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Everything posted by Covance

  1. Covance

    Pretending to be A German

    The German thing kicks in after the 3/4 mark and you watched way too little Schwarzenegger movies to do it properlyYour own YouTube gaming channel uploadYou subscribed to RhinoCrunchWhat judgement does that leave us with, Mr. Manbearpig?
  2. Covance

    Dorkly Comic!

    A bunch of threads are very old and still very healthy around here. Create threads, make posts, have a sense of humor and play your cards right, and you'll get pulverized under a mountain of bean cans around here. In off-topic, the possibilities are endless! #lolseeUingraveyard
  3. Covance

    Merry Xmas to everyone

    Christmas is celebrated on the eve of the 24th of December for some countries, keep that in mind! Like in Austria! And since I'm all planned out with family meetings and therefore won't be able to be online in time tomorrow, I send you my dearest wishes in advance! Have a merry christmas, lots of presents, lots of good times with your family and lots of good food - especially christmas cookies!! I read you again in the New Year's Eve thread! ;) OP really sucks at spelling "christmas"...
  4. He's been a forum member since December 2012, the thread has tags, the opening post was edited and the poll link leads to an actual DayZ poll. :) But like you said, I could be proven wrong. Bots never stop evolving, they're like Pokémon. Let's just wait for Safire to show lifsigns again and we'll see. ^^
  5. Covance

    CHECK THIS OUT!!! Dayz!!

    I checked. For the others, the video's description of what awaits you upon clicking that link: Yes he did.
  6. Covance

    Stuff in DayZ

    That fits so perfectly well, I don't know what to say.
  7. Covance

    DayZ took my life

    Sad to hear your friends do stuff you don't want to do yourself, itamar, but I compliment you on your ability to step back from all their activities. It usually ends up with you being with your friends, so you just stick to what they do as well. But you didn't want to smoke, drink or kill cats (that's just wrong) and backed off. Such self-confidence is impressive. :) Although I am playing video games most of my free time as well, I do recommend you to go outside once in a while. Maybe there's a concert or a party or other activities in town you could attend to find new friends? You're still young, and everyone needs some friends, so while I get it that you like playing DayZ/video games, please don't jail yourself in your room until the end of days and be all alone. You seem like a strong and nice person, itamar, and I'm sure you'll be able to find a new bunch of friends to hang around and have fun with, without animals getting killed. ;)
  8. I'm half-drunk. Deal with it. Oh noes, another "meme".
  9. Ain't nobody got time fo' news.
  10. Covance

    Satellite Phones?

  11. Holy information leaks, infos regarding DayZ Standalone! Must spread the word! Everyone, to the Reddit Mobile! :P
  12. Covance

    Can't play Dayz - Help me please

    Well I'm afraid I'm no DayZ expert. My second and last guess would be that you tried to join modified DayZ servers that require different files, maybe? If that's not the case either, I'm sorry for not being much of a help to you. But I'm sure some of the pr0 gaim0rZ of DayZ will be able to help you out in here soon. :)
  13. Covance

    Can't play Dayz - Help me please

    After reinstalling ArmA 2 and its addon, did you remember to start both games once before installing DayZ?
  14. Covance

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    Thanks for the compliment, I'm happy to read you enjoyed it. ^_^
  15. Covance

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    It's not a picture, video or whatsoever, but I thought I should repost my random little poem on DayZ in here, since it got kind of drowned below newer topics in the off-topic section. Enjoy! ______________________________________________________________________________ Footsteps pounding towards the dirt, a hot breath warms the breeze. Fear whips the heart below his shirt, run fast, or its beat will cease. This young dusk's breeze, it sends a chill to those who claim to be alive. The trials of this land, they bend their will, 'til neither man nor mind survive. Neither dead nor alive, these planes beasts walk, they bury their fangs in the prey they stalk. Screams cut the silence like a battered knife as this dusk's breeze claims another life. Praying for mercy, the living spend the night to face next dawn's warm sun alive. The trials of this land, they burn hopes bright, 'til neither man nor mind survive. Night's monsters lurk for flesh, so innocent and warm, and from its remains new evil shall be born. To rise once more, to melt into the night, to feel themselves warm flesh's delight. Hear my words, beating hearts, for never you shall find salvation in the towns, once home to those alive. By the trials of this land, your body and your mind will be twisted, torn and turned, never to survive. ______________________________________________________________________________ EDIT: It would be great if some DayZ players out there had a band and turned this into some sort of ballad or rock song or something like that. :D
  16. This thread is the right place to get more information regarding hardware requirements. People will help you out there. :)
  17. Covance

    Just a simple question.

    I take a screenshot from the Steam Store, highlight the correct version to buy in PhotoShop, save the image, upload it, start writing this post and link the image...and at the preview just before posting, the issue's solved. :(
  18. Covance

    Hack Free Hive Server US264

    ...although I'd love to believe that you are and will stay hacker-free.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WOJ4tDn6kw
  20. You show those shady people, Rage!
  21. Covance

    102ND Is looking For More People

    What happened to the old, used ones? Do I really want to know? Why do you want specifically female players anyway? Why are no more male players allowed to join you? Isn't that kind of sexist? :huh: