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Everything posted by xwhitemousex

  1. If I'm going to be remotely interested in playing DayZ I would prefer to avoid hackers. So far people have really just said "oh there are cheaters on this server I was on earlier" and not really what server they were actually on. Figure you can use this thread and drop names of servers with frequent hackers, then we know what to avoid at least and possibly be able to play the game at least some before we get a hummvee dropped on our heads in the middle of nowhere. And yeah, cheaters will read this too but most won't, so at least we can avoid the cheater "hotspots" for future reference. Thus far I see Norway 13 listed at least, and I've seen UK5 in another thread, so for my part at least I will never join those server until either BattleEye is severely upgraded or the server admins do an active job keeping cheaters banned. So which servers have you frequently run across cheaters and hackers?
  2. xwhitemousex

    Tom Berenger has a lot to answer for

    Granted, I can agree that the duplication issues are wrecking havoc on the perceived amount of weapons in the game right now. So absolutely, the duping and scripting issues need to be resolved before any sensible itemization and loot rate / rarity decisions can be made. I still don't see any reason for military snipers to be present in a game where civilians are thrown together to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. Are they really needed or just a desired item for people who treat this game as a sniping simulator? Wouldn't a CZ550, optionally other types of hunting rifles, suffice as far as overwatch and cover goes ? Furthermore, keeping duped items in mind, I think the way the game is playing out right now with such an easy availability of sniper rifles is a clear indicator that the game (once duping / scripting is resolved) really needs to maintain a restriction on the amount of sniper rifles introduced into the game (whether through limitation on spawn rates, spawn locations or ammunition availability). Otherwise it simply becomes a Sniper Ghost Warrior with permadeath game, which it has proven to become in it's current state given the large amounts of scoped rifles available and the huge amounts of people using them. I suppose this is a picturesque illustration of the situation. All in all, I guess this discussion about snipers needs to be picked up again after duping/scripting is resolved and we have a clearer overview over exactly how easy they are to obtain.
  3. xwhitemousex

    Can't have a pistol and use flashlight?

    Another thread about the crappy inventory system. Inventory system needs a complete overhaul, especially for a standalone product. You have to put rifle in backpack or ground to equip an axe... that's realistic. Can't just shoulder your rifle while pulling out the axe? Needs to be fixed. You have to put pistol in your backpack in order to equip a flashlight... that's realistic. Can't just put sidearm in your holster, or just gangstastyle in your pants, then pull out flashlight, optionally use both at once? Needs to be fixed. Overall, the inventory system in ArmA, especially with the added stuff in the DayZ mod, is the absolutely worst rubbish system I have seen in 25 years of gaming. RPG games from the 80's had better inventory management than ArmA.
  4. xwhitemousex

    DayZ: A neat game with no endgame

    DayZ endgame: 1. Ghillie suit 2. AS50 3. L85 w/thermal scope 4. Hunting knife 5. Box of Matches 6. Hatchet 7. M1911/.45 w/unlimited ammo exploit 8. Water bottle Once you have all the above, you won the game. Just grab food/water from animals and lakes... and snipe people in cities all day long. Some might say you need NVG too, but why would you? Most servers run on daytime anyways, plus it's much harder to see muzzleflashes during day.
  5. xwhitemousex

    ALT F4 Survey

    ALT+F4 1. avoid firefights 2. stop bleeding while unconscious until friends arrive at your location 3. get rid of unwanted zombie aggro 4. avoid being trapped in buildings 5. avoid getting killed due to hacks/scripts 6. probably loads of other reasons to use ALT+F4 Are any of them legit reasons? Not really... except #5 possibly, but that's a separate issue pertaining to handling hacks and scripts, and not so much the problems with ALT+F4 abuse itself. Most games, to prevent the logoffski, have a timer in place which detects your disconnect and then keeps you on the server until timer is up and then actually removes you from server. Rocket is doing this, to me at least, odd data analysis on how to handle ALT+F4 issue. I'm not really sure what he hopes to gain from that... some automated system that bans people after they disconnected during a firefight once too often, or disconnected to avoid zombie trains a few times to much? My question though... do we really need an automated ban system, or some complex algorithm to handle and detect whether someone actually had a network outage or they are consistently abusing the ALT+F4 options ? Isn't it simple enough to say... you know what? Anyone who gets disconnected, for whatever reason, will be stuck in the game for 30 seconds before the server kicks them. You hit ALT+F4, well... players or zombies are going to kill you, so you can't do that anymore. But what about those people who have an actual legit disconnection? Well... I don't know how many times I have died in MMO's due to disconnections, how many times I got butchered in FPS games due to disconnects... not to mention how many ships I lost in EVE due to lag or disconnections. Shit happens, deal with it. I've even had entire raids wipe out in Everquest 1 because one of the healers in the Complete Heal cycle crashed. It happens... suck it up, get those 72 people back on their feet and go again. Plus... I don't mind dying to a disconnect once every so often as much as it pisses me off to watch people constantly abuse the ALT+F4 to avoid fights, zombies and other ways to "bypass" the actual gameplay. Put in 30 second timer to handle ALT+F4 while continuing the "data analysis" for a long term solution. After all, it's alpha and an experiment... so put it in there, see how it works out... and if it sucks, then adjust timer, or remove it. I am pretty confident that a 30 sec logout timer is going to have immediate effect on ALT+F4'ing to the point where you won't see anyone use ALT+F4 at all.
  6. xwhitemousex

