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    Zelenogorsk, Chernarus
  • Interests
    Coke, Beans, NV, GPS, DMR, M14 Aim, FN FAL, aviation - mostly Heli Crashes investigation

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    I not remember so much, but now I'm in big shit, trying to survive in Chernarus.

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  1. facet

    DayZ Mod 1.8 Update

    Looks promising. Let's see how infection works now. It can destroy whole gameplay for me, but what I know? Fingers crossed changelog looks sweet.
  2. facet

    NEW GPU for DayZ?

    It can help a lot. But first few tips: check this guide, it can help you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vkdp07a9Docselect/play only on server restarted frequently and with good pingand this http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=6713
  3. facet

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Great hotfix. When will be next? Because now on server everybody dies because infection or no bandages. Before changes I had character days or weeks even months, now I must restart few times daily because inf or no bandages. I see, everybody love new dayz, but why not people I'm playing with?
  4. When Rocket worked on it, we had many funny bugs, but rest of game was awesome. Very well balanced lot table, any weird things. Now I start play it again after month, and I see only bad changes: here is not enough ammo. What the hell you removed military ammo and stuff from deer stands? military bases are empty. Here is hard to find good stuff. maybe you can find a weapon, but never not enough ammo I played few hours on two servers - public and private, same dayz version and I was 6 times - SIX TIMES infected. I found 2 antibiotics, of course not enough. In few hours, I was dead twice by infection. No because dirty food or water, just zombies. This is weird and stupid. I was infected even after 2nd zombie hit, 1 min after new respawn/life lot spawns very bad. Even walking I must wait for lot spawn, and sometimes it just not spawning or in place where should be something, is some shit only in hospitals is nothing. I checked few times, was maybe two morphines + something else. With infection rate like this, should be here tons of antibiotics after month break of playing, I had long term character with many players and zombies kills, and full equip. When I logged again last night, my char was dead and I land on the coast again, new life. But this is maybe big problem, but I can deal with it. Other changes makes me angry and sad. It was really great game I should appreciate your hard work, but I never appreciate when somebody wasting something, even if he hard working on it. Let be honest, you know nothing about balancing gameplay.
  5. I was first time here after maybe month or two, and my character is reseted. Why??? I had long term character with full equipment, not killed. Now I'm fresh character with bandit skin. This is no more public server??? My in game name is Facet
  6. facet

    A Few Suggestions

    Great ideas dude. Post your cell phone number, EA and Valve can't connect with you.
  7. Very nice. Will be shadows/hdr light system inside "buildings"?
  8. Use dayzcommander, it will do all for you. Easiest way.
  9. facet


    Do you already played DayZ? Do you know, what means post apocalyptic land? Here no triains, malls, and KFC, there is zombieland! What a stupid idea.
  10. facet

    Make banditry be punished

    "Start crying after kill somebody:. Lol I'm for, but here should be option when creating new character: man, woman and emo kid or just loser and only crying for 3rd option. Man...
  11. facet

    Scoped Lee Enfield

    Maybe not only scope, but also ammo types. It's very important for accuracy. Check out this thread http://www.calguns.net/calgunforum/showthread.php?t=108516
  12. facet

    Proper Terms

    I see difference in cheating and hacking. Cheater is just cheater. Mostly stupid and skillless troll using ready programs to cheat. Hacker is much more and I agree.
  13. Stop sneaking like a noob, run from lot place to another one, take cover when checking (in hangars) and run, run. You are easy target for snipers if you are slow. Approach airfield from only place where no zombies, from west and you will see - if zombies on AF - players here. And when you are from West, you can check here places where snipers mostly. But most important - donnot stop!
  14. facet

    Killed by a rock

    New level of realism in games! Killed once, can't play more. Sounds interesting! @Pokerguy10
  15. Not all cars etc you can repair ofc, only some when you can see actions on it you need tool box for checking and repairing then parts