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resident emil

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Everything posted by resident emil

  1. Great! Will check out the forum. Global channel off fri-sun would be a nice compromise. Br, Ijon
  2. Had some really nice evenings on this server. Been playing just about every night since being whitelisted. Me and my buddy tend to keep to ourselves but have spotted quite many people while traveling the countryside. A couple of suggestions: Is it possible to set the global channel to text only? Sneaking around the forest and suddenly having someone yelling in your ear can be a bit irritating. Especially if the guy speaking is on the other side of the map. (I would rather have the global channel turned off completely, but this would be an ok compromise) Would it be possible set up a forum somewhere for the server? With a private server there will probably be a need for after action reports, letting of some steam :) and just general talk. Could the server be set up so that it changes timezone, say every third week or something? Would be nice to have some night time playing once in a while (or for the players from the other side of the world to have some day time). Thanks for a nice server! Ijon Tichy
  3. Check your mail :) Stevie sent you a mail for both of us. Br, IJ
  4. That sounds truly great! our player names are "Ijon Tichy" and "Stevie Stiff". Is third person disabled on the server? We prefer playing on servers with third person off, but it's not a deal breaker :) Also, what timezone do you run the server on? We usually play on servers that are GMT-2 to GMT-7 to catch at least some daylight in the game. We're not opposed to playing in the dark (actually we kind of like it), but not all the time. Br, Ijon
  5. Hi, We're two serious guys from Sweden (both 25+) looking for a good private server to play on. This last week really put the last nail in the coffin for DayZ regarding hacking... We're so fed up with all of it and just want a good, stable server to play on. We've both been playing DayZ regularly since May. You can see some of our DayZ gaming in my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheResidentEmil Br, Ijon Tichy and Stevie Stiff
  6. resident emil

    Sincere apologies to DeQz

    Yesterday was a strange day. First I played on a German server where everyone suddenly was teleported out in the ocean. After this I noticed I could not "restart" so I was stuck in the ocean no matter what server I logged in on. So I started swimming. After about one hour I finally set foot on Skalisty Island. My friend was freshly spawned west of Elektro, so we decided to meet up somewhere in Elektro. Once getting to each other we started moving in towards the hospital. Just south of the hospital we ran into another player named DeQz. We had a short talk where he informed us there were bandits on the hospital roof. We asked if he needed assistance taking them out but he was already moving out of the area. While we were cautiously staking out the hospital DeQz suddenly launched an assault on the hospital by himself. We approached in the aftermath, unsure of who was still alive... The unfolding of events can be seen in the video:
  7. resident emil

    Sincere apologies to DeQz

    I've added some comments to the video, clearing up what we are talking about.
  8. resident emil

    Sincere apologies to DeQz

    Yep, we were convinced the bandit got him, so I decided to take out that mofo bandit... Unfortunately DeQz apparently found and changed to a ghillie suit while we were inside the hospital. You might have guessed that i'm not a KOS player :) This was something like my fifth or sixth player killing since starting playing DayZ in early May. 60 days is my "stay alive" record so far. It seems most people don't agree, but not KOS has resulted in many interesting experiences.
  9. resident emil

    Stuck in the ocean

    This happened to me yesterday and was the first time ever seeing a hack in DayZ. Everyone on the server was teleported far out in the ocean. I logged out and in on another server but was still in ocean. Tried switching servers a number of times but with no success. The tricky part is that you can no longer commit suicide as the "restart" option is grayed out. So in the end I spent more than an hour swimming towards land (putting a weight on the W key), finally reaching land at Skalisty Island. I was hoping that I would die of dehydration/starvation, but it seemed like neither of those decreased while I was swimming.
  10. The other day I found a Tractor, the Cator 2009, on a hill just west of Solnichniy. It had half a tank of fuel and in a OK condition to drive. I drove it to Polana to stock up on some items in the supermarket, then to Dubrovka where I met up with a friend. Ran over lots of Zombies on my way there, unfortunately I got no kills for roadkill Zombies Together we agreed I should drive to Berezino and do a crazy race rough the town. Unfortunately I took a wrong turn east of Dubrovka and ended up in Olsha. I turned around and headed for Berezino. I was running on fumes when I rolled in to northern Berezino but managed to get the tractor to the gas station. We met up with another friend here and set out to find a jerry can. Once found, I refueled the tractor and set out for central Berezino. With the pedal to the metal and wildly honking the horn I trashed through the streets of Berezino. Coming up to the hospital a player spotted me and started firing at me and my tractor. Somehow I managed to evade the bullets, ziggzagged between the roadblocks and headed back to my friends. Refuled the tractor and decided to hide it somewhere. The story ended abruptly when I tried to park the tractor between two fir trees. Apparently there was a third tree hidden behind the others which I crashed into at 2 mph. The crash, while slow and gentle, was devastating. Causing a massive explosion and killing me. Anyhow, it was an amazing and hilarious experience driving around in the tractor. Best of all I FRAPS'd all of it. For your enjoyment I present: DayZ Tractor Driving Br, Resident Emil aka Ijon Tichy
  11. resident emil

