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Everything posted by xwhitemousex

  1. xwhitemousex

    Rocket is a sadistic bear f**ker

    Poor troll attempt. I rate it 2/10
  2. xwhitemousex

    Has the Ghillie suit been removed from the game?

    We really need some confirmation on this. Has anyone looted a Ghillie Suit in version ? If you have, where did you find it? Do they still have chance to spawn in almost any spawn location? Do they only spawn at helicopter crash sites or military buildings? We need those questions answered!
  3. xwhitemousex

    Punishing bandits? Shut up, seriously.

    Nice assumption that we are military personnel. Yes, it's a mod based on a military wargame. However, we are dressed in a hunting vest, with a cheap backpack and a non-military flashlight. Seems to me we are civilians running around like clueless chickens in a war-ridden area (which in terms of the game is due to military trying to battle the zombies). Everyone is treating this game like a military simulator rather than what it's supposed to be, a survival simulator. A misconception based on the fact that, as said above, the game is a mod for a military shooter. Should bandits be punished? No, I don't see a reason for that. Where do you really draw the line? Are you a bandit if you chance upon someone's tent and help yourself to their items? Would that make you "just" a thief? Or are you surviving by grabbing what you need to survive, regardless of who owns it? The problem with bandits is due to a complete and utter lack of actual reasons for people to team up. There are no features in the game that encourage it, there are no mechanics in the game that support it and the only thing you achieve by playing along with random people is running the risk of getting shot in the back. So no, bandits don't need to be punished, but the game needs some serious features that encourage teamwork over banditry. Right now, there is no choice... you go bandit by stealing from tents, shooting others on sight or generally staying the fuck away from other people as best you can. If someone can tell me one reason (besides blood transfusion, which you can effectively ignore by eating cooked meat yourself) for people to team up with strangers then please, let me know. Yes, the game is alot more fun when you play as a team, but most people do that with a clan or friends... not with complete strangers they meet in a game with no mechanics that support grouping up or teamplay. As I've said countless times... this is a sniper simulator more than a survival simulator in it's current state.
  4. xwhitemousex

    Zombies at Helicopter Crash site...

    Helicopter crashes have, potentially, some of the best weapons in the game such as the L85 with thermal scope. They have dozens of potential spawn sites in open areas like flat plains and cornfields so you have to get close enough to "activate" the spawn when running through an area. You can't sit 1000 metres away and make it spawn by scouting the horizon with binoculars. Have to get within a certain range of the spawn location. We looted quite a few helispawns. Sometimes the zombies seem to respawn though. We looted up a helisite without shooting the spawned zombies (was about 5 walking around) and after we bugged out back to the treeline, I turned around and saw 6-7 zombies freshly spawn (stacked ontop of eachother). Not sure why that happened, but potentially another player entered the nearby area and caused more zombies to respawn. We couldn't spot any though so we didn't want to tempt fate and we rolled out of there. Ontopic; Yes the DB-shotgun is one of the worst guns in the game due to range and also because the ammo takes a full inventory slot for just 2 shots. Complete waste of slots. Try getting a winchester, it's awesome with 15 shot mags, fairly low noise (125m audible range), and it has decent damage and range, especially with slugs. And yeah, the heli crash sites is the goldpot if you are looking for military grade equipment and weapons. Better gear than the airfield and for the most part alot safer to loot than running into the sniper-nests that airfields are.
  5. Another reason people die fast is the "got nothing to lose so screw it" mentality too. I see alot of experienced players, and I done it myself, who simply sprint through nearby villages and rural areas after a respawn just to see if there is useful loot spawned, if not... Stop, die, respawn elsewhere and try again until you have at least a sidearm. Being sneaky-sneaky with just the flashlight is kinda meh. So why not rush like an idiot until you find something useful and then start playing the game when you got that. I certainly don't care if I die and lose me bandage at start.
  6. xwhitemousex

