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Everything posted by ElRolle

  1. Ah, yes. SDS is a friendly bunch, they always help you with carrying a lot of gear :D
  2. www.dayzrp.com - whitelisted and passworded.
  3. Shameless bump. A contest for promotional trailer for our server can be found on our forums, cash prizes included, check it out!
  4. I have over 2300 bans on my banlist (community banlist and other sources). The Dart only loads in the first 2170 and I can't see the most recent ones. Is that a bug, is there a workaround? Also would it be possible to add a dropdown when adding a GUID ban to choose the ban length in minutes/hours/days? Thank you for maintaining this tool!
  5. Some balance changes have been made to the server, please read the announcement on the website!
  6. Christmas has come early to DayZRP, Zombie Santa is giving away presents to all good players! Check out the website for more info.
  7. The donation vehicles are currently disabled, should be fixed for the 17:00 restart.
  8. Website is up, game server will follow as planned and should be up around 13:00 UTC.
  9. Current ETA is 13:00 UTC on monday, 3rd dec 2012. Sorry for the long downtime, it was out of my control.
  10. Server and the website are down as the servers are being moved. Should be back up in the evening, will try to keep you updated through this thread.
  11. Shameless bump, we have now added vehicles to regular spawn and donation shop.
  12. Just a reminder: there seems to be a few "copies" of the DayZRP around that copied the rules that were created by me or the website itself. We are not affiliated or are responsible for these servers and websites in any way.
  13. We currently have some issues with DDoS, should hopefully get better during the evening.