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Everything posted by byrgesen

  1. byrgesen

    Private Server Update

    Go to tunngle forums where you found your server pack mate. They have ALL the info you need and you wont get support for private hives here :)
  2. byrgesen

    Looking for Private Server Hoster

    Have a look at my signature mate :) hopefully its what you have been looking for. And btw, most private server software is just download, run and lets play tbh. No official hosters.
  3. byrgesen

    Am I alone..?

    Have a look at my signature mate. You can start fresh on a private hive if you want :D
  4. Thats a very nice piece of writing mate :) exactly what i had in mind. I like the code of conduct and how it would make it A LOT more realistic, this is a simulator after all :) not a war game hehe.
  5. You obviously doesnt know much about arma mate. Arma is NOT a game, its NOT a shooter. its a SIMULATOR end of story. You find no other game like it. So saying you dont find simulators fun is kinda the same as saying you dont like arma or dayz.
  6. bad version might have something to do with the arma beta or lingor version? Try doing a reinstall using my links mate. And yes ava, i owe you alot lol. list keep pilling :D
  7. well, dunno if i can update the key as its part of a server package. I remember one having issues with it and a cache check on steam and reinstalling dayz, arma II beta and lingor worked for him :( thats all i know
  8. hmm. could it have something to do with where you downloaded your lingor files perhaps? or your version? i know they change keys for each version, so you might have version 0.33 and not 0.34
  9. Coz its the realistic aspect of dayz. Giving people the option to know who kills you, will turn in into COD for sure lol. I personally love not being able to know who killed me, coz this is a simulator, not a wargame
  10. hehe well it sounds like you were on in the "down time" :) Usually at the afternoon and everning we have 10-20 people online in general :) But people come from all over the world, so they have different prime times :D
  11. byrgesen

    Looking for private server? In here!

    Have a look at my comment if you are interested in a Private lingor server :) BTW what a good idea to make this thread as a lot of new ones have popped up with advertising :)
  12. Welcome mate :) i hope you have some fun hehe. I myself arent gonna play atm, coz GW2 just got out :D but theres plenty of other people online at peak hours hehe.
  13. byrgesen

    Admins can´t read ?

    One of the problems is that when ever you report a GUID and it gets banned, the guy has a new copy and is back in the game. And dont come tell me a hacker doesnt want to break your server EVEN more if you get him banned. Its not a viable solution and therefor server admins are forced to lock, massban and masskick, just to try and keep it a nice and pleasent experience. As an admin on the official servers, you have NO CHANCE of knowing who is doing what as you are totally restricted from the DB. So theres only 1 thing to do. systematically kicking people you dont know, maybe even a ban, to try and keep order. As for server reporting, apperently it does nothing lol. people are still playing on blacklisted servers, admins are still abussing. Find a viable solution insted of this beating around the bush. This is where we are atm with the official servers guys. cold hard facts Also its abit fun to think about this: Dayz was build for a game, wich at the time was LIVING on passworded servers, and now we dont know why its gone horribly wrong. Theres a reason Arma II (prior to dayz) was a password hell. Hackers have ALWAYS had it eay in arma and the best defense is PW, always has been and always will be :)
  14. byrgesen

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    Theres no way rocket can stand to "loose" that income by giving free keys to Dayz mod players. BUT what he maybe could do is give discount for people already playing the mod. Seeing as they bought arma to play hes mod :) Again noone can force him :) if he wants to get all the money he can for development i dont blame him hehe. 1mill x 30$ or so lol aka A LOT of development. not to mention paycheck for all working on the project :)
  15. byrgesen

    Shoot on sight!

    well. what can you expect when 500.000 children come to play a simulator game, never ment for this in the first place. Apparrently alot of people are lacking stuff to do, and taking it out on all other players and insted of going against the flow and trying to stop it, everybody does what the OP does. Way to go hehe.
  16. I recently found out that setting cpucount=4 insted of 2 in your .bat file actually decreases performance A LOT!! So go edit your .bat file and lower cpucount=4 to 2 and it will run alot better. I have also changed the guide accordingly :) hope it helps you as much as it helps me.
  17. I personally changed to lingor coz of the enterable buildings pretty much. I then found some more nice things about it: Darkness is actual DARKNESS The terrain is awsome with all the hills I guess i just like the feel of a tropical island more then a russian landscape (NOT dissing dayz in anyway) Have a look at my sig, if you like or wanna try out lingor :) And i like the idea of supporting it in the future, but Rocket has enough to do atm, so its not priority.
  18. I only have the occasional tent reset on my server, but it rare. vehicles work, tents work, its nice :)
  19. Looks very nice mate. I my self am running a server with the Lingor map. Feel free to come by and try Lingor if you have any interest :) Maybe i will swing by your server hehe.
  20. byrgesen

    DayZ Private hive server EU

    have a look at my signature mate
  21. There has been a beta patch update guys :) go get the correct version.
  22. Yes im sorry mate, but the DB got a major update to fix humanity and vehicles spawns and for some wierd reason the backup didnt work :( it usually does but not this time unfortunatly and as this is dayz, theres not really a reason to be totally exited about gear or vehicles, they will be gone soon anyway hehe. I hope you can live with that :) and for the vehicle, even tho it got lost in the DB update, it could easily have been stolen hehe, we loose vehicles all the time. And as a patch on the wound we could pick you up and hep you get started again mate. Abit more fun maybe :) i hope you come back
  23. lol. i will talk to em. theres no reason to kick you if you just want to get some action -_- im sorry mate. will get it fixed.