much? I see good things coming out of this. I want to see what Dean will do with the potential of having a game company for himself.
  11. Hosty

    How i take care of babie killers

    Well whatever, it's a stupid word that people use, calling someone a "bambi" just because they have no gear doesn't mean they suck at the game or they are new.
  12. Hosty

    How i take care of babie killers

    Stop calling them bambies...
  13. Hosty

    Girl 'abuse' in this game

    Women have their advantages and disadvantages in video games. Consider the following: They get either harassed just because they are women, or get a shit ton of nerds swarming them.
  14. Hosty

    Girl 'abuse' in this game

    The guy with the M4 sounded like a japanese molester.
  15. Don't see what's so funny about this game, I saw this in too many places and I think it's not that good... I mean I get it, it's a joke game but come on...