    Improvise: Friend or Foe signalling

    Friend or foe signalling is using teamspeak and telling your friends "I am approaching your position from west, I have an Enfield out." The game does need some type of markings or custom color choices so you can identify your friends or clan easier. The smoke grenade idea wont work though simply because you wont have a smoke grenade at all times, and certainly not the right color. Furthermore, anyone dumping smoke grenades in my direction is getting treated as a hostile regardless of color on smoke.
  7. xwhitemousex

    Next Update

    Biggest question is... why do we have tank traps and wire fencing in the game? It's a survival game, not a "Defending Omaha beach" game. Tank traps needs to be replaced with planks and boards you can use to block doors and prevent people from opening them. Wire fencing needs to be replaced by a fishingline with empty tin cans hooked up to be used as perimeter alarm system around a camp. More survival, less ArmA. In DayZ I want to play a survival game. If I wanted a wargame I'll just fire up ArmA itself instead.
  8. xwhitemousex

    Dumbest thing ever..

    Grenades in ArmA should be treated like high-explosive tennisballs. They are gonna bounce all over the damn place. The best use with grenades is to leave them behind and let someone else loot them... cause they'll end up killing themselves, or their team. Definitely not me.
  9. xwhitemousex

    Military skin?

    If you find a ghillie suit then send me a PM. I'll trade you some cans of sardines for it. Deal?
  10. The Chernarus map has pretty much what is (at least my) expectation of an apocalyptic setting. You have large forests, open forests, dense forests. You have hills, mountains, valleys. You have isolated houses, barns, dams, lakes. You have small villages, midsize towns and large cities. The variety is excellent and it's what makes the map so good to play on. I don't want deserts... or jungle... those things sound like something you'd like to have as an option in a map rotation for a wargame like Battlefield. DayZ isn't a wargame (despite the fact it's pretty much a sniper simulator more than a survival game right now). I don't want wargame options for DayZ. I don't want jungles for snipers to hide in any more than I want people to start rolling into Cherno in a T90. What I would like to see is more buildings you can enter, as well as larger main cities and perhaps as many as 3 or 4 of them in order to spread people out some. Right now it's like... I'm bored, let's go to cherno or elektro and snipe people. With more big cities people would be slightly more spread out and new players would have more of a chance to actually come out of it alive rather than being free frags for bored snipers. A survival game though needs the variation between wilderness and civilization. Giving you an option to stay alive in the wild, but the necessity to sometimes go back to civilization to find important things like medical supplies and such. Or try to stay alive within the cities by finding a place to hold up. However, trying to stay alive in the cities isn't much of an option because; 1) There aren't enough buildings to enter, 2) The cities, despite their first impression, aren't big enough, and 3) There are too few "big" cities making too many people pile up in same area constantly.
  11. You can live more than 30 minutes easy. Just run straight north, park under a pinetree and go eat dinner. Sorted. I generally live quite long cause I avoid cherno and elektro. I don't see any reason to run into those cities, knowing they are heavily populated, knowing the mentality of the game is to treat it like a deathmatch and knowing that organized teams go to chern and elektro simply to get some frags. So want to stay alive, head north, hit deerstands and barns until you are situated with a weapon and some food/drink, then hit one of the mid-size cities to improve your loot. Then go die at a helicopter crash site or an airfield trying to get a military grade weapon. And start over again. if I die while I'm playing with friends who are online though... I will suicide myself using the respawn in Options menu until I spawn close enough that I can just run up and rendezvous with my friends. My life expectancy then is probably about 10 seconds... enough to check where I spawned on the lower right, enter meny and hit Respawn. In all honesty, for the life expectancy to be accurate they need to add a grace period. I.e. the timer doesn't really start counting towards the statistic until the player has been alive for at least 10 or 15 minutes. Even the biggest noob will be able to keep alive for 15 minutes. But anyone hellbent on suiciding to spawn closer to friends will either run into zombies and let them kill him, or simply hit the Respawn in options. So no, the life expectancy of 35 minutes is not accurate. It's misinforming. I'm guessing an average life expectancy is closer to 1-2 hours for a completely new player.
  12. xwhitemousex

    Ghillie suit - does it spawn after ?

    Ghillie is rare (and so it should be) but noone having acquired one at all sounds strange. Was the droprate reduced or has it stopped dropping altogether?
  13. xwhitemousex

    Ghillie suit - does it spawn after ?