    This is NOT a zombie game...

    Zombies in the wilderness? Sure... 20% chance 1-3 zombies spawn within 150m radius per shot fired with a scoped rifle. There'll be zombies all over the hills in no-time.
  7. xwhitemousex

    Officially lost hope.

    His point is, since there isn't any effective way to prevent scripting and cheating, there's little motivation to continue playing the mod, which I find completely understandable. How you people fail to understand what he meant only leaves me with saying; 2/10 on your troll attempts.
  8. xwhitemousex

    Tom Berenger has a lot to answer for

    The point isn't how useful sniper rifles are or not. Of course they are useful, hence why everyone and their mother is either using one, in a team with one or attempting to get one. Sniper rifles is literally the end-game for DayZ as far as DayZ having any end-game in the first place. The problem is that there is simply too many of them. There is Dragunovs, AS50's, M107, CZ550, M24, DMR. There's more sniper rifles than there are shotguns and handguns in the game. Yes, it's beneficial to have a sniper as overwatch when you enter towns. There's no doubting that, and if you have a sniper rifle in a team, it's a perfectly logical way to set up. I don't want the scoped rifles removed from the game (except for some of the purely military ones). I belive that IF you got one on the team, then you should have the benefit and safety it provides when doing runs into settlements. Do I want people to only be able to engage at midrange or close quarters? No. But right now, there's such an overflow of scoped rifles in the game that the actually gameplay revolves almost exclusively around finding a spot, then snipe people. Only those that recently respawned, or just started the game again, are running around with their goal being finding food and water... and the goal becomming a hunt for a scoped rifle. So do I want to see a reduction in the amount of snipers, and thus amount of people doing nothing but snipe? Most definitely so. Scoped rifles should be rare. Really rare. Thus, once you do find one, your team has an invaluable advantage. My point has always been; the sniper rifles are simply too available, making this a sniper sim moreso than anything else. Only way to move away from the sniper-focused gameplay is to make them less available, or make ammo less available... hence there won't be a sniper fest at every major city, simply because people don't have the guns or the ammo to do so.
  9. xwhitemousex

    Tom Berenger has a lot to answer for

    If the military was overrun, as you say... wouldn't they have used up the majority of their ammunition in their failed attempt to stagger the zombie hordes? Or to put it bluntly, wouldn't the amount of ammunition be severely reduced and/or near impossible to find? Sure, loads of guns dropped by overrun and dead soldiers... but no ammo cause they spent it all. Furthermore we don't really know what happened. So if we are going to speculate on that, we might as well say the military successfully withdrew the largest part of the population and their own personnel and vehicles, and what we see as we arrive on the scene in the aftermath is simply those that didn't make it. Hence, the military would have shipped out the majority of their supplies (including ammo stores). Either way... there is a massive overload of sniping in the game in it's current state... which draws the game away from the survival encounters you might have had within the cities or outlaying villages. There is little suspense or excitement when everyone carries around enough ammunition to blow away the entire zombie population in a city if they want to. The last time I checked my tent I had 20 DMR magasines in there. And I know for certain others have alot more, and higher end, ammunition such as M249 boxes, AS50 ammo, Dragunov ammo and whatmore... and plenty of it as well (in fact so much I couldn't carry it all and had to ride a bicycle over the tents to destroy the contents). Anyways... this game is about spending roughly 1 or 2 hours to get yourself something scoped... then go camp a city to inflate your murder count. If the scoped rifles were removed, or at the very least made much, much rarer to come across... there would be alot more action going in within the cities as people would have to get in closer to find other players due to the lack of long range sighting on their weapons. Right now it's a sniper simulator because; 1. Scoped weapons are so easy to find. 2. Everyone likes taking shots at players without them being able to shoot back 3. By laying 1000 meters away you minimize the risk of being killed, and by extension the risk of losing your scoped weapons. The risk vs reward in the game is completely gone once you got scoped weapons. People with shotguns and handguns are putting themselves at a very real risk of being shot as they have to get within the 100m engagement radius... while anyone with a scope can lay in cover and have a field day without being spotted. Put some risk into sniping or remove/reduce the availability of snipers in the game.
  10. xwhitemousex