    I'm Now a Deathmatch Player

    No, but some people have broken from the pressure and tension of interpersonal communication and cooperative collaboration with people who can´t automatically be trusted. The game however is more or less the same. Instead of racking up loot, days and kills, think of the game as a challenge of your integrity. How long can you keep your integrity in this harsh and unfriendly environment? The people posting on the forum that they somehow turned to shoot on sight players though they really didn't want to, those people lost the game. In the end, when you log of for the night, it's not the loot that counts. It's the experiences.
  12. resident emil

    I'm Now a Deathmatch Player

    I'm happy to say that you are wrong. There's actually plenty of us who refuse to shoot on sight. Several of us are 20+ days survivors. Some people say that shooting on sight is the best (even only) option and that you don't loose anything by doing it. That's true if you got your head stuck so far up the ass of the god of loot that you can't see the alternatives. For me that playstyle would mean missing out on all those great experiences that actually mean something to me in the game. I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with your style of playing (to each his own) but if your main argument is to protect your precious loot, I think you should talk to your psychologist about your unhealthy obsession with material things. Just my 2 cents...
  13. resident emil

    Some feature ideas requesting feedback

    To me this seems to be a roundabout and strange (radiotowers preventing login) solution to a problem that could be prevented by prohibiting A > B > A server hopping within, lets say, 20 minutes. On the other hand, setting up radiotowers to enable long distance communication would be great, but doesn't seem to be discussed much in this context. How about this to prevent people accidentally stumbling in on each other on login: For each person within a 50 meter radius the area in which other players can't login is increased by 1.8. Example: 1 person within 50 meters. Anyone can login outside of a 2 meter radius (the suggested default) from this person. 2 people, closest login 3,6 meter away from averaged center of these two people. 3 = 6,5 m 4 = 11.7 m 5 = 21 m 6 = 37,8 7 = 68 m 8 = 122,4 m 9 = 220,4 m 10 = 396,7 meters 11 = 714,1 meters. and so on... Probably there should be some upper limit to this. So how could this be implemented? Instead of checking every person alive on the server for vicinity of others (which could lead to heavy calculations chaining around all of Chernarus) you check within a 50 meter radius of the person logging in. Then the average position of all people within this area is calculated and the player who is logging in is moved away from this averaged center. The distance moved is calculated according to the number of people in the 50 meter radius, as described above. Of course ocean and other "bad" positions would need to be handled.
  14. Hi, I've been messing around with different video capturing programs lately and was trying out Dxtory today. It seems promising, but today's videos was all garbled and messed up. Apparently I need to finetune the compression settings. Instead of editing today's adventure, I spent some time going through and deleting past videos when I found this. Thought I should share it... This is one of my most tense moments in DayZ so far. Alone in the dark, and not very well equipped, I happen upon two guys with a car looting the Balota Military Field Hospital... I do not fire my gun in the video, although the other two guys kill a couple of zombies. However, the situation with zombies all around me and not knowing the intentions of those guys were really tense. My plan was to move up behind and to the left of the car, slowly approaching the driver and try talking to him. If they were hostile I would try shooting the driver and stealing the car before his buddy catched up. As before, feedback is welcome!
  15. EDIT: Now with English subtitles for the parts in Swedish Me and my buddy bigtool4you looted the military tents in Stary Sobor yesterday. He was on overwatch while I went down to the tents and started looting. Suddenly my buddy spotted another player very close to the tents. I kindly asked him to leave. However he had other plans and tried sneaking around me to ambush me. Apparently he didn't notice my buddy, so we had a good overview of his movements. I repeatedly warned him and threatened to shoot unless he left. It ended with us looting his dead body... Drunk on victory we recklessly moved away, only to be ambushed by another (group of) survivors. My buddy was instantly killed, while I managed to perform a oscar worthy cinematic death :) Very nice experience! There's quite some shooting going on at the start, in the middle and at the end. Video is partially in English and partially in Swedish. In the begining the Swedish is mainly smalltalk, in the middle when we switch to Swedish it's mostly "Oh fuck! Do you see him? Should I shot? Jesus my heart is pounding!" and variants of such. I will make and upload subtitles as soon as possible.
  16. resident emil