    My friend put on his ghillie suit that he had been carrying because he didn't want to put it on while it was still bugged. He has it on now though (after the patch) and his stuff gets saved. At least it has for the past two days. But, he got his suit long ago. We tried getting more ghillie suits now after the patch but we can't find any of them anywhere. Not even camo clothing either. And trust me, we tried looking through loot spawns all over the place, across different servers (to check fresh spawn areas) and been at it now for 2-3 days straight. Can't find any. Also haven't seen anyone in ghillie suit in different streams either... so what gives?
  14. xwhitemousex

    Anyone in Cherno? The Good Old Dayz.

    No side chat makes the game more interesting for myself at least. It's a survival sim, not an MSN chat party. I do not want to be reading "Omg effing camper in cherno" about 200 times a day because someone got capped trying to get into the firestation for the 112th time. If you want the sidechannel stuff, find a radio and chat-abuse anyone else with a radio in the game. As for bandit skins, hey... I'm all for bandit skins as long as bandit skins mean the bandits are MORE visible than regular players. Otherwise a bandit skin is only a bonus and directly encourages player killing. As I have said in other threads, the devs need to implement features that encourage teamplay. As long as there is no benefit from teamplay, only the hassle of messing around in direct chat, not being able to group with people ingame and the inevitable problems with finding eachother again since direct chat has limited range... well... who is gonna bother trying to team up? Of course you shoot the guy in the back and steal their bandage for yourself. In it's current state this game is a player-hunt sniper simulation more than a survival game. You wander around grabbing stuff until you get the "end game" content which is a ghillie suit and an AS50 or Dragunov. They need to turn the focus of this game away from the military sniper simulator and turn it into an actual survival sim which it's supposed to be. If I really want to just play a sniper game, there's a whole aisle full of games dedicated towards that. It is, however, not the reason I play DayZ. There needs to be more zombies around the game and not just around buildings. And there needs to be less scoped weapons in the game and more weapons you'd except a bunch of clueless civilians being able to handle. Sidearms and shotguns should be the standard weapons you expect to see people with, and rarely someone with a high powered hunting rifle like the CZ550 with bullets being a rarity. People running around with .50 sniper rifles and ghillie suits... well... when you have that in the game, you can't really expect anything other than the game becoming a man-hunt where people do nothing but gun each other down. All you really need to get in this game is a bottle of water, hunting knife, box of matches, hatchet ... and then you start your "quest" to get a sniper rifle & ghillie suit. If they add more actual goals for players in terms of teamplay and goals then people might play it more like a survival game and less like a sniper simulator. Because that's all it really is at the moment. A sniper simulator.
  15. xwhitemousex

    Ghillie suit - does it spawn after ?

    Noone has found ghillie after ?
  16. xwhitemousex

    I'm Now a Deathmatch Player

    Well here's a thought. The more players you murder, the less loot spawns when you enter/approach buildings, to the point where nothing but tin cans spawn and you have to rely exclusively on player killing to obtain loot. Only snag is differentiating the murders from self defence. Oh well.
  17. xwhitemousex

    Identification marks

    I completely agree with this. While it's still alpha and early in the project still, some kind of identification is really needed for this game. Especially considering how many servers have the crosshairs off meaning you can't really mouseover and see names of who approaches. The way me and my guys have done it so far is trying to identify based on what type of backpack and weapons we all use. But obviously someone else might have the same gear. Furthermore, it gets even more complicated considering the clothes you see on yourself might not be the color everyone else sees... not to mention it changes each time you relog or die. The game really needs something in terms of color choices or palettes, or some kinda cap/helmet or insignia on your arm/chest that allows team to identify who you are. Yeah, the game is about realism... but in reality you can quite easily identify someone you know from a distance, especially when they are wearing civilian clothes which usually have distinctions in both looks and color-combinations. If we all wear uniforms then, well... it's going to be tough to see difference, but that's kind of a point too. That should be a decision for a team to make however... do you want to know who your team is and wear different clothes, or do you want to risk not being able to tell friend from foe by having everyone use camoflague clothing? In either case, to stay on topic, the game really needs more selectable varitions to player models and clothing so we can identify eachother. Granted, while listening to the TotalBiscuit interview just today, it was said they wanted to have the weather effects make more of an impact, and also have different types of clothing you can find to avoid getting sick, such as warmer clothing (and I guess rainclothes and such as well). But for now... we need something... even if it's just selectable colors for your vest that are persistant for your character (just like the face selection in your Arma profile)
  18. xwhitemousex

