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Everything posted by Evilsausage

  1. Yup, so far i have played only for a few days. But already had similar moments as your video. Hordes of zombies, flares that go out in the worst moment possible. And my friend being chased by them forced to hide in a large building but without ammo. So im forced to run at the 20 hungry zombies and fight them inside. And then shortly after that kill a player by accident because i thought i saw something in a bush...turned out he had alot of good loot. Stuff like this just can't happen in other games.
  2. Evilsausage

    Dogs: Discussion

    The developer said himself that hes gonna be very careful with the dogs and only add it if he feels that it works well in the game. But how will the dogs work? I know if it die you can't get it back. But what if the server crash, which happens like all the time. Will the dog then get removed?
  3. Evilsausage

    This mod is better NOW then ever before

    Nice story. Atleast they learned something from it. I also like the new challange. But yeah the spawning could be looked at.
  4. Evilsausage

    Official disconnect thread

    Well something needs to be done about this. We obviously can't put faith in that players will follow the rules. Because there is always a certain % that cheat. I think the fact that you can just log off when your in trouble destroys the illusion of it trying to be a survival game. Things need to be changed so that if you disconnect your character will still be on the server for 30 seconds. That way you can't just leave when zombies or bandits are about to kill you.
  5. Great video man. I love all the adventures in the night.
  6. Evilsausage


    Maybe they should add a function so that the player will remain in the game after he quit untill the next world save is done. Which is normally is done every minute. That way making it harder for people to just leave when they are in trouble
  7. Evilsausage

    too dark at night

    I agree its too dark. I mean no matter how dark its outside you normally can atleast see where a little bit since your eyes adapt. Here its so black i can't even where i put my feet. Making it slightly less dark would be nice, that way we aren't forced to raise gama and brightness to max.
  8. Evilsausage

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    I honestly don't see the problems of spawncamping. Im kinda new so haven't experianced it so far. Isn't it hard for the bandits to spawn camp when the spawn area is so big. I mean at one time you spawn at Cern the next time like a kilometer away.
  9. Evilsausage

    The New Zombie Count is AWESOME

    Me and a friend traveled to Zernogorsk or whatever that capital is called. Just to see if there was alot of zombies. My god I could see zombies walking everywhere in there, we could only sneak in the outskirts of the city. Overall i like the new amount of zombies. 800 might be a tad too much on a server. but 500-600 seems like a good amount. I thought it was way too few before. Now its really hard to survive.
  10. Evilsausage

