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Everything posted by byrgesen

  1. byrgesen


    Nobody in theyre right mind would try to lift it, when its full of water..... BUT we should be able to load it into the V3S, for sure. You are right, it should not fit in a backpack at all. But a quick google search reveals a 55 gallon (208 liters) plastic barrel weighs in at 22 lbs (about 10kg), so in all honesty you should be able to wrap a rope around it and carry it, without much problems. The weight isnt the issue, its the size of the barrel really, making it very un-handy to carry around. Hence the rope to tie around it, and then throw it over your shoulder. Perhaps only possible without a backpack, or something like that. Now imagine if they put in a smaller plastic barrel, like a 15 gallon (56 liters), which weighs in at 8.5 lbs (almost 4kg). Thats not a problem to carry around at all. Source: http://www.erosionpollution.com/55-gallon-drum-dimensions.html
  2. byrgesen

    do cars need fuel?

    Vehicles in DayZ runs on broken dreams and salty tears.
  3. byrgesen

    Working tool for administration

    Incorrect, many server hosts are providing RCON tools, like BEC, for the DayZ servers. Talk to your GSP about RCON tools, perhaps they can help you. That being said, you still have to follow the rules, which clearly states NO BANNING on any public server, what so ever.
  4. byrgesen

    Confused about the Lag

    Tbh we need to know exactly what kind of CPU, GPU and RAM you have in your computer. Either use DXDIAG (as stated above) or HWINFO, to give us a complete idea of your PC specs. So far its not looking good, Intel Graphics is good for many things, but it certaintly isnt gaming :) Also if your i7 is a U version, it wont be good enough, as they where designed to use as little power as possible, and cant really work fast enough for the game.
  5. As with many other things, i doubt this will be permanent and i think its done for "testing purposes". Just think back to the whole freezing/overheating hell, we had some months back, it seems to be the same process they are following, with small variations, on almost all of the bigger mechanics ingame. It will most likely not stay like this forever, but they could be doing it, to gather more data on the general vehicle role and function. I also dont see any kind of need to start doing the calculations, for Bohemia. They are more then capable of doing it by them selves.
  6. byrgesen

    Cannibalism Discussion

    You have no idea how long the "freak" kept it inside his deer pelt homemade backpack, all moist and dark :P I like this feature, gonna try it out at some point.
  7. Or you can go to: C:\Users\*Username*\Documents\DayZ and find the *Username*.sqf file. Open this and navigate to the line that says: battleyeLicense=0; Change the value to 1, save file and play the game :)
  8. byrgesen

    Dayz actually becoming DayZ

    Honestly, i do believe the "New Zombie AI" in Q1 2015, is also ment as "After that, the serious zombie work can begin" :)
  9. byrgesen

    DayZ 2015 roadmap

    You need to realize that making a mod, for a finished game, is NOTHING like creating a new game, from near scratch, which is basicly what they have done. If you honestly want to compare the "progress" like you do, then compare the radical engine changes Bohemia has made, over the last years time, to the non-exsistant engine changes, both the community devs (DayZ mod) and the BP creaters have never ever done, at all. You are simply talking pure visual content, but a game is sooooo much more then that, and im sure you know this. Im not trying to be a smartass, but you could at least realize that creating content (models, configs and minor functions) for a finished game (Arma in this case), is no where near the same as re-building an engine for a much more specific purpose (DayZ SA). @topic This looks really good :) Im impressed with the amount of stuff you plan to have in the game, by the end of 2015. If Bohemia pulls this off, this game is gonna be amazing in every way.
  10. byrgesen

