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Everything posted by white

  1. havent had any more glitches, i always use the latest update on latest servers (as rare as they are). default memory, everything else maxed out, frames ahead on 0 and custom fov. i turned on afterburner osd to know how much of the videocard ram the game uses, and noticed that the game starts by using around 650mb and keeps rising (takes some time) till it reaches around 1800mb, and then the fps starts to drop (my card has 2gb)
  2. why arent servers upgrading to 95883?
  3. ive doen something similar, was in a tower and wanted to stand up but instead i pressed v, then jumped over the ledge. =/
  4. white

    Day Z Videos

    some movie trailer i just stumbled upon forest, aks, lee, revolver, axe.. ? shooting anyone on sight?
  5. white

    Take out .50 cals

    well in a zombie apocalipse this would be the first thing i would do:
  6. white

    Is my CD key in use by somebody else?

    heads of ppl using changed ids to use other ppls characters (confirmed) and ppl able to use pirated keys.(unconfirmed)
  7. white

    Somone Playing my Character?

    ive heard of two issues thay might be whats happening to you someone can change his id to use other ppl´s characters (in an exchenge email with battleeye they told me it is an issue and the dayz ppl were looking into it) and ive also heard that some people are able to register false cracked keys into working ones. yeah its a mess all over with arma.
  8. white

    Mandatory facebook integration?

    i dont have a facebook account so i guess ill just remain anonymous.
  9. white

    Make 1911 take 7 bullets to kill

    im ok with the dificulty to kill a zombie, but a player being as difficult to shot down is plain retarded. but its ok, im walking with an m107 for players now while carrying a makarov just for zombies. and to the ones that are master headshottters against 5 zombies running towards you in open fields, pistol bullets in arma dont work like in counter strike, they do not go in a straight line and after 25 meters they, for most times/pistols, do not hit exactly where you aim.
  10. of course the map is based off zombie diaries, thats why they build cherno after all.
  11. white

    Graphical Issues

    been playing with friends, what happens on your screen is not the same on others, sometimes happened to a friend while i was next to him and i had no glitches, an vice-versa.
  12. white

    [VIDEO] How to See At Night

    if you can see the moon and the stars, arma nights arent that dark. but in cloudy nights with no source of light avaiable, hell yeah they are.
  13. its server related, the ssd will just speed up the hd loading which is quick enough on a 7200.12 drive. (15 seconds for each loading or so i guess). sometimes the server is quite quick (after they restart and have few players? or is it the hive?) and from connecting to start playing takes around 40-50 seconds, but most times its the 4-8min loading crap.
  14. white

    Graphical Issues

    some screenshots of the graphical issues (cherno in this case but they happen all over):
  15. white

    Every kill in DayZ is fair

    to me alt tabbing to look at a map is pretty much cheating. but thats me. and dying at game start you lose nothing. if you are bitching about that i wonder what will you say when you learn to play and die all geared up to someone you havent noticed and you have to run 40min just to get to where your body was just to realize its not even there anymore.
  16. 2 biggest problems on dayz, admins and hackers.
  17. Itens disappearing in the inventory and bag (while playing) invisible people (saw wierd moving shadows nearby and then itens dissapeared) nuclear explosion + burning forest:
  18. white

    Pending Update: Build

    are zombie spawns suposed to be instant and infinite? me and a friend killed about 150+ zombies in the main airport by ourselves. at a point i left him doing that by himself and kept watching the respawn from the airport tower, and right before killing a wave another already respawned and ran towards him, over and over. there were noone else there, or we wouldve been easily killed while joking around with the zombies. there was no way in hell to keep stealth, since they kept seeing us from very far away. after looting using pistols. we went inside a warehouse and kept 1 shoting their heads with akms until we started to worry about our ammo count, and just ran away. plain easy. we had already looted the airport which had nothing worthwhile anyway. i guess ill never find a vehicle in this game, every server must have an admin clan gathering them all or something. yes my next step is to hunt them, i pretty much already did everything else in the game. plain surviving is too easy, and already tired of deathmatchs in cherno and eletro, even with the crappy weapons nerf that took all the realistic tactical approach out of the game (i wasted 2 pistol clips on a guy while eh was firing and hitting me with an akm for about 20 seconds till i killed him). weapon damage is a joke. yes the game is still too easy but infinite instant respawn zombies are annoying as hell, unless its in line with the weapons nerf and this is all a plan in order to make an arcade shooter deathmatch game for anyone that doesnt have a scoped sniper rifle. just with annoying zombies on the background. i love the idea of this game, and i love that it exists (closest to what i believe would be a great game), but it seems to be taking wierd turns whilst not having a clear path ahead. even when im the one being shot till im 2000 blood and just keep running away like nothing is happening (not countign diziness and grayscale screen) i just cant stop thinking "DAFUQ are this bullets made of"
  19. white

    Optional PVP

    so the OP wants a happy danger free post apocalyptic zombie world in which he and all his friends can hold hands and... blah even heard the song kumbaia while thinking about it. protip: make friends and go out in real life perhaps? ps.: even so, i would be ok if you werent able to hop into pvp servers with your character.
  20. white

    There needs to be a reason not to kill

    well there were 3 times in which encountering a stranger didnt endup in a gunfight (there were axes! no just kidding) 1- saw someone, had some stuff on, let him get close, he stole all my shit from about 15feet across a fence (even the weapon i was holdin, thats when i figured something was off) 2-we both didnt have weapons 3-the guy had the advantage (holdign an m16 on a closed space) and i figured it made sense to comply, he then turned his back on me a few times (inside a market) but i felt i should honor the agreement, although i wouldve liked to get his m16 (had a couple, hard ot come by with enough ammo and liked the burst precision). I really dislike the fact that someone close enough can rob me blind without me getting a hint of whats happening, otherwise i think tactical superiority and saying "stop, dont turn around or ill kill you, drop your weapon and ill let you leave" is enough. could also add: "you have 20 seconds to comply" :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chtoRwsLFSQ
  21. Self explanatory my specs x6 1075t (watercooled) 8gb ram radeon 6950 2gb raid 0 7200.12 xfi titanium case zalman zs plus with 90cfm fans only game that this happens, i started playing with everything maxed out, and played fine, but after i noticed the game slowing down a lot, i turned down everything, same thing still happens. also, loading times are like 3-4min average. already reinstalled dayz, beta (95054) and battleeye.
  22. this game is easy, the only challenge are bandits. so just learn how to play it properly using stealth/assault tactics.