    DayZ Stories

    Im new to DayZ and played maybe a total of 10 hours. But already have i had some awsome incidents in the game. Stuff you can't experiance in 99% of the other games out there. Anyway here is my story... It is pitch black. Me and my friend had just met up outsiden of Cern and sneeked past a few zombies. In a barn we found a Winchester rifle, some ammo and a CZ hunting rifle. So we get very confident(yes we are noobs) so we start moving towards Cern carrying a flare. The red glow gives us some limited vision, but we soon start to se zombies up a head. But since we where still slightly outside the urban area we thought that there is probably just a few of them. We pick them off easily. But then Hell breaks loose, Zombies from all directions starts popping up and attack us and on top of that the flare goes out. And we can see shit... Me and my friend Venk run towards the coast with about 15-20 Zombies behind us. However I manage to run away and hide, my friend however is still being chased by them. I can se the sillouets of him and the zombies in contast to the ocean. I decide to follow him but run through a forest just to not draw any zombie attention. My friend is now in the harbor in Cern, more zombies has spotted him now about 25-30 zombies are after him. But he manages to run into a big building (next to the yellow crane the one with a burning barrel). He fires up his last ammo and somehow manages to fall in the stairs and hurt his leg(just like real horror movies). He tells me how fucked he is, Im spectating the building and can see the horde of zombies around it, some already inside. So I just sprint towards my friend into the large buildning, Zombies everywhere i try to run up to him but realize the stairs are clogged with zombies. I start firing my Winchester... Now that damn building has doors everwhere so zombies are comming in from all directions. So everywhere there is zombies walking towards me. Luckily i had alot of rounds so i manage to kill most of them. I get about 35 zombie kills in total that night, probably 20+ from that building alone. Finally i manage to regroup with my friend on top of the buildning. Shortly after we managed to get away and fruther along the dock area. Now we get attacked by zombies again and for some reason my friends with no ammo att all runs att the other direction. Now hes stuck in a building again with zombies walking towards him and he got no ways to get away. When im about to come to the rescue, i throw a flare out side there to get a better view. But suddenly in the bushes I see something. Now i was not 100% what it was but i fired twice with the Winchester. But i have no time to check what it was since now the zombies have spotted me. Luckily there wheren't that many of them this time. So i manages to save my friend...once again. Once the battle is over i notice that i got a bandit skin. We explore the bushes and yeah its a dead player with nice loot(atleast for beginners like us). We find a G17 pistol with flashlight, another Winchester, ammo, map, compass, new backpack, matches, food and other useful stuff. So now we feel confient with our new gear, ready to go and explore even more! I feel sorry for the guy though. He must have been like "wtf is goin on" when he saw my friend hide in there, then all of a sudden i run past turn at him and fire. It sure is a rough world in DayZ. Like someone said: " you either die for beans or you kill for beans."
  11. Im new to DayZ and played maybe a total of 10 hours. But already have i had some awsome incidents in the game. Stuff you can't experiance in 99% of the other games out there. Anyway here is my story... It is pitch black. Me and my friend had just met up outsiden of Cern and sneeked past a few zombies. In a barn we found a Winchester rifle, some ammo and a CZ hunting rifle. So we get very confident(yes we are noobs) so we start moving towards Cern carrying a flare. The red glow gives us some limited vision, but we soon start to se zombies up a head. But since we where still slightly outside the urban area we thought that there is probably just a few of them. We pick them off easily. But then Hell breaks loose, Zombies from all directions starts popping up and attack us and on top of that the flare goes out. And we can see shit... Me and my friend Venk run towards the coast with about 15-20 Zombies behind us. However I manage to run away and hide, my friend however is still being chased by them. I can se the sillouets of him and the zombies in contast to the ocean. I decide to follow him but run through a forest just to not draw any zombie attention. My friend is now in the harbor in Cern, more zombies has spotted him now about 25-30 zombies are after him. But he manages to run into a big building (next to the yellow crane the one with a burning barrel). He fires up his last ammo and somehow manages to fall in the stairs and hurt his leg(just like real horror movies). He tells me how fucked he is, Im spectating the building and can see the horde of zombies around it, some already inside. So I just sprint towards my friend into the large buildning, Zombies everywhere i try to run up to him but realize the stairs are clogged with zombies. I start firing my Winchester... Now that damn building has doors everwhere so zombies are comming in from all directions. So everywhere there is zombies walking towards me. Luckily i had alot of rounds so i manage to kill most of them. I get about 35 zombie kills in total that night, probably 20+ from that building alone. Finally i manage to regroup with my friend on top of the buildning. Shortly after we managed to get away and fruther along the dock area. Now we get attacked by zombies again and for some reason my friends with no ammo att all runs att the other direction. Now hes stuck in a building again with zombies walking towards him and he got no ways to get away. When im about to come to the rescue, i throw a flare out side there to get a better view. But suddenly in the bushes I see something. Now i was not 100% what it was but i fired twice with the Winchester. But i have no time to check what it was since now the zombies have spotted me. Luckily there wheren't that many of them this time. So i manages to save my friend...once again. Once the battle is over i notice that i got a bandit skin. We explore the bushes and yeah its a dead player with nice loot(atleast for beginners like us). We find a G17 pistol with flashlight, another Winchester, ammo, map, compass, new backpack, matches, food and other useful stuff. So now we feel confient with our new gear, ready to go and explore even more! I feel sorry for the guy though. He must have been like "wtf is goin on" when he saw my friend hide in there, then all of a sudden i run past turn at him and fire. It sure is a rough world in DayZ. Like someone said: " you either die for beans or you kill for beans." Anyway that was one of my stories. Whats yours?
  12. Evilsausage

    About Zombie Numbers

    Yes I love the tens feeling of having to sneak around. This is a survial game so I don't really think anyway should expect it to be clever to run all by yourself with guns blazing. Before there where abit too few zombies, most of the times the players where the main threat. I kinda like it now when you can see a shitload of em walking zombies in the distance. Though 800 on a server might be a tad too many. But 500-600 i think is a good number. You also seem to find zombies in less obvious places now. Like slightly outside villages etc, which i really like. I hope they add some zombies that roam across the land. So that you can never fully feel safe. Even in a forrest.