    First impressions

    Well, I got this far. You need to realize that there are no rewards in the game. You find stuff, you use it.. eventually you die and lose all of it. The goal of this game is: How long can you survive? The goal is NOT: How much shit can you accumulate before you get bored and quit? If you want to accumulate items, gear and other stuff... well, there's a whole internet full of MMO's and other games that pursue that goal, or you can just play minecraft and start filling your chests with cobblestone.
  11. xwhitemousex

    Tom Berenger has a lot to answer for

    I have said this numerous times in various posts. The military grade weapons need to be reduced and the ammo made alot more rare. Why is there DMR's and G17's in random civilian deerstands used for hunting? Why is there M16's and AK's in a civilian fire station? Most apocalypse/zombe survival movies or series you see the survivors have mostly: 1. No weapons, or using melee items such as hatchets, baseball bats, improvised weapons such as clubs, tablelegs and whatmore. 2. Most commonly they have handguns, such as revolvers and pistols. 3. Sometimes they have heavier guns such as pump action shotguns, double barrels or semiauto shotguns. 4. Very rarely you see maybe one of them has a scoped hunting rifle. And... with the guns you see the people in the movies/series carry around, they almost always start running out of ammunition... or try to conserve their shots because they have so few or just want to avoid detection (because zombies are a real threat). The lack of heavy firepower and the low availability of ammunition is a key point why those movies and series are exciting. They are low on ammo or even lost their guns... what to do next? Try to recover guns? Make a run for it? Or they sometimes end up in a very problematic situation where they have to start shooting alot, which eventually leads to them being forced to run anyways because they attract too much attention. In DayZ the excitement is found in the very start, just after you respawned or when you started the game. Why? Because you have no gun, or very little ammunition. You have to be careful because you don't want to spend your few rounds or because you have no way to defend yourself. That is part of what makes the game exciting and fun to play. Once you get enough food and weapons/ammo in DayZ the game immediately becomes boring... and you end up running around hunting players because you got plenty of ammo to spend... or you go chasing helicopter crashes to upgrade your weapons. As far as I am concerned they could remove every military sniper rifle from the game and leave only the CZ550 which would be very rare to find, and ammo hard to come by. The common guns in the game should be handguns and shotguns, or unscoped rifles like the Enfield. The few military grade weapons that should be in the game would be automatics like AK's and M16 or M4's... definitely not M249's, AS50's or L85's with thermal scopes. Only reason all those military guns are in the game is because it's based on ArmA which is a straight-up military simulator and they haven't done a proper itemization in the game while it's in alpha, which is obvious considering we have thermalscope L85's in the game but no AS50 TWS. With less snipers it would also mean alot more situations within cities or towns where people run into eachother around streetcorners or inside a supermarket... which leads to alot more interesting and "on the fly" decisions needing to be made than having bullets whizz past your ears from 1000 meters away. If this game is supposed to be an experiment in human behaviour like Rocket says then you need to put people in tense situations... being fired at by a sniper is not a tense situation. You either die, or you run between buildings to get out of sight and just stay put. Tom Berenger can go back to vanilla ArmA 2 where military type sniping and weapons belong... and stay out of a survival game where a bunch of civilians are thrown in together. Isn't the goal of the game survival, or did I misread something and the goal of the game was "Sniper Ghost Warrior: Realism Edition" ?
  12. xwhitemousex

    Lee enfield damage reduction????

    Of course the AK-47 is reliable. It was based on the german StG 44. German engineering, always reliable.
  13. xwhitemousex

    Pending Update: Build

    Hopefully the mass-death and teleport stuff is next on list. I'm honestly on a DayZ vacation/break until that gets sorted. It gets tiresome to start over again not because someone outsmarted you, or outplayed you... nor because you got unlucky or took too many chances... but because some bored child googled his way to a mass-death script for ArmA/DayZ. Keep up the work Rocket. I think DayZ can go far, and it's come quite a ways already. Find a way to counter the mass-death stuff though.. and then (this is just a plea from someone who wants DayZ to be a survival sim and not another straightup mil-sim) work on making military grade weapons in the game much more rare, and ammo alot more scarce. Most zombie-survival movies or series you see the survivors have limited weapons. Half the time they are unarmed or using improvised weapons like bats, tablelegs, crowbars... and for firearms they have mostly handguns... assorted shotguns and maybe one guy has a hunting rifle. You rarely see them run around in ghillie suits, carrying M249's, Dragunov sniper rifles and whatmore. That's something you see in Rambo movies, not zombie/apocalypse movies. In fact, part of what makes it exciting is that the survivors only have limited weapons and ammunition, and as a result they can't simply gun down everything. Where would the suspense and thrill be if they all had machineguns ?
  14. xwhitemousex