    Your fetish item

    It doesnt matter what you do, either in a game or IRL, you are NEVER the only one doing it ;) Realize this hehe. Personally i have a fettish for the Blaze 95, it doesnt matter what weapon i have or what ammo i have, if i find it i drop everything and pick it up haha. Lost track of how many times ive dropped fully kitted AK's and M4's, for that damn Blaze, but its just so sexy!!
  11. byrgesen

    carry more than one primary gun? why not

    For me, its a matter of choice and consequense. We can all agree that its perfectly possible to carry 5, or more, weapons at the same time, IRL, but i believe this will not make the game better in any way. As i see it, choosing a weapon should be a difficult choice, since the weapons have very different purposes and some of them are really specialized, in one way or another :) So you have to decide what kind of weapon you want, for the specific play style you intend to play, and then deal with the consequenses of said choice. Giving people the option to carry a long range rifle, a mid range rifle and a CQB weapon, will not make the game any better, in my world, in fact it would simply turn it into "another generic shooter" and i would hate that. Stick to one main weapon, force us to chose and deal with the consequense of that choice. This will only make the game more interesting and make team fights rely alot more on tactics and actual coorporation, instead of every single player on the map, being his own personal version of Rambo :) My 2 cents.
  12. byrgesen

    price is incresed

    Theres nothing dishonest about the way they did it, its all out there, in the open, and BI cant be blamed for people not doing research before spending money. Those who will buy the game, without researching the price and game, will buy any game, without doing some research on it. But the people who are interested in DayZ, are already looking at it, and have been for some time, so this "price stunt" should only come as a shock to people who have never ever heard of DayZ before. And since the price is the same, they still have a chance of getting the game, for the same price as we did, back in december. This is no misleading, at all. You make it sound like gamers are dumb cattle who cant think for them selves, when it could not be farther from the truth. As far as i see it, its not a stunt to increase sales volume, they already sold WAY more then they could have ever dreamed of. Its a brilliant way of warning people of a price increase and, at the same time, give them the option to still buy it, at the same price as it started at :) People who call it "shady" are reading way to much into it. Its the same price, it doesnt take a MENSA genius to see that, and we all knew it would increase over time. They are giving you a window of opportunity, to buy the game, at the VERY low price, before it jumps up. Yes yes...... I know horsie, i went and fucked up lol!!
  13. byrgesen

    Day and Night cycle and body temperature.

    We are testing it now, exactly like we tested hypothermia, a month ago :) As i see it, they intentionally ramp up the "numbers" in the function handling freezing/overheating, for us to go and play with it, so they can collect data on it and then, at a later date, start fine tuning it, when they have enough data to make it just right. Stable doesnt mean "as close to the end product as possible" its more of a "this is the most "stable" (crashes, gamebreaking bugs, etc.) we can make the game, right now, enjoy" kind of thing hehe.
  14. byrgesen

    price is incresed

    AHH this cangate lol, thought you ment CANgate :P Yeh i remember it very well, what a shame it was.
  15. byrgesen

    price is incresed

    If you have deleted the account, your IQ will instantly go back to "normal", what ever that is. :P I salute the poor sods, who manage to crawl back out of the hellfire pit, that is Reddit!
  16. byrgesen

    price is incresed

    Cant say that i do :) Ohh yeh, i never go to reddit. Its been proven that your IQ will drop by at least 95%, once you create an account.... :P
  17. byrgesen

    price is incresed

    In my world its just simple logic :P
  18. byrgesen

    price is incresed

    How is this a bad thing???? I dont get it. They increase the price, like they have said since the very beginning (We ALL knew this, and if you didnt, you havent been following development), and then at the same time they give you a discount on the new price, so everyone who doesnt want to pay more, still has a chance of getting the game, for the same price as we did in december. This is a smart move and it benefits the people who havent bought it yet, because it acts as a warning of the price increase. A very visual warning. Not to mention, that most of the people who "rage" over this, has most likely already bought the game, so it does not affect them in any way, and who ever hasnt bought it yet, should be happy that they can still get it for the same VERY LOW price.
  19. byrgesen

    Lead Producer of DayZ says, "1PP is better"

    Ive read all 4 pages now, and i still have absolutely NO idea, why we are even talking about, what camera perspective Brian Hicks likes....... :|
  20. byrgesen

