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Everything posted by Covance

  1. Covance

    Brain Flu still not treatable ?

    I'm very sorry, Steak. When I had drinks, I tend to walk towards unknown, far frontiers, outside of off-topic! I still think you handled that lion like a boss. *peacefully trots back towards off-topic*
  2. Covance

    Brain Flu still not treatable ?

    Only when I had drinkies, Creeper. :X
  3. Covance

    Canned Peaches

    Oooooooh I'm so offended. And you are way too sensitive about this topic of yours. :beans:
  4. Covance

    Brain Flu still not treatable ?

    The only precaution for brain flu would be avoiding buying "DayZ Standalone Early Access" I guess? Just wait until it's finished, and enjoy the free mod in the meantime?
  5. Covance

    Canned Peaches

    That handle on the can? Is that so super-special? Around here, lots of different cans have that, whether it's tuna, sauce, vegetables or anything else. I guess Europe is superior to your region. :P
  6. Covance

    Devs need more pressure.

    You decided to pay for Early Access, while being aware that updates might come at regular, or irregular times. Therefore you declared yourself ready to enjoy the currently avaiable build, while waiting for updates to come in the future. You didn't pay for updates to come fitting your own personal needs though. It's up to the devs. If you don't like the current state of DayZ standalone, either deal with it and keep playing, or abandon it for a while and come back, once updates have been applied to the SA version. If you wanted to play a finished product, you should've waited for the finished product to be on sale. But you didn't. Therefore, you'll wait for groundbreaking updates just like anybody else.
  7. Covance

    Just a little help

    Oi, don't you have to lead a Crystal Empire or something?
  8. Covance

    Bandits Be were!

    Thank you! I'm pretty awsum, rite?
  9. Covance

    Bandits Be were!

  10. Covance

    This is going to be a petition

    Why do you want to prevent them from doing what they do best? They were people once, you know, so you should appreciate and accept their wishes and dreams just like any other person's who is going to eat your brains. Pleh on you, I say, pleh!
  11. Covance

    Time to be a hero

  12. Covance

    DayZ - How To Kill A Zombie With Your Bear Hands

    I'm soooooooooo too late for this. ._.
  13. In regular ArmA, it means that you have lost connection to the host, and your client is trying to get connected again. In DayZ, I think you'll always have a red chain at the beginning, as you have to sync with the server. The "no message received" error however probably means you lost connection or - indeed - the server's readying to restart.
  14. Covance

    No message received?

    Red chain and "no message received" means your connection with the server was lost. The game tries to reconnect, but at least for me, this usually means "game over, man".
  15. Does your screen look like this when it happens? I'm no PC professional at all, but that would be an indication that something's wrong with your graphics card (or its drivers?) I think.
  16. Party-poopers. *blood bags in your face* Also no RDJ in your post again, Death. You're getting weak on fanboyism.
  17. Blood fight! *blood bags flying left and right*
  18. Covance

    Anybody wish the SA was never released?

    You have the DayZ mod, and you have the DayZ standalone. If you pre-purchased the standalone, what were you expecting from an alpha? And I mean from a "standalone alpha" that is in the works, compared to a "mod alpha" that is already being modded and customized to fit the needs of certain players? Two weeks after I joined this forum as a DayZ mod player, I quitted DayZ, never even thinking about returning again (for personal complaints regarding the mod). In my honest opinion, it is quite a ridiculous state, really. Dean now has both an alpha mod of DayZ, as well as an alpha standalone DayZ out there. The only difference being that the mod has been modded in endless, playerbase-appropriate ways, while the actual SA, still receiving features and stuff, might have problems to keep up with the ever-appearing spin-offs that might be more advanced/finished in development. I might not make myself friends by saying this, but with a mod-alpha and a standalone-alpha out there, it doesn't hurt looking at what other dev teams/companies have to offer.
  19. Covance

    Recorded my first moments in DayZ , lol sooo noob

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFV03hncnDM @Unicorn: I get it that you might be a fan of Rarity, but how did you come up with that nickname/channel name? >.>
  20. Covance

    Banned for no reason

    Highest level of hacking right there!
  21. Covance

    Pretending to be A German

    I appreciate your efforts, but please don't explain things so thoroughly when I was making a joke. :D You and Manbearpig are right regarding the accents and dialect in Austria/German, but I just felt like that German impression was reeeeally bad, like "Ahnould" would've done it better. No offense though. ;) Your calm and respectful response speaks for yourself. Nothing wrong with posting content from your channel in the gallery, really. Again, I just felt like making a funny. :P I do not recommend mentioning you're enjoying Rhinocrunch's content again though. He has...a bad reputation. Let's say it like this. ^_^
  22. Covance

    Pretending to be A German

    What language do Austrians speak?
  23. Covance

    Just saw Rocket again.

    -EDIT- vandal gab kind of did what I intended to redo: Revive my former glory, as my images (video 61-80 right at the start with the "Use the Nom, Lok!" one) got me the biggest amount of beans on these forums ever! A super can to you vandal, for doing those compilations!