    Stary Sobor Shootout, and a swift death...

    :D You're funny! Thanks.
  17. resident emil

    Stary Sobor Shootout, and a swift death...

    Thanks for the feedback. I guess different people watch videos for different reasons :) I watch lots of DayZ videos myself, and to me the actual gun firing isn't the point unless there's a history/build up before the action. Lot's of the videos I enjoy are the kind where you can see how people act, communicate and interact with the world. But I'll see what I can do to cater to your kind of audience in the future. Short answer yes. When I/we play' date=' I usually start recording when we get in a situation that might become an interesting video. And in those situation I switch to English, because (even though our English is kind of... limited?) it's easier than subtitling the whole thing. With that said, I did have a good time subtitling this yesterday. At a couple of places I did take some creative license which I guess you'll only notice if you speak Swedish :) Would you prefer it completely in Swedish with subs, completely in English or as it is? [hr']
  18. resident emil

    Stary Sobor Shootout, and a swift death...

    Hi, I just added subtitles in English for the parts in Swedish...
  19. No, that's just your interpretation of what I am writing. And please stop throwing the "punish" word around as soon as anyone suggest changes to the mechanics of the game. I almost exclusively play at night (due to it actually being night when I have time to play) and very seldom the number of players are below 30. And if this was implemented and I was playing on a server with less players I would not be dumbfounded when less "attractive" loot spawns. It would be totally reasonable. Also, if this was implemented I am certain people would tend to join servers where people are already playing. If people would still chose to join servers with low number of players it would only prove the necessity of this implementation. The punishing is only in your head. For servers starting up I am sure that less attractive loot the first five minutes until people have joined would not be a game changer.
  20. Ban the no-pvp servers. Apart from that, loot tables should be dynamically altered according to the number of people playing on a server. If less than 30 people are playing, then no tier 3 weapons should spawn. Less than 15 people? Then only very basic loot should spawn. Less than 5 people = no loot at all. That way low maximum players servers should never spawn higher grade loot. Previously my DayZ forum habit has been to check all posts by Rocket to find the latest meaningful info. Then "view todays posts". As of now I have added "Check all posts from ZedsDeadBaby". It's so refreshing seeing someone who actually understands the mod. Thank you ZdB, your posts are relieving some of the frustration I get from following this forum :) To be clear: In games where any moral decisions needs to be made, I always chose to follow my IRL moral compass. That means that I never shoot people unless provoked, and I dont mean "he stared at me in a funny way"-provoked. In the eight weeks I've been playing DayZ I've killed three survivors: - One bandit on my first play. A bandit running on the field north of light tower between Cherno and Elektro. - One bandit, in sheer panic, as he was comming up the stairs in the tower at Elektro powerplant. I was outside of roof. Really regret this. - One survivor who ambushed me and a friend. This is my only kill I don't regret.
  21. resident emil

    Close Encounters

    Hi survivors! I recorded several hours of DayZ gameplay yesterday and the day before. Unfortunately I forgot to record audio :( So I decided to edit the material and put together a compilation of close encounters and put some quite suitable music on it :) In the video there are: - 9 Hatchet kills (one is a goat :) - A pretty typical situation of barbed wire hell - Extreme floating loot - A survivor sighting in Elektro (no shit!) through binoculars - Surviving with broken leg - And several really close encounters with Zombies. The graphics glitches seen at a couple of places seem to be because of the barbed wire or possibly the tanktraps. Hope you enjoy it!