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Everything posted by ElRolle

  1. ElRolle

    server help please

    What part of system specs was not good enough? GamingDeluxe website says It is more than anough for a DayZ server, even with the unnecessary high requirements from the DayZ staff. Maybe you filled the hardware specifications wrong? Did you mention that your server is from GamingDeluxe?
  2. ElRolle

    Is there a RP server?

    Try RP1, it's private though.
  3. ElRolle

    Private server spotted

    I didn't know about that, you never said anything and other people spammed chat yelling that a single guy killed 4 people. After the kills your humanity went below allowed level and that's why you were banned. If you want to appeal our forums are now open. Agreed, that's why we have these nice things called licenses that say describe what people can and can't do. In this case there isn't any license so I can freely use the software. I am not making any profit of it or doing any harm or damage to the rightful owner so I don't know what's the big deal.
  4. ElRolle

    Private server spotted

    SadTree, I am dissapoint. Are you are complaining about me for running a private server? (since DayZ lacks any kind of distribution license it's technically legal, ArmA2 mods are usually free to use) Or are you complaining about enforcing rules on my own private server? Or are you complaining about me banning the mentioned hacker? Or maybe you are complaining about me helping players that got hacked? Or maybe you are just butthurt because you killed innocent players on sight, on a role-playing server with strict PvP rules and got banhammer'd?
  5. ElRolle

    Private Servers okay ?

    Technically it's not forbidden since DayZ files are not distributed with any kind of license, so they are free to use.
  6. Try removing the absolute path to scheduler.xml and use Scheduler = Scheduler.xml
  7. You have 7 digits in your time value, like someone said earlier in this thread it's supposed to be hhmmss.
  8. ElRolle

    Pending Update: Build

    That's nonsense. You guys can't monitor ~2000 DayZ servers, many of them are constantly passworded or otherwise break against your rules and none of them are blacklisted. How do you want to monitor over half a million players? Will it be automated? If so there will always be false-positives, no matter how good your algorithm. People will also try to appeal from the ban by making up stories about how "they got disconnected" etc. You won't be able to tell the difference between genuine network issues and server hoppers. Even if the system somehow works, it still doesn't solve the Alt+F4 issue, only server hopping/ghosting. I don't know limitations of the ArmA2 engine, but here is my suggestion. Make leaving the game require a 30s timeout without moving. Make characters stay ingame after a player disconnect, for at least 30s. If the engine doesn't allow you to do that - punish people that disconnect unexpectedly, for example decrease blood by half or shock on next connect for 5 minutes.
  9. ElRolle

    Are you F~$king Serious?

    Funny how so many people who find out about WarZ think they are the first ones and have to create a new thread about it. Tards.
  10. It's completely normal. We admins are very lazy beings, we update only when something is broken or many people are complaining. Sorry to disappoint :(
  11. ElRolle

    Were hueys removed from dayz?

    Long time ago, they caused desync and killed the passangers.
  12. Kick his ass and post pics. /edit: Nice keywords btw :D
  13. We should remove all guns and vehicles and then fight zombies and each other with hatchets.
  14. They dissapear and are queued to be spawned again within 7 days.
  15. Roses are red Violets are blue OP is raging Ghosters, fuck you
  16. ElRolle

    For all private servers adm

    Seriously though, OP has no idea about basic networking, thread synchronization or latency. /thread
  17. I don't know what country you are living in, but home connections in some parts of the world are just as fast and stable as datacenter connections. For example, if I lived a couple blocks away from where I live now I could get a 1000Mbit down / 100Mbit up fibre optic connection for roughly 100€ per month. That's beast. Notice the use of word "most", "many" and "often" in the FAQ/rules. It's just assumptions from the writer who is very narrow sighted. * Many home Internet connections are simmetrical, ie have the same download/upload speed. * Most ISPs allow users to host servers and only block ports for security reasons (SMTP, Windows file sharing, etc) * Most home Internet connections do not have any bandwidth limits. * Many home Internet connections are binded to a MAC - so they are pretty much static IPs. * Many home Internet connections are just as stable as dedicated lines. I could continue forever...
  18. So it's not really a full control. It's like saying "Selling brand new car, fully working. Without wheels that is."
  19. Hi! In the old forum you could search for server name (for example SE4) and you would get threads mentioning the server. The new forum has a requirement of minimum 4 characters in order to search. Is there a possibility to lower that setting to 3 characters? Thanks!
  20. ElRolle

    Windows Server 2008 R2 Web Edition

    Yes, you can.
  21. YourOADirectory\cfgdayz\server.cfg password = "YOUR_PASSWORD"; // Password for joining, eg connecting to the server
  22. Set up a private server then, what's the problem?
  23. ElRolle

    is this a Good pc to buy

    Much better, but i would recommend getting GTX560Ti instead. It's quite faster than the little brother 550Ti. Also I recommend an i5 CPU from Intel like 2500k or the latest 3750k.
  24. ElRolle

    is this a Good pc to buy

    x6xx are basic gaming models x8xx are performance models Please don't compare the two.