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Everything posted by byrgesen

  1. byrgesen

    How to Set Up DayZ Private Server

    tbh you should try the search funtion. This topic has been debated in 8 or 10 different threads lol.
  2. Sooo. you are gonna pay for a guy to give you a false sense of protetion on a free mod? way to throw away money, as he cant promise any kind of security. He can merely do hes best to try and stop it like everyone else, and then take your money while doing it lol.
  3. byrgesen

    Private hives with Sidechat

    tbh sidechat / global it doesnt matter :) and private server owners can chaange it on the fly pretty much :D
  4. byrgesen

    Lingor Island

    1. no you cant take your stuff form chernarus as it would be a coord nightmare to have same DB for thoose maps. 2. No you dont loose ANY stuff in chernarus its there. Its kinda like having 2 chars, an official one and one unofficial one. 3. You can switch back and forth all you want, and your things will stay were they are. NOTHING can be brought from lingor to chernarus and visa versa. Lingor is NOT official hive in any way or understanding, so when ever you see a Lingor server you can be 100% sure its private. As stated before, some people run 2-3 lingor server on the same DB, i just find it to laggy tbh.
  5. byrgesen

    Vilayer's new Package deal.

    DONT PAY FOR SOMETHING FREE lol Why would you do that? Dayz is free, private server software is free and all theese people do is take your hard earned money for no good reason. Cmon guys, its not worth the money......
  6. byrgesen

    Private hives with Sidechat

    and give you money for a free mod -_- cmon mate, nobody should pay for ANYTHING free..... Same goes for private software tbh, DONT pay for it lol.
  7. might i add mate. the cpucount, maxmem and exthread can be removed now. Arma will figure it out by itself and the game will run alot smoother :)
  8. byrgesen

    Private Hive Server Setup thread?

    Problem is there is NO SUCH THING as a smooth install guide mate. theres a lot to do and its already stated several places on tunngle and github. AND all the releases isnt out of date, im using newer beta then most official server lol. you just looked the wrong place. Bliss comes from tunngle forums tbh, ive been following the private hive dev for 3 months so i know what im talking about. Bliss is an ongoing job to improved the already made software called Sanctuary Bliss is also the foundation for another software called Saintly. BTW your link is EXACTLY the same software as found on tunngle. Blisshive I wont recommend using arma 2 net unless you plan on running several servers over same DB. EDIT: Ok im gonna give you some links, and hopefully i wont get a warning or something like that :( Saintly software: http://www.tunngle.net/community/topic/85461-dayz-1725-sanctuary-lingor-island-v034-server-files/ Blisshive software: http://www.tunngle.net/community/topic/77721-easy-server-installer/ Santuary (yes outdated but theres so much info): http://www.tunngle.net/community/topic/78211-guru-abduls-private-dayz-1723/
  9. byrgesen

    Private hives with Sidechat

    Ive got global chat enabled on my server mate. Lingor aswell
  10. byrgesen

    I need help installing Lingor Island

    Look at my signature mate. 5 easy steps
  11. Im back now and ive rolled out bans. The DZN clan came back and activated GOD mode, spawned choppers and killed people, etc. So a warning to you private admins out there. DZN is a hacker clan, they do nothing good and Joachim WILL try to hack your network when you ban him. Im so happy my ISP wanna make a VERY big deal out of this :) ALL PEOPLE USING DZN HAVE BEEN BANNED. END OF STORY!!!!
  12. byrgesen

    Enable kill messages?

    no. only player 1 dies its the profile file you need to edit. you can edit each diffuculty to your liking.
  13. Your more then welcome mate :) bring some friend hehe, we lost some members (turned out to be hackers)
  14. have a look at my signature mate.
  15. as far as i know combined ops is a combo of OA and Original arma. Have you tryied the code?
  16. thx mate :) didnt even know that hehe. Thats actually were handy tbh EDIT: Ive added the code to the main post, at the bottom for thoose of you wanting to have a direct connection shortcut.
  17. when you click remote you put in the ip and port and connect, then you should get to a password box :) remote connection doesnt show the server on a list.
  18. Hello guys. Ive got good news :) found a very hopefull fix for the signature check timeout bug :) i will test it after next server restart. It should also increase performance even more hehe. Sorry for doing all theese posts, but i feel like its important info for my trusted users.
  19. Saintly refers to the software used to run the server. As far as i know theres several kinds of software: Saintly Sanctuary Blizzhive Anti-Rocket
  20. byrgesen

    Private Hive Server Setup thread?

    im gonna try again :) Go to tunngle.net forums and find ALL the info on private hive you could ever dream about. Dayzmod.com does not support or create private hive software, so this isnt gonna go anywhere mate. tunngle.net is the place to go. EDIT: Is it maybe possible to get a moderator to sticky it or something? the question pops everyday now and people cant figure out how to search lol. Maybe make an official statement, saying all the stuff being asked in theese threads
  21. so you start another thread to advertise for your already existing thread? nice....
  22. byrgesen

    One character name ~ DayZ standalone

    yes and yes mate. one name for one account.
  23. have a look at my signature mate. might be something for you :)
  24. byrgesen

    I am a Survivor (Official)

    soo it it to much to ask for next episode eta? :)
  25. Have a look at this if you havent seen it :) Rocket finally talks to the people: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/84895-why-the-radio-silence/