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Everything posted by Evilsausage

  1. Evilsausage

    Why promises bite you in the ass

    "But have patience" One of the most used lines from DayZ defenders. People have waited 6 years, if there is any game people have the right to lose patience over its DayZ. It is kinda amazing how slow the progress of DayZ has been going over the years. Especially concidering they sold several million copies. Talk about wasted oppertunity.
  2. Well they have 1 month. Or atleast if they wan the game not look too bad on release. Plenty of bugs that also needs fixing... I also wonder, seams like the Zombies deal very little actual damage now. I think its good you don't start bleeding 50% of the time like before. But so far I haven't really sufferd any major damage from them. So there has been no real risk taking on a couple of em in melee.
  3. Problem is they are only a threat if you shoot. If not they are horrible at spotting you and you can just run inside a building. Atm their pathing is so bad that they seam to get stuck on any object in the way. Its way to easy to get away. I want players to end up in panic situations where they have to use their guns. That way you need your weapons for other stuff then PVP.
  4. Evilsausage

    Weapons in .63

    Thats pretty sad, is it because they need to rework animations on all of them or something? You would think the closer you get to full release the more finished it would feel. In some cases Beta sure has been improved but at the same time its worse in other areas. Zombies are no threat, less weapons, no wolves, no vaulting and just alot of bugs.
  5. Evilsausage

    Weapons in .63

    So far i havent found any weapon using. 22. No C96 pistol. And probably alot more missing. I hope that stuff gets added back.
  6. Evilsausage

    Came back to it after a year or so...

    Yeah I loved the wolves, those moments you ran into them it was damn tense. Feels like alot of the stuff isn't in the game. Far less weapons etc... Will this be added to the full game in the future? Seams like features get added then removed. Some return others never do....
  7. Evilsausage

    I just don't have any words left.

    This is a player at a police station. Or should I say this is a moving torso. Fun fact the guy shot me in the head first with a pistol (I had no helmet) but my HP only went down to Yellow and I wasn't even bleeding. After that we became friends and looted some stuff together. 10 min later the torso bug got fixed. Still...this is a buggy mess. This is still way to buggy to be conciderd a beta. They fix a couple of bugs but always manage to create new bugs. This long ass stress test period of the beta that lasted like six months. Didn't they have time to do more polish then?
  8. I found a headtorch last night when me and a friend played. It was quite nice to run around with it in the dark. But then today for some reason, when I turn on the Head torch. (Had to put it in the hands to do that for some reason, even though thats now how head torches work, but whatever) The lights goes on, but for some reason when I put it on my head its off. Take it to hands...and its on again. Etc... Then later we notice that both head torches are like one meter above me and my friends heads. I can see his head torch light but can't se my own. and vice versa. So I decide to logout and see if that solves the problem. (head torch still on) But then for some reason I crash everytime i try to log back on to the server. So had to change server and then it worked. But I never dared to use the Head torch after that. Only in DayZ can you find like 3 bugs on something so simple as a head torch. Another one is a Barrel experience we had (same day). We find a Barrel and start to slowly carry it into the forest, can't run anymore with those things. Try to place it inside a bush, but for some reason now it gets placed on the bush. So its actually hoovering up in the air. Tried the new placement function, but it was super buggy. But eventually my friend managed to place it down. What happens then...ofc we can't open the Barrels lid. So we can't put anything in it. Apparently some barrels can become glitched now....So we had to abandon that barrel and find an actually working one. Annnnd go through the whole process again.... I mean barrels worked alright a year ago or so...Feels like everything just go so much back and forth. It's almost a bit comical the whole thing...
  9. That money went to pay their staff is kinda obvious and ofc for making the Enfusion Engine. How much Enfusion is a new engine or just a highly tweeked Arma 2 engine. I don't really know. Still at this point there really is no good excuse as to why the game feels so unfinished.
  10. First off, Bethesda didn't make Elder Scrolls Online. Zenimax did. Bethesda only helped publish it. The game had been in development in 7 years, but there is no info at all about how many where involved with the project from the start. First year or 2 could have been a small crew of concept artist, programmers to create a foundation. Hard to say the crew size. Still they made a MMO, everything from scratch. All the monsters, quests, the world etc... DayZ was based Arma 2s world and many parts of the enviroment are still used in the DayZ. DayZ mod resulted in maybe a couple of millions sold copies of Arma 2? Then 3 additional million copies for DayZ SA. That adds to quite alot of money for a medium sized company. But you want people to give them more money? They have had alot of resources and time to develop DayZ but this development has been messy. Features added then removed, then new features added. Then removed again never to be seen again. They have been experimenting with alot of shit and in the end has just gotten scrapped. And the bugs, so many bugs and wonky stuff. Even many very obvious stuff is bad even for an alpha. As if they have no playtesting at all over a their studio to se what work and what doesn't. Harsh truth is DayZ had its glory days in 2012/2013 and thats the time most people bought the game. Now DayZ has maybe like 1/10th the players? All of which has already payed for the game. They know there really isn't much money to be made from new fans and that there is alot of work to really make DayZ fully finnished. So I bet the team has been smaller then 60 people these past years. I hope they put in some propper work now when they are about to release the game and actually get reviewed by critics. Beta is promsing but at the same time its still very unpolished. So who knows what will really happen with the full product.
  11. Evilsausage

