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Everything posted by ElRolle

  1. New, improved Trade Post is under construction and the new cars will be added shortly to the spawn list!
  2. ElRolle

    Whitelist Server without L85

    www.dayzrp.com has the features you are looking for, but also has special in game rules. Check it out!
  3. Lot's of changes since the original post: - Whitelist implemented, now you have to apply in order to join the server. We've had 1 hacker in the last 2 weeks. - RP1 and RP2 are running on the same HIVE - you can join any of them and play your character. Players ghosting will be banned. - Some weapons removed, some added. Removed AS50 and L85, added Saiga, RPK, AK107 and MakarovSD. - Custom built Trading Post created, acts as a safe zone and social/trading hub for players. - Stability changes and optimizations to the server code. - 800 whitelisted users, #9 DayZ server on GameTracker!
  4. That's a nice copy paste from the official and ORIGINAL DayZRP rules available at www.dayzrp.com/rules.php that were made by me and GameMasters at dayzrp.com. Spamming our website with porn and links to your sad server isn't really helping your image, don't you have better stuff to do? Also that's a nice copy of the Trade Post you have there, same location, similar layout. Can't you guys be original and get your own ideas instead of stealing ours? I feel sorry for your players... Have a free bump and good luck with your cheap ripoff! ;)
  5. The rules have been slightly changed, to prevent abuse and going around the rules in some specific cases.
  6. You probably should have mentioned that LLC and VC MUX are only for people using PPPoE, so it's useless for 90% of people out there since they won't have the setting.
  7. The rules are not perfect, but essentially this is how it works right now: there has to be some kind of player interaction between the players before a hostile action can be taken. Simple "hello, *shoots*" won't be accepted. This is after all a roleplaying server, you have to roleplay as a bandit - you can rob your offer from his gear and then do whatever you want with him. Many new people that come to the server complain about being killed by legit bandits, because they thought any kind of killing is forbidden. As of now the rules are enforced by looking at player data, server log and the what the involved players tell us. It's not perfect, and a few innocent people have been banned (to be unbanned shortly after). I am trying to implement a script that will show who killed who in the near future which will make it easier to pinpoint the abusers.
  8. Exactly, and that's why nobody is forcing you to play if you don't like the concept! Bye!
  9. You are of course welcome to have your opinion, but if you haven't played DayZ first days after the release then you wouldn't understand. My vision is to create something similar to first days of DayZ - where people didn't shoot on sight and instead tried to survive together.
  10. That server already exists, look for RP1 on serverlist or visit www.dayzrp.com
  11. ElRolle

    How many servers would this run?

    6? You're a funny guy, aren't you. 2-3 servers with 50 players each is a max for that CPU.
  12. ElRolle

    DayZ Server Type Set to Co-Op

    Your config file - check it.
  13. The ArmA2 game engine uses UDP for network communication. That's why we have so called desync ingame, as packets are not ACK'd and delivery is not reliable. TCP you are seeing is probably server browser traffic and queries. Notice how you don't have to port forward TCP for ArmA2 servers? Also I can't write a better guide, I'm a newbie at hosting ArmA2. I'm a network engineer though and just wanted to point out some errors in your guide. Lots of love <3 /Rolle
  14. False statement. The 4GB RAM cap is for 32bit applications and is the same for Linux, it is an addressing limitation, regardless of OS. False statement. There are no noticable performance differences in network routing/processing or tunneling between Windows Server and Linux. You realize ArmA2 server mainly use UDP for communication? Optimizing TCP values seems... pointless. This will kill your upload speed, but if you're only running ArmA2 server on the box I guess it's ok. This won't change anything as most networks use standard MTU of 1500, unless jumbo frames are enabled (requires high-end hardware). Overall nice guide, but quite biased towards Linux and how better it is than Windows. Linux a good OS overall, but Windows Server 2008 isn't that bad either. I will try the -noCB parameter though :)
  15. ElRolle

    FPS performance terrible!

    Hahaha, BF3 with max settings on a 5670 and 60FPS? Pics or it didn't happen. Yeah, like SSD improve framerates, rotfl.
  16. You have clearly been playing on wrong servers ;)
  17. ElRolle

    Connection Failed?

    Is the server on your LAN? Are you connecting with external IP? Maybe your router doesn't route loopback connections, try joining with internal IP instead.
  18. I don't think it's related, disk is pretty much idle in resource monitor when someone is stuck on loading screen.
  19. ElRolle

    Serverside map question

    cfgdayz/Users/<name>/<name>.ArmA2OAProfile: class Veteran { class Flags { Armor=1; FriendlyTag=0; EnemyTag=0; HUD=1; HUDPerm=0; HUDWp=1; HUDWpPerm=0; WeaponCursor=0; AutoAim=0; AutoGuideAT=0; 3rdPersonView=1; ClockIndicator=0; Map=0; // <--- MAP SETTING, 1 shows units on map Tracers=1; AutoSpot=0; UltraAI=0; DeathMessages=0; NetStats=1; VonID=1; };
  20. SE9 and SE10 run by Tansien are known to be stable and get updated very fast.
  21. ElRolle

    Note on Servers

    ArmA2 has an official Linux server freely available here so it's not a problem. The problem is the Arma2NET library that DayZ uses - it requires .NET Framework 4 to run, which obviously isn't available on Linux.
  22. ElRolle

    Anyone interested in this?

    See my signature
  23. ElRolle

    Cheating question

    Well, there kind of is a way, but you'd have to online when this happens. Make a list of all the players online and filter out those who got their leg broken. The guy that is left is the cheater.