    I'm Now a Deathmatch Player

    This really says it all about how far the community has fallen. When you get shot enough times you are tired of taking the chance, so you shoot on sight yourself, thus anyone new you meet will get the same experience and start shooting on sight as well. Neverending downwards spiral caused by people's inability to differentiate a survival game from a regular run-of-the-mill FPS deathmatch game... as well as the developers lack of comming up with game features that encourage teamwork.
  19. xwhitemousex

    I'm Now a Deathmatch Player

    When you are in a clan or premade group, and kill people to cover your own guys while they scavenge in a city, then it's survival. When you are simply killing people for your own pleasure, whether it's to get a killcount or because you are bored, then you are deathmatching. If I'm with my group then I'm going to keep them safe just as they are keeping me safe.. which means strangers are a danger we don't need around. But when I am alone, either because noone else is on or because I just died and need to run back, then I'll take the 2 seconds and hear if a player is friendly or not. Afterall... at the start, worst case you die and respawn... which is no big deal... and best case you make a new friend which might just end up joining your clan and/or teamspeak and become a valuable member for your team.
  20. Just had 2 of our 6 man crew get blown away by a guy who was 100% invisible due to ghillie suit bug. Please hotfix this as it's completely gamebreaking. Dying and losing stuff due to a glitch there is no way you can defend yourself against simply means there is no point playing until it's fixed. And yes we know he was invisible cause we covered all 4 sectors to N,W,E,S and still one of us got capped from pointblank based on volume of the gunshot. This needs to be prioritized and fixed.
  21. xwhitemousex

    Why the hell no one talks in game?

    I thought side channel could be used, and heard, if you have a radio, by others that have a radio. Maybe I'm mistaken. Best way to play this game though, join a clan, community and get on out-of-game comms such as TS/vent/mumble. We raided two major cities today. Both places we had runners that checked houses while we had a spotter and a sniper on the outskirts taking out zombies or players that got too close. Yes, it does suck to be sniped off if you are just loafing around solo trying to find a can of pepsi, but our first priority is covering the teammembers who are risking their necks by gathering supplies. We can't really stop and yell on direct chats or side channels and try to identify which unknown person is crossing the street. It's absolutely awesome for teamwork, and it's a real thrill if you are running around alone as well, knowing there are teams around that might just take you down. Honestly, we don't shoot players because we need the loot, or because we want the kills. We do it to protect our scavengers. Some might call that deathmatch playstyle, but I don't agree. Laying in wait outside Komarovo with a ghillie suit and picking off fresh spawns because you want to inflate your kill count is deathmatch playstyle, and then you are only doing it for your own personal pleasure and not as part of a teamwork to defend your friends.
  22. The people that constantly have to frag others is the whole reason why noone bothers helping eachother (at least for the large part). Best thing you can do is try to join a clan or online community for the game, get on comms with them and play as a team. Then you'll have people you can contact and trust, who will (hopefully) come to your aid. Posting in the forums opens up a world scenarios that most people are disinclined to venture into. It also boils down to two things: It could be a trap. It could be you really needed help. Which means it's the flip of a coin, 50/50 chance whether you'll end up actually helping someone, or you spend 2 hours of your afternoon to run yourself into a suicide. Most people prefer not to gamble with their earned items at the whim of a cointoss. That said though, glad things worked out for you and you got some help. The community in this game sure could benefit from other mentality than the fragwhoring most often seen.
  23. Funny how people decide to just ignore the actual point of the threads and jump on the "deal with losing your gear" bandwagon. I don't care about gear being lost. I played EVE Online for years and know how to deal with losing items ingame. In fact, the whole permadeath and losing stuff mechanic is the only reason I bother playing this game, since it makes everything more interesting. Furthermore we play in a team of 4-10 players depending of course on playtime and what more. So reacquiring basic gear isn't all that hard. This thread was not about "OMG, I played for 45 whole minutes and lost my Makarov". I'm not complaining about lost gear at all, I'm complaining about an obvious bug that gives another player an enourmous advantage over every other player on the server. If I get shot by a sniper, then fine. He was looking my way and I was not in good enough cover. But when you get shot, at point blank, by someone who is invisible due to a bug... and then proceeds to gun down yet another team member because, obviously, noone can see him because of this bug... then it's pretty much game breaking and should be addressed. Bugs like that is exactly what hotfixes are for.
  24. xwhitemousex