    Running around vs guns

    I remember that was a Issue before in DayZ. Kinda hoped the new system would have been fixed the issue. ?
  12. Bis has had other projects. So my guess is that the team on DayZ has been rather small. I mean its not normal to have this slow progress. Hopefully more people are working on it, now when its so close to release.
  13. Played a couple of hours of 6.3 DayZ and enjoyed it quite a bit. I actually found loot near the coast aswell. But whats the deal with the Infected? I ran right infront of them(like 10 meters) and they didn't react at all. I also ran right behind one, like 1 or 2 meters and nothing, aren't they suppose to have a hearing? Atleast 1 or 2 years ago, it felt like they noticed you better. I personally think DayZ is the most fun when the Infected are a bit harder to sneak past. It makes exploring towns more difficult. If spotted its forcing you to run or use your melee weapon. Even in extreme cases use your gun. That adds alot to the game and it makes it more likely that other players will know if someone is there. I just hope this isn't the intended design for the Infected. I played on a very rainy server, so maybe thats why they didn't spot me. Is it the same for you guys?
  14. Well I just wanna see it released. Before it's just been excuses after excuses. Its "ALPHUR!! OFC ITS BUGGY! " "We are rebuilding the engine and it will sure fix stuff!" Well now its getting released in a little more then a month. They can't excuse stuff now. Its ment to be a full game then. They have had 6 years to do it. I really hope they preform a miracle, alot is at stake. They will actually get reviewed and spotlight aimed at them. If it will be a buggy mess, DayZ will be a laughing stock even worse then it has been. Happy crunching DayZ devs!
  15. Overall I agree with OP. Especially the PvZ is an issue. It's bad when the Zombies almost felt better in the 2012 mod then today. I mean they where really bad back then aswell and glitched more then now. But atleast they where a threat, they spotted you and chased you like crazy. Unlike now when they are just kinda useless. I totaly belive that PVP/PVE balance could be alot better then what it is now.
  16. Evilsausage

    Tried 6.3, have the Zombies gotten worse?

    Yeah, I mean people complain Fallout 76 combat is bad vs AI. But its still lightyears better then DayZs. The melee combat was supposed to be better in 6.3. And yeah maybe it is a little. But its still horrid when comparing to basically any game on the market. I know everything becomes harder when everything is on server. I have kinda accepted that the DayZ zombie combat will be messy to some extent. Still a bit better combat and atleast zombies that can be a threat should not be too much to ask for in a Zombie survival game.
  17. Evilsausage

    how to reload guns correctly?

    But when would you ever want to hold the bullets just in your hands?
  18. Evilsausage

    Can't combine items?

    But is that intended to remain in the game? I mean a soldier with full military gear can do that. Even a knight in full plate armor is actually quite agile.
  19. Evilsausage

    how to reload guns correctly?

    Yeah I have had same issues. Haven't there been like a million stress tests. Shouldn't problems like that have been found? Or are we just doing it wrong? Only played like 2 hours so far of 6.3
  20. Evilsausage

    Tried 6.3, have the Zombies gotten worse?

    Well they have had several years to work on the Zombies. They got quite a long list of bugs to fix before christmas. It would probably be hard to get done for most studios. Concidering BiS had major issues keeping deadlines before, I'm gonna be a bit sceptical. Still really hope it gets fixed by then!
  21. Evilsausage

    It's still always night, and always raining.

    Also noticed alot of rain, sometimes comming from almost horizontal directions. That works when the wind is high and trees are moving. But at times I got that rain when there was like no wind at all. So it just looked kinda weird. Atleast you don't freeze to death super fast from some rain now and I really like playing at night now when its not as easy to abuse the Gamma.
  22. Evilsausage

    Can't combine items?

    That explains alot. Thought I did something wrong. Btw is the Vaulting system bugged or am I just doing it wrong? Doesn't seem to work like it used to.
  23. Evilsausage

    Tried 6.3, have the Zombies gotten worse?

    Yeah I hated it when they where removed. But there was a time, if i recall when the wolves where quite new in the game. Then when I played it felt like there where just as many Zombies as now and they worked better. Not great, but better. Really hope it gets fixed before 1.0. Its gonna look quite bad to have useless zombies in a zombie survival game.
  24. Evilsausage

    [Confused] BETA vs 1.0

    Wow you really must have issues if you can't even live with the fact that there are people who complain. My Insults? You where the one who used "half-wits" first. So technically its yours. I only reused it. When I was refering to "biggest thing that year" it wasn't just sales i was refering to. But DayZ really got the online survival genre going. And people really where blown away by it. People had never played anything quite like it. That whole thing is why people still want to belive in DayZ but its also why people are feeling let down. Anyway feels pointless answering a person thats ignoring me like some childish teen.
  25. Evilsausage

    [Confused] BETA vs 1.0

    Its a forum. People do complain on all forums. But you picked a game with 6 years of troubled development that still isn't out. Still saying complainers are "half-wits" as if they are dumb for complaing? Aren't you a bit of "half-wit" for thinking that? DayZ was like the biggest shit ever in 2012 and ofc that will mean people have strong thoughts about it. Many people are disappointed over what they actually have managed to achieve. Complainers mean that they still atleast care about Dayz in some way or another. Thats atleast something... The majority of DayZ players have just moved on to something else.