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Everything posted by ElRolle

  1. On-chip gpu? I highly doubt it. Also, meeting the minimum requirements will allow you to start the game, but not much more. It would unplayable on a rig like this.
  2. ElRolle

    is this a Good pc to buy

    It's shit. Intel CPUs are much faster than AMD atm GPU is a budget model from like 2 years ago
  3. You need a gaming rig to play ArmA2. This isn't solitaire.
  4. So sad, so poor. Yet he has Internet, a gaming PC and spare time to play online games. Obvious scam is obvious.
  5. ElRolle

    I will continue to purchase from HFBSERVERS

    TL;DR: nobody cares what host provider you use.
  6. ElRolle

    Why I'll now hack, dupe, and DC

    You might as well post your GUID if you're bragging on forums about cheating.
  7. ElRolle

    Lan server?

    PM me if you need the info, can't post it here (would be against the rules) and I won't be monitoring this thread much longer.
  8. ElRolle

    Lan server?

    Done, enjoy ;)
  9. ElRolle

    Lan server?

    I've sent you a PM with details.
  10. ElRolle

    What the Duck noobs

    And the point of this post is? Bitching about bitchers? :D
  11. Obvious scam is obvious.
  12. ElRolle


    Been there, done that. Lost M4 CCO and some other good stuff. Feels batman.
  13. ElRolle

    What was your most epic death?

    > have DMR, camo, nvg, GPS and other stuff > sniping on one of the factory buildings in Cherno > accidentally press v near the edge of the roof > ohfuck ohfuck ohfuck > falling down > oh God, please let this work > alt F4 > get back into the server > safe and sound on the ground > everythingwentbetterthanexpected.jpg You can call that a near death experience.
  14. ElRolle

    Dear 3 dudes in DE 276,

    wrong thread :)
  15. So host one, what's the problem? More and more private servers are popping up because of issues like this.
  16. So basically set everything on lowest possible setting. Wow, thanks for this useful advice. Not.
  17. ElRolle

    Will this run DayZ on low settings?

    lol ITT: people who have no idea about PCs and think that VRAM is a measure of GPUs speed. OP: Yes, it will run just fine on low/medium.
  18. ElRolle Brought Dupping

    You want to stop duping so you wrote a step-by-step guide on how to do it? Wut?!
  19. ElRolle

    Can you query the hive database?

    Every player has a guid, this is your identificator in the database. Currently there is no way of querying the database, all data is handled by the server hive addon.
  20. ElRolle

    DayZgear.... wtf?

    Not mentioning that the items can be duped atm, so they only need to find 1 item of a kind and just dupe it 100 times on a hidden server and then sell it.
  21. ElRolle

    Is the UH-1H Huey still in the game?

    It's not present on the official servers.
  22. I'll send you a PM with details ;)
  23. I think some people here are confused what you mean by private. Official servers connected to the HIVE and hosted by you at your home are not "private". These are normal servers, it doesn't matter if they are hosted in a datacenter or in your closet. Private servers are the ones NOT connected to the HIVE and have their own database. Are you asking if you can host your server at home, or are you asking if it is possible to run a private server without official database? You can host at home, as long as you meet all the *cough*retarded*cough* requirements made by the DayZ staff. You can host a private server that is not connected to the official HIVE and thus enforce your own rules, edit inventories, add vehicles, kick and ban anyone you like without fearing the horrible BLACKLISTING (Oh noez!).