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Everything posted by Stunt_M()nkey

  1. Stunt_M()nkey

    Justified killing

    The date was Sunday 22nd July; Time - 2105 GMT; Server - UK 11. After a looting session in Zelenogorsk i made the ardious trekk to Stary Sobor for a weapons looting mission. I moved north west from Zelenogorsk making a quick stop in Pustoshka to hit the general store before proceeding to my main mission. Once i had reached the north west side of Stary Sobor i went prone and crawled into an over watch position giving me a clear view on the military camp. I observed for between 5 and 10 minutes to make sure that the camp was clear of any potential threats, when suddenly a figure appeared moving from one med tent to another. Suddenly 3 bangs sounded, my heart started to beat in my chest getting louder and faster. I had to act, do i leave this guy or do i take him down. Needless to say i took the second option. I drew my M14, released a shot to find my zero, i squeezed off another, the guy hit the ground. One down!! I then proceeded to crawl to the small block of forest that towers over the heavily contested Stary Sobor Military camp. On my approach i spot a tent, I staked it out for several minutes, happy that no-one was in the immediate area i moved ever closer to the tent but it came up empty. At that moment I looked up through the forested area to the top of the hill, and there the 2nd potentional threat appears, observing with binos down into the Militiary camp. I take no risk and no second thoughts, my red dot sight trains itself on the threats head, the sound of my shot echos around the hill and the camp. Two down!! Am i justified in taking the life of these two survivors or should i have let them go about their business and risk getting taken out myself? I don't kill everyone i come up against but lately as soon as i have been spotted i take incoming rounds, so i took the approach "KILL OR BE KILLED" on the occasion, especially because of the location i was in. Feed back would be appreciated with your thoughts on the matter.
  2. THIS IS FOR THE EJIT WHO WAS BEING CHASED DOWN BY ZOMBIES IN ELECKTRO ON UK11 LAST NIGHT ALONG WITH MOLLIE. I CALLED YOU INTO THE CHURCH TO PROTECT YOU AND THEN YOU EMPTIED A MAKAROV INTO MY HEAD! I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for beans, I can tell you I didn't have any. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let the new spawns and FRIENDLY's live , that'll be the end of it, I will not look for you, I will not pursue you, But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will KILL YOU!
  3. I'm sure there could be Irish servers out there. Its just the server provider that our fearless leader has chosen. Yeah we are running our server on a private hive, it makes for better gaming instead of banning 40 hackers and hour we are down to 3 or 4 a day if that.
  4. I'm sorry that you don't have a sense of humor buddy but theres nothing i can do about that.
  5. Again someone else mis-interpreting my post, the thread was made with the intentsion of being comical.
  6. Yeah im Irish. I play with Asylum on UK11 Mad.......No, its a game dude.
  7. I think you kind of missed the point of this post buddy, it was more of a joke and for the perpetrator to come forward. (puts face in hand and mutters "Xelous,Xelous,Xelous")
  8. Stunt_M()nkey

    Ok I have had enough....

  9. . No this my attempt at a "COME ON" to the hallion that deceived me last night. Cheers for the invitation buddy but i already roll with the Asylum clan home server UK11
  10. Stunt_M()nkey

    Ok I have had enough....

    I'll talk to him whatever way i want you tit, he is a member of Asylum the clan of which i am a member of!
  11. Stunt_M()nkey

    Ok I have had enough....

    You are also Scottish so that may explain your grammar, oh and did i mention you are a C*NT! :P
  12. Stunt_M()nkey

    epic bandit camp destroyed

    Was there any need for Nick to indicate the OP was lying? I think not. The OP was simply telling the community something he experienced. Just because fraps is free doesn't mean people use it I know i don't. Sure why don't you jump on Nicks band wagon and accuse other people without video evidence of talking crap. Grow up! Nice story apache and well played buddy!
  13. Stunt_M()nkey

    epic bandit camp destroyed

    You are a ballbag, the OP was just telling us of an experience he had theres no need to a FOOKING ARSEHOLE!
  14. Stunt_M()nkey

    at Last.. A Noble Death.......

    Well documented account of your adventures, I had a chuckle at this quote. You old chap can have my beans!
  15. Stunt_M()nkey

    Inventory issues

    I am experiencing a couple of issues: 1 - When i log onto DayZ using the Arma exe and join a server i have in my possession both primary and secondary weapons but all my mags etc disappear but i still have the items in my toolbelt and my binos etc, also i don't get the notification when i first log in of where have spawned and how many days i have survived etc. 2 - when i join a server through DayZ commander i experience the same thing with my weapons and inventory but only this time i can see where i have spawned and how many days i have alive. 3 - finally i was attacked last night by a hatchet welding mad man and when i went to bandage myself my game wouldn't execute the command and the same with giving myself morphine. I could see myself bleeding but my blood levels weren't decreasing and then all of a sudden i was at below 6000 blood then -1000 blood but i was still alive. Just wondering does anyone have any suggestions on why i am experiencing these issues?
  16. Stunt_M()nkey

    Roll back question

    Quick question. My SixUpdater updated from 95883 to 96061, is there anyway i can role back?
  17. Stunt_M()nkey

    1 ducking quit....

    Build a fooking bridge!
  18. The Mod is a complete and utter EMOTIONAL rollercoaster of awesomeness.... there are no other games/mods out there that i have played that have brought out the emotions that this does.
  19. Stunt_M()nkey

    [trade] i got Ghillies i want guns

    what gun would you like for a ghilli?
  20. Stunt_M()nkey

    Sniper on UK12 can go f~@% Himself!!!

    Yo yo...myself and 3 other Irish lads play on UK11 most nights, so pop on and give us a shout we can help out.
  21. Stunt_M()nkey

    this mod is in beta...

    All the people that are arguying over this are all PLEEBS.....! THAT IS ALL!
  22. I love it when a good fire fight comes together!!
  23. Stunt_M()nkey

    Elektro Solo Sniped a Clan

    Forum is full of chuckles today! NICE
  24. Stunt_M()nkey

    Sniping elektro with the AS50

    HAHAHA............ Killshot the way your getting on suggests to me that you are some spotty faced kid. Ah this made me chuckle!
  25. Stunt_M()nkey

    Inventory Not Saving on Logout

    Has anyone got back with a fix for this, or is the released yet? I know wednesday was mentioned for the fix release but havent heard any different as of yet.