    Saving Vehicles and Tents

    No items you find in this game are yours forever, including what you are carrying as well as your own life. Cheaters that can find your hidden vehicles using scripts can also just spawn in additional vehicles... so why would they care about finding and running to your pickup truck when they can just spawn 5 of them next to themselves? The scripting and cheating is completely rampant lately (which is major reason why I have put the whole game on ice for now), but even if it wasn't... do you think you OWN the vehicles you find in the game? Or that items you come across are yours forever and you can just stash it all away in a secure location and keep them? That's not how the game works, or how it should work. So you found a car, great. Now you have an advantage over others, so use it while you can. And if you are smart and hide it well, you may even keep it for a few days. But eventually it is going to be lost. Either stolen, destroyed, despawned by server, glitched out, you crash into a twig at 10kmh and it instant-explodes... either way... at some point you are gonna lose it. And noone is gonna steal it "within seconds" unless you park it in a high active area (such as anywhere near Cherno or Elektro, as well as the other larger towns like Berezino, Stary or Zelenogorsk... or anywhere along the coast for that matter. We had two vehicles for over a week, a sedan and a large Ural truck. You try hiding a white/bright blue truck and see if you can't spot it for miles around. It's huge, shines up like crazy (especially with the messed up bloom effects) and is overall nearly impossible to miss. But we hid it in a location where we knew very few people traffic through. However, I was on just recently, camped out where our vehicles had been... and everything was gone. Sedan, truck, even our bicycle. Most important thing you need to learn in DayZ is to not get attached to your gear, because you WILL lose it. That's only a matter of time and it doesn't matter if it's your can or beans or your helicopter.
  15. xwhitemousex

    Lee enfield damage reduction????

    They are kinda doing it on the wrong end though. If this is gonna be a survival game and not just another Sniper Ghost Warrior clone they need to reduce the amount military grade weapons in the game. Yes, I know ArmA is a mil-sim, but if you want a full rack of military weapons, play vanilla ArmA and not a mod like DayZ. DayZ as a survival game where people are thrown in as unarmed civilians should have mostly handguns like revolvers and semi-auto pistols, and some shotguns like the doublebarrel, pump action and semi-auto shotguns... and the rare scoped hunting rifle. Finding highpowered military weapons such as AK's, M16. M4's, AS50's, M107's, DMR, Dragunov and other purely military weapons should be extremely rare. But, this is based on a military simulator so naturally there is an overload of military weapons in the game. It never made sense to me why I'd find a DMR in a random deerstand... or a G17 for that matter.... or why there is AK47's floating around in a civilian fire station. That makes sense...oh wait, it doesn't. 1. Remove high end military weapon spawns from fire stations, deerstands and other civilian structures 2. Bring handguns and shotgun damage back up to speed 3. Make ammunition for scoped rifles and military grade weapons very rare. It actually makes me laugh to watch DayZ videos on youtube where people aren't playing for surviving... they are running around in the woods with ghillie suits and M249 machineguns... just as if they were playing a regular mission in vanilla ArmA2... hunting players rather than having to worry about food, water, keeping warm, disease, weather and zombies. It gets even better when threads start popping up where people are asking for armed vehicles / technicals with machineguns mounted on top (e.g. hummvee with .50 cal on roof). If you want all that military stuff, the weapons, snipers, armed vehicles... why are you playing DayZ and not regular ArmA2 multiplayer?
  16. xwhitemousex

    Revolver and M1911 nerfed?

    That's funny. Guess someone didn't pay attention in class and figure out that M1911 and .45 revolver has infinite ammunition as long as you have at least 1 clip on you. Well kid, guess you better go google.
  17. xwhitemousex

    Ultimate Solution to Hackers

    The solution to crime is to legalize everything. BAM! No more crimes being committed!
  18. xwhitemousex

    Why dayz sucks!

