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Everything posted by Evilsausage

  1. Evilsausage

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    Playing with friends/clans IS player interaction. Thats a horrible suggestion to get people to team up with randoms. People do want to be able to play with other they know and trust. Playing with some random douche that likes aggroing an entire town of zombies or might just kill you is not gonna add more fun. This game is about having choices, not forcing people to play a certain way. If someone wanna team up with randoms, good for u. But that doesn't mean everyone want to. Besides teams that sit at the cost and snipe noobs has nothing to gain on it. But the noobs learn something out of it and the gankers risk alot by revealing their position to kill noobs. People has just been spoonfed by all other games on "how a game should be like". Which normally involves super nice fluffy gameplay that doesn't punish you if you fail. But if there is nothing that punish you, there is nothing really that rewards either. Thats why a lagy gun fight in this game is far more exciting then any fight in Battlefield 3.
  2. Evilsausage

    Are the new female skins racist?

    When i first saw the thread about the new female skins being degrading to women. I was thinking that theres gonna be another retard making threads about stuff being racist. Guess im psychic...
  3. Evilsausage

    Are the new female skins sexist?

    OMG the male skins are too manly! I can't take it! Make them more nerdy like myself! This thread is dumb. I think the skin looks realistic, its no G-cup bimbo with thong thats for sure.
  4. Evilsausage

    Minigun ambush (Video)

    Thank you Hawk. Some people just shouldn't use the internet, if they can't read a few sentences. I never said I had the Minigun, I said "one of our guys". I just recorded the incident. From what i know its really rare a mounted Minigun gets used on players. Unless its some staged shit. This is the real deal and the Huey was just so perfectly for us since one of us only had a makarov. So i was happy just to be able to record that. The two players also carried alot of nice loot, it was a really good day for us.
  5. Okay this game is filled with bugs that can kill you. But the bug i got to see a few days ago must be extreamly rare. Anyway me and 5 other Bandits are out hunting in Zelnogorsk. We notice a lone survivor in the town. Me and one more move in. While the other are ready with the sniper rifles. The Survivor walks into a store and then suddenly another player spawns on the exact location hes in. The Survivor is now stuck in the floor with only his head sticking up, the guy who spawned is a bandit and hes just looking at the poor survivor trying to break free now. The Bandit shoots at him but must have hit the floor. But then we move in and kill the bandit and the survivor. The odds of another player spawning on you must be extreamly rare. Yes some areas like stores and controltowers are quite popular. But Zelnogorsk isn't even that popular place to visit. I even have the thing recorded. So check it out! enjoy :)
  6. Hey IMaffo i think i recognize your name. Yeah DayZ is the only game i have been really into since Men of war AS. For games to be exciting for me they have to bring something new and fresh, which sadly not many game does. Atleast the survivor died with style, we would had killed him anyway since we had the building surrounded.
  7. Totaly agree. The first day or two i thought the zombies where really scary. But now its just very rare they are a big problem. Its normally the players you have to watchout for. I just hope it becomes a bit more scary to walk around in a forrest in Day Z. Making it hard to survive vs zombies would also require more teamplay. I also think zombies could be better att detecting during the day. Since Zombies are far less of a problem during the day right now.
  8. Hello im EvilSausage....and im a bandit, I enjoy killing people. Problem is even if i would want to be friendly, none would trust me because of the skin i got. (Yeah i know...its racist!) The first day i played DayZ it was kinda nice as a survivor, most players where new and really wanted to play vs zombies. But the PVP aspect of the game is fun and when you start getting decent gear i just find it too risky to trust a stranger. The last time i tried to do it i got shot in the face. If i team up i team up with friends, other then that i don't really see a reason why i should let a enemy player live. Especially if he seems to have some useful stuff. Only time i can let players live is if they are just running around in starting gear. Since i have no use for any of there loot. But I actually would not mind if there was more encouregment to interact with other players. But people should still have the option to kill eachother.
  9. Cool will we in the future get any hints on what caused the infection of all those people? Im guessing it wasn't from bites, since players can't get infected by them. Not yet anyway. I think if all zombies where slow the game would just be dull. But I would really want less predictable zombies. Zombie hordes and a few zombies here and there in forrests.
  10. Evilsausage