    I'm Now a Deathmatch Player

    I'm sure it's been mentioned before, but here is the problem with DayZ as far as deathmatch goes. There is no benefit, only risk and extra hassle, to stay friendly with random players. 1. Using ingame voice is a poor solution since everyone in vicinity can hear you while you try to communicate with your newfound friend. 2. There is no option to Group up and thus have a Group-only communication with people you meet. 3. There is no friend lists so you can keep in touch with the people you meet, meaning you probably won't meet them again after you log out for the day. 4. The added risk of being shot in the back outweighs the usefulness of having another player around. Shooting someone and taking their loot is safer, easier, less hassle, has no consequences and generally just leaves you with more/improved loot, and consequently find yourself in a better position to survive. That is where the game is today. So what needs to change ? Do we need to limit the PvP? Add penalties? First thing they need to do is remove the kill score. It has a purpose in a deathmatch game, but no purpose in a survival game. Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 3 learned as well that making the #1 player the one that had highest SCORE and not K/D was the one worthy of placing at top of the list. DayZ need to do the same. Put player with longest gametime on current character at the top of the list, and not the SniperGER sitting in a bush 17 hours a day shooting unarmed newbies on the outskirts of Cherno. However, I believe the game needs more incentives that encourage teaming up rather than penalizing PvP. The only reason to team up right now is if you have the intention of creating a base camp and try to fix up vehicles and other things that require a team effort. Doing that usually means you are part of a premade team which is coordinating through mumble/TS3/Vent. So lets come up with some sensible ideas of what would make you decide NOT to shoot another player. First off, a proper ingame friend list, grouping and group-communication feature must be added. Without this in place then teaming with random players will never work. Here are some ideas (and yes, some of these would require further itemization): Each player spawns as a random profession. E.g. you might spawn as a doctor, which means you can heal someone's broken leg so they are able to walk (not run) without needing Morphine. Or a doctor could stop bleeding using trash items such as cloth, handkerchiefs and so on. Or you could spawn as an electrician, being able to repair stuff like flashlights, electrical heating elements and other stuff. Or mechanics that are able to fix certain things on vehicles without the need to have a toolbox, or scrap metals. Or a therapist/psychiatrist being able to reduce or remove shock and shaking from players, or reduce the black/white screen when low on health as a result of encouragement and whatnot. Pretty sure there are loads of other type professions people could randomely spawns as that would provide a benefit to a group or team. Large tents that can hold several players and provide shelter like houses do, but requires more than 1 player in order to set them up (in same way bloodbags work). Team-owned items, i.e. when someone deploys a tent they can decide to deploy it for themselves (so noone else can take it) or deploy it for team (provided a grouping feature is added) and everyone who is part of the team can take or move the tent (and other team-flagged items). In general, for people to bother teaming up there needs to be items, features and benefits that are worth the risk of having a random person tagging along. The whole reason the game is so deathmatch oriented is because there is EVERY advantage in shooting someone and just taking their loot and ZERO advantage (besides bloodbags and vehicle repair) in teaming up.
  25. I bought the ArmA crap just to play DayZ as well. In all honesty DayZ should be a stand alone game and not a mod (kinda like Iron Front is a separate game using ArmA engine). I'm very new to DayZ (only just started today) but so far enjoying it alot. First time around I lived 2 hours \o/