  19. xwhitemousex

    Saving Vehicles and Tents

    If you place a tent, then die, you can no longer pack your tent and relocate it. Also the tent will disappear after awhile. So yes, you can still run there and grab stuff even if you died, however your tent cannot be moved anymore... so if you need to move camp you're all out of luck. Also, why should tent disappear if you die? That would mean whoever killed you near your camp to raid your gear wouldn't be able to do so. That's more of a flaw than you being able to run back to a tent you pitched previously. Tents being persistant on server they are placed, as I stated, is a good thing. What you need to do is simply think twice about whether or not you want to place it on the server you are on or not. In either case, you can simple repack the tent and then move to another server and pitch it again (provided, of course, that you haven't been killed on the character that owned the tent when it was pitched). I see absolutely no problems with the tents being persistant on the servers they are pitched on.
  20. xwhitemousex

    Just what is the best sniper?

    DMR needs zeroing instead of fixed 0-400m zero'd scope. Then it would be awesome.
  21. xwhitemousex

    Saving Vehicles and Tents

    Tents and vehicles provide you with a camp that all your friends can use to stock up on supplies as well as being a key point where you can run back if you are killed to arm yourself as well as quickly get some food and drink, and most likely some basic tools. At least if your team is actually thinking ahead while using the camps. Also, if you want to keep those camps, you need to defend them. Which means you should make regular stops by the camp, or even have people around to watch it during peak hours to avoid scavengers or teams that raid camps. It provides you with a point of relative safety as well as quick way to re-equip yourself or simply switch weapons based on what your intentions are for the day... i.e. overwatch and sniping, solo runs into towns and so on. With all the benefits having a camp site gives you, there definitely should be drawbacks as well. And right now, those drawbacks are the simple fact that you need to defend your camp. No, you can't protect your camp at all times, or all hours of the day. Once you place a tent, or obtain vehicles you can be 100% certain that they will eventually be raided or stolen... just as you can be 100% certain that you will at some point end up dead and have to restart (yet again). If you could simply log off your tent and entire camp, then it would be too simple for people to keep their stash safe. If you suspect someone found your campsite on a server, you could just log off and go to another server... and they would never be able to figure out where you went... thus won't be able to find your camp again. However, as it stands now... if you engaged someone by your camp you have 2 choices... either defend it and fight it out... or break up the camp to relocate it elsewhere. This is a good thing since it more or less forces you to actually fight for your stuff. With your suggestion about logging off your entire camp... you could just Alt-F4 your whole campsite the minute you knew someone came across it. Game needs less logoffski, not more. Persistant tents and vehicles = good thing.
  22. xwhitemousex

    Should armed vehicles be added to Dayz?

    TL;dr - If you want more weapons and armed vehicles, then stop playing the DayZ mod and go play multiplayer in vanilla Arma2. Yeah, why not. We already have AS50's and L85s with thermal scopes, as well as other military equipment such as G17's, AK47's, M16's and assorted machineguns. Lets add technical vehicles, but lets not stop there. Lets also add APC's, BMP's, T90's and Abrahms tanks... also, A-10's as rare spawns right? /sarcasm This is a bloody survival game. If you want vehicles with firepower, here's a thought... play Arma2 and not the DayZ mod. You do realize that Arma2 also has multiplayer and includes all these "great ideas" about armed vehicles that people seem to come up with as if it was a brand new concept ??? If anything, the amount of military grade weapons in DayZ needs to be REDUCED and made alot more rare... or at the very least, the ammunition needs to be a rare commodity. Much more so than it is today. It's a survival game (or at least supposed to be), where Rocket really wants to have you face challenges such as hunger, thirst, sickness, weather ... pretty much everything you can think of that would affect your chances of survival. He's even stated he wanted to add things like malaria and other conditions that are real threats and affect your chances of surviving on your own. Adding more guns and armed vehicles isn't going to be a step in that direction. Adding more guns and vehicles is a step towards making DayZ more like the vanilla Arma2 again.
  23. xwhitemousex

    Saving Vehicles and Tents

    Sounds like your way of protecting your hoarded items. This isn't minecraft. The game isn't about hoarding 50 chests full of diamond pickaxes and resources. The tents and vehicles are saved on the server, and free game for anyone who comes across them, because Rocket wants you to never feel safe and always have that sense of paranoia with you whereever you go in the game. If you really want to safeguard your items, then either play on low population servers or be smart about where you attempt to hide your tents and vehicles. You need to learn not to get too attached to the gear, cause the gear certainly isn't attached to you.
  24. xwhitemousex

    Man... Those Lee Enfields...

    Well, Lee is the best close combat gun in the game. 12000 damage per shot means you get instantkilled when hit. As long as the guy using it knows how to aim of course. Only drawback with Enfield is the audible range, which is huge. But then again, for zombie buisness you have a sidearm.