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Everything posted by byrgesen

  1. have a look at my signature mate :)
  2. byrgesen

    DayZ Lingor Loot Map

    can we get a reply from the OP pls?
  3. byrgesen

    DayZ Lingor Loot Map

    honestly dont know. its the worldspace for the spawns and i have no idea on how to convert it to coord :( just posted em and hoped someone else did :) This might help mate: http://www.tunngle.net/community/topic/87571-interpreting-the-dayz-server-position/page__p__727681__hl__worldspace__fromsearch__1#entry727681
  4. byrgesen

    DayZ Lingor Loot Map

    got an update for the v3s today, exported from the DB: [274,[6090.88,1689.93,0.00143886]] V3S_Civ 20878965 Lagoso Army Camp Office
  5. I believe you have that error coz the lingor files arent in the right place or you arent openeing dayz lingor (its a mod in a mod so its not the same as oppening dayz normally, hence the @dayz_lingor in .bat file and not @dayz) Ive used the guide on several computers and you end up with a .bat file that will get you directly into the main menu of dayz lingor.
  6. byrgesen

    DayZ Lingor Loot Map

    Hey mate. I exportet the spawn table from my Lingor DB with alot of vehicle spawns Here you go: I dont believe this is all of em, but its a start :)
  7. byrgesen

    DayZ Lingor Loot Map

    Steal some spawn from this one mate :) http://dayz.lv/lingor/#3.062.069
  8. byrgesen

    Hackers with crossbows.

    tbh if you loot hacked stuff, you are no better then the script kiddies who ruing this game. play it like its suppose to guys, not like you did in this video.
  9. byrgesen

    I am a Survivor (Official)

    wow that was some of the best work ive seen mate. BEANS BEANS BEANS BEANS!!!!!
  10. byrgesen

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Does this also mean being able to run your own server as easy and like Minecraft did? Or are you still going with your current "server rules"?? Think alot of people are thinking about this :) EDIT: I see what you mean, but by going standalone, isnt it much easier to "choose" and "control" admin acces? I mean, you guys can pretty much do what you want with it, when you get the "foundation" for the standalone game, or am i wrong?
  11. byrgesen

    Looking for Friends! Europe

    Drop by my server if you wanna meet some friendly ppl and kill some zombies :)
  12. drop by my server if you wanna meat some friendly pll :)
  13. Ok guys, just to make things alittle better, heres an advertisement for my private server lol....... Laugh if you want, but i might be one of the few non abusive admins out there, so come have a look.
  14. byrgesen

    Infection withou anycontact or rain ?

    There is a chance to become infected if a Z hits you while bleeding, no matter your temp.
  15. byrgesen

    NW is the epitome of DayZ's flaws.

    Tbh if ppl have a private passworded server they can farm all they want, coz that server IS NOT connected to Rockets Hive. Private server = private database. They cant bring they're items with em to a public, you need to farm public servers to get public gear. But again, this exact issue is what made me start a private server in the first place. To keep an eye on the hackers and server hoppers
  16. ********************************************************************** Do not do that again.
  17. byrgesen Brought Dupping

    hehe theres the flamer. welcome.
  18. byrgesen Brought Dupping

    ok will post there next time. Maybe now ppl will start exploiting it and rocket will fix it faster...... Know it wasnt the right way to go, but whats done is done. Flame me...
  19. byrgesen Brought Dupping

    Well you kinda need to know how it works to find a way to fix it, right?
  20. byrgesen Brought Dupping

    well maybe rocket could actually fix an issue before adding more stuff and making more mistakes. I dont know anything about coding, but he obviously did something very wrong. fix it mate, fix the game, before adding more stuff.
  21. byrgesen Brought Dupping

    im trying to get attention to a HUGE problem that could poteltially ruin the game balanced if not adresses INSTANT!!!! Flaming idiots.
  22. Hello ppl Ive recently started playing Dayz with some friends and we would like to have more people with us. We are casual players, mostly from Denmark (one from the states though) and we have our own server and VT. We would like to get more players, who wants to play the game this way: - NO BANDITS!!! (i cant stress enough how important this is for us) - We share almost all stuff and have several camp sites - You are not a serious player and just wanna have some fun with other people, getting chased by z's :) - You can speak english and you have ventrilo (VT3) - More then 20 years of age (mature, need i say more) If you think this is something for you (dont care if your a complete noob, we were all there) and you think you can get along with most people, PM me and we can have a talk :)
  23. byrgesen

    Casual Survivors Playground :)

    Im sorry, i did not ask for your oppinion mate. Go somewhere else and troll pls, im not looking for smart answers. And since its your own choice to join i cant punish you in any way. Grow up pls. Btw i can assure you theres are NO bandits what so ever........