    Yelling In DayZ

    My thought exactly. I think it would be alot easier to accomplish, and then simply add some audio filters, to adjust certain volume levels :) Could make for some interesting encounters in the bigger cities lol. And then you could also add text to this, so people could interact from longer distance, even without a mic. Encourage talking and yelling, encourage any kind of improved communication between players, ingame :)
  21. byrgesen

    List Of Suggestions

    The people working on the mod and the people working on SA, are two seperate development teams and have next to nothing to do with one another :) Bohemia Interactive Studios are devoping DayZ Standalone, community developers are developing the mod in they're own free time, with no pay. The only role BI has in the mod, is saying "OK" to the changelog, before we get the mod updates, basicly :) And most of the time, this is solely Rocket's responsibility.
  22. byrgesen

    Is It Possible?

    Theres no doubt this will be modded into the game. The engine is more then capable of handeling any kind of vehicle basicly. But like many others have said, if you want a tank, why not just play DayZ mod? Or Arma? One of the big points of standalone is to get away from the military side and focus on survival, so we can do the things that was never possible in Arma :) I do remember DayZ 2017 mod, had a tank with non functional weapons. Basicly like driving around in a fortress, but it was no real threat, because people still had to get out to do damage to you. Well, it was more like an APC, but still hehe. Armoured vehicle for sure.
  23. byrgesen

    Steam as you dry off

    It has happened to me, several times, on hiking trips, but it does rely on a couple of factors :) First it has to be cold outside, below -5 celsius at least. Second of all, it requires a much larger fire then what we have in DayZ currently, for a much higher amount of heat radiation. Thirdly, you need to be really close for a good amount of time (10-15 mins) before anything happens, and by the time you start to see vapor coming from your clothes, you will be sweating like crazy and forced to take your clothes off. But perhaps combine both ideas, so wet clothing drips and get a shiny wet surface :) Would be really awsome and immersive, thats for sure hehe.
  24. byrgesen

    MELEE! grrrrrrRRRRR!

    Thats why i edited it to "almost" stopped reading ;) Im not trying to get into a fight here or shit on your parade mate, but it certaintly seem like you havent followed development in the past couple of months, and therefor dont understand why it is what it is atm. I agree, theres a TON of issues in the game right now, and the more stuff they put into it, the more the game breaks. I also agree that many of the topics you brought up, are important topics, worth discussing, but its more the way you deliver the message. When i read your post, it looks and feels like you are yelling at a person for doing something stupid, but you are however not providing alot of solutions, that would improve the conversation :) Basicly it comes down to this: Most of what they already had for Arma, didnt fit DayZ very well and had very limited functions, in terms of survival, persistance and the whole MMO genre they are going for. So insted of working on the code they already had, they decided to throw most of it away and start from scratch, so they could develop a product with VERY specific needs and features, hence they are called it a "new engine". Now i agree, that some things didnt have to be done like this, but on the other hand, it would be hard to justify selling a game, thats basicly a "2.0" version of a free mod. They have to do alot more to actually make it worth the money they want for it. This approach also opens up for A LOT of new stuff for the future. The ability to fully re-create functions and make them interact with other functions/mechanics, in a much more effecient and "safer" (thnk exploits) way, is truly what the game needs. Much of the hacking and cheating we had in the mod, and still have in Arma, is possible because of the simple fact, that the client has control over the server and can tell it what to do. So many of the old functions relies 100% on this "relationsship" and since they are trying to move as much as possible to the server, and give the client as little "power" as possible (think regular MMO, like wow for example) many of the current functions, simply would not work in the game any longer. As far as im concerned, this is the correct route to go down through, but it will bring alot of issues with it. Hopefully they can overcome these issues, through development. I also believe this is why they keep saying its gonna take a LONG time before its done (last i heard was Hicks saying that its at least a year and a half from RC client).
  25. byrgesen

    Cliche Parody: Villain Monologue

    This is really good :D