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About Rumiac

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  1. Rumiac


    I'm just curious myself if the old .45 is in the loot table now. I love that thing and would really like it if I can still get one somehow.
  2. Rumiac

    I try not to be a noob...

    Honestly. If you see someone doing that, you're better off just shooting them yourself. Then put the flare out and get the hell away. Flare newbs are a serious risk to anyone around them.
  3. Rumiac

    DayZ Update 1.5

    I think the idea is the Makarov is a little less suited to killing players, so new players won't just open fire on other players for no reason with so much success as the .45 currently gives.
  4. Rumiac

    US Server 4 time odditys

    Ah. I was curious if it was something the server ops did. Guess it was just a fluke then.
  5. Rumiac

    How to see player names ingame?

    A way to check names is something that should make it back in. But it DOES need something so it doesn't become a cheat. Otherwise you might get people scanning the horizon jamming whatever button to see if someone is out there as a one pixel speck
  6. I checked twice, for some reason on US server 4 it's currently daytime. Around 4 PM almost. Is this sort of time oddity acceptable? Or does it not matter how server owners run their time?
  7. Rumiac

    You cannot play/edit this mission;

    Are you running the game in combined ops mode? Day-Z requires both ARMA II and ARMA II: Operation arrowhead running in combined ops mode. Chernarus is the map from the original Arma II and the playable space in Day-Z.
  8. Rumiac

    A plea for more servers!

    1506 that downloaded the most recent dayz_code.rar as of when I checked last. While that many people I imagine could be active all over Chernarus and things still feel not too crowded I think whatever server attempting to handle all those players would melt.
  9. Rumiac

    Problems with the Morality System

    I think if they were to somehow tie the skin to the amount of murders commited instead of humanity past a certain threshold it would work better. Though this would mean the bleeding out problem would need some fixing. Or put bandit skins on the honor system and forcefully switch to it and lock it for a set amount of time if certain things are done.
  10. Rumiac

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Why don't you both take the garbage to private messages or something so that maybe some actual discussion on the current state of PVP can go on?
  11. Rumiac

    A plea for more servers!

    More servers would definitely help. Though I wonder if in the end a huge increase in the global amount of servers will crush HIVE like an overripe melon.
  12. Rumiac

    Proposed counter to the bandit

    Arma II already assumes body armor in damage calculation for the most part. In other words it does effectively nothing to stop you from being incapacitated, but a bit safer from being killed outright. I think right now the humanity system just needs a long hard look. Currently skin doesn't mean much if anything for how you should judge other players.
  13. Rumiac

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Can anyone on this message board get into a pvp discussion without bringing up CoD comparisons and turning it into mudslinging contests? PVP AND teamplay are both just facts of life in Day-Z right now, and as an above poster pointed out, zombies aren't the focus of any but the most simple horror storys that involve them. Unless the zombies are far different than the flesh eating norm. Anyone even watch and understand what the first three George Romero zombie movies were about? It wasn't the zombies, it was about the human condition. And yes. Some of us are Bens, or Peters. But some of us are definately more Captain Rhodes than either of them, and that's where the urge and feel to take what isn't yours by force or coercion comes from.
  14. Rumiac

    Night Vision, Should it be removed?

    I think methods to obtain night vision should remain. But outright goggles might actually be a bit much. Maybe what we need is a night vision optic that goes in the binocular slot. Low zoom comparatively, but of course wonderful clear night vision. That way you can SPOT someone, but you can't use it to aim a shot unless they're standing perfectly still or something.
  15. Rumiac

    Load problems be gone! (Soonish)

    So it was garbage collection all along. Interesting.