    Cheating death through disconnects

    I think the fact that there are constantly new threads about it isn't strange. Its probably the biggest issue with this game right now. Its supposed to be survival, but you can just instant quite from any tricky sitiuation... I hope they will find a solution.
  11. I actually had the problem 2 days ago being stuck in debug zone. I had no ways to get out and no idea what happend if i fired at the players. I shot about 2 of them just to see. This is not a exploite but a bug, none wants to end up in that place. I just hope they fix it. Every server I joined and i spawned in a debug zone so i had to kill my first 5 day character.
  12. Here is a list of things I have learned from playing Day Z. Its pretty short but has some funny moments, so watch it! :) List the things you have learned from playing the game. Direct link to by YT channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/Ondkorven?feature=mhee
  13. Evilsausage

    Iron Front - Nazi Zombies??

    It would be kinda cool. But its not half as interresting as a DayZ for Arma III. I mean that gigantic map with all entrable buildings, superb graphics etc...Day Z for Arma III would raise sales alot. So im almost willing to bet money that we will get a DayZ for Arma III.
  14. Evilsausage

    Things you have learned from playing DayZ

    I forgot one of the most important things. The thing 80% of the players with good gear do to surivive usually involves Alt + F4.
  15. Evilsausage

    A question about infected speeds

    I like them fast. Making them slow would mean they would not be a threat at all. Now if you aggro stuff can get scary. I actually think zombies could need a speed boost inside houses if possible. Since if you got ammo they are no threat. I can understand why they can't run, but slighty faster walk speed would be good.
  16. Everytime i go out at night i worry that i will have to light flares. But luckily i don't need to since its never as dark outside as it is in DayZ. I try to keep a distance from walls and especially doors, since i know Zombies can hit/walk through them.
  17. Evilsausage

    Stuck in debug forest.

    No no we where having gunfights in the debug zone. Both me and the other guy died. After that i respawned at the shore with my new character.
  18. Evilsausage

    Stuck in debug forest.

    Im also stuck in debug forrest. i can run around there sometimes there are other players that also seem to be stuck there.
  19. I thought the idea about Zombies prefering bandits over survivors was hillarious. I loled so hard man.... Yeah bro that shit makes so much sense. It get extra funny when you read one of his quotes: So realism is Zombies prefering bandits? Does the Zombies have moral values or something or does bandits just taste better because they have access to more beans :D
  20. Well i do agree that its kinda funny how a character has to spend minutes to regenerate body temperature but regaining other stuff is done instantly. Thought im not so sure things should get too complicated. Also don't agree about the damage from gun wounds. After all a AK-47 hit should put a guy down. I do however like the infection idea if it takes long time for it to start kicking in. It makes more sense then the cold we seem to automatically get when we freeze now.... :/ Food regenerating also sounds good.
  21. Man what that admin did makes me remember the horrors of Jedi academy. There was always some douch admin who thought he was god and just kicked everyone for very very dumb reasons. Some people just can't handle responsebility atleast you can comfort yourself that they lost and you won.
  22. Evilsausage

    Fuck The Ocean (rage thread)

    From what I have heard you only drop your backpack if your stamina is low. Which do makes sense, can't be easy to swim around with a backpack filled with beans and pepsi.
  23. Evilsausage


    Night should definatly NOT be removed! Night time normally offers very interressting gameplay. But right now there are so many factors that encourage you to play during the day, that I just avoid night time. You don't even seem to have a stealh advantage vs zombies at night. Which is strange. Yeah it should atleast be possible to see a few meters infront of you. Sometimes i can even see if im running or just stuck running against a object.
  24. Most players tend to avoid playing during the night. Since your so dependent on flares. But using them also mean you attract bandits. Zombies are also a greater threat at night. Now when (i guess) we are more likely to be affected by Hypothermia at night and zombies react more to flares. It seems like playing during night time will become even less popular. Don't get me wrong I think the changes are great. But it feels like there could be something that encourage you to play at night. For example there seems to be very little difference in the Zombies awareness. Maybe it should be a bit hard to sneak past zombies during the day. After all currently you can pretty much craw right infront of them even in daylight.