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Everything posted by byrgesen

  1. byrgesen


    English isnt my first language either, so that might be why we talk over each others head haha :) But i completely understand that you want to make a unique experience, i did the same thing in the mod when i hosted servers, and it was amazing. I just dont agree we need the same level of "admin freedom" as we had in the mod, it was to much power and only a handful of people actually managed to control it, the rest just did what they wanted and it destroyed the community and made people trust admins as much as hackers basicly. We need BI to create completely new tools, with a much much lower chance of being abused, and we need them to "police" these tools. I will say that i never EVER liked the idea of giving people donating money, anything speciel, or speciel rights. People where free to donate to my server, but they didnt get special treatment because of it. If you start giving people something because they donate money, its not a donation any longer, its a purchace imho, and that doesnt belong in this game.
  2. byrgesen


    In short, the reason is to stop admins from having tools they can abuse, like they did in the mod. Im not saying your one of them, but there where thousands of "badmins" and this is the consequense of it, no database acces for anyone. I repeat it because i agree, having it the way we had it in the mod was a very bad idea. The only way to stop these admins, is to give them tools they cannot abuse, and since BI havent even started making admin tools yet, we have no idea what we will actually get :) We know nothing of the modding capabilities yet, so its really hard to say anything, except that theres no reason to open up modding, when its this early in development, Arma III showed us this, as mods broke over and over and over and eventually people simply gave up trying to fix it, until the game hit "full release". They will most likelywant to prevent that in DayZ. But i will add that you literally said "The whole "nazi" stance on total control over the hive wether the server is private or not", which implies that you wanted this on the public HIVE aswell mate, thats what i asumed, based on that statement. Sorry if i misunderstood, but you literally said both private and public HIVE. I would also like to ask you, based on your last statement, why you think its ok for you to make money on a server and decide who has acces based on the amount they pay you?? (paying players, as you mention)
  3. If you had read the last of my post, i said exactly that mate :) Im just pointing out that complaining about lack of content, is something they dont really care about.
  4. Yeh, but they arent CEO's or a publisher company, pushing development. If you havent noticed, Bohemia listens very little to people who complain about lack of updates hehe. I never once said they didnt listen to the community, dont put words in my mouth. What i mean is that they have an idea, call it a "vision", of how the game will turn out. Which means very specific ideas about the content, features and how it should function. This doesnt mean that they dont put things into the game, the community suggests. This means that nothing, again going from history with this company, they dont want in this game, gets into it. If a community member suggest an awsome idea, and the dev team likes it, theres a good chance it will get into the game. They do listen, but they just dont cave in to peer presure and develop everything people want, because they have theyre own idea of how it should be. This means, in the end we will have a game the dev team are very proud of and happy with, and the people who share this feeling will buy it, those who dont, will not. As far as im concerned, the best games have been developed by people with a vision, a great idea, and this is exactly how Bohemia works.
  5. byrgesen


    See!!! This guy uses two lines and he totally gets why we have these rules. :) Its not hard at all hehe, have some beans mate.
  6. If people ask for something Bohemia wants in the game, it will most likely be in the game, but if they ask for something they dont want, it wont. History has shown Bohemia doesnt make games with the features people want, they make games with the features they want :) As for Beta start, its really hard to say imho, but if the alpha gets prolongued, im fine with it, as the game still needs alot more work. The more work they put into it, the better it will be in the end, regardless of the time spend of it :) And since they opened the game for everyone in Alpha, getting the game out of development and sold is no longer an issue. This means they can work in peace on the product, without a deadline screaming them in the face, and not make the same mistakes thousands of developers do now a days, release a broken game as a finished game.
  7. byrgesen


    Ok, you didnt get my drift at all...... Im not comparing cheating in a game to homicide, im comparing the principle of breaking the rules, any rules, it doesnt matter, the principle is the same, you break a rule. This is something you learn small kids, from the time they start moving around. If a governing body (Bohemia in this case but could be a parent, the government, a landlord, doesnt matter) tells you not to do it, and you do it, you are breaking the rules and you deserve to be punished for it, no matter what rule you broke imho. I know theres alot of servers, but why cant you understand that if we (players) allow one admin to be an ashole, there will be alot more doing the same? Im having a really hard time understanding, why you are having a hard time understanding, that breaking the rules is not ok. Its that simple, you own nothing when you pay for a server, you rent it and the landlord (Bohemia) sets the rules for you to follow. Now, you either do so or you get kicked out, exactly like in the real world. Personally i have reported hundreds of servers for violating the rules, i report servers pretty much every single time i sit down to play the game, because i think its not ok ot act like a dick and gain an advantage on the public HIVE, how can you believe that its ok? Unless you are one of these admins and you like doing it, i simply dont understand why you would allow it..... Im really not liking that you use my "attitude" as an example of people demanding everything and giving nothing. I demand one thing from you admins, follow the f****** rules...... Its not hard mate, i did it in the mod for several years, its really not hard at all..... The whole "i want to do what ever i want" on the public HIVE is bullshit imho. Everybody deserves the same treatment, and when you start kicking people from a public server, for friends, clan mates or simply because you dont like them, you are denying them equality in the game, and using it as your own private playground. Get a private server as soon as it comes out, put a password on it and do what ever you want in there, i dont care, but follow the damn rules on the public HIVE. Have some respect for the other players and have some respect for Bohemia, who are trying to give you the chance of following the development up close and personal. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This whole "I payed for it and its up to me how i use it" mentallity, is so sad, so imature. Grow up, follow the rules set for you, and make the best of it. Stop demanding unrealistic things and stop blaming people who are trying to make this a better game, by getting rid of loser admins.
  8. byrgesen


    Because if you move onto another server and stop giving a crap, the servers will go to hell. The mod history showed us this. The more committed we as players are, to having a "clean" server list, the more clean it will be in the end. BI cant keep track of all the admins, but we as players can. Exactly like its the peoples responsibility to tell the government when they have gone to far with something, its our (players) responsibility to make sure admins doesnt abuse the servers and make our game look like crap. If admins play by the rules, theres no issue at all, so im only pointing fingers at abusive admins, nothing else. Im not a scumbag, its called taking responsibility and doing something about it, you should try it..... Alright, so basicly you are saying that people should be allowed to buy a weapon (as an example) and do WHAT EVER they want with it, because they bought it? Cmon dude, you cant be that naive.... I can just see the court room: Judge: "You shot two people on your way home from MC Donalds, why?" Defendant: "Well i payed for the gun, so why shouldnt i?" Judge: "Good point, release the man, he has done nothing wrong" You get my drift????????!!!! Correction, they never removed the option in the first place :) Passwording has always been a part of Arma servers, and since they started off with that, perhaps they didnt see the need to delete it or make it non-functional, i dunno. But its there none the less, and hopefully in the future, passwording will be disabled on public servers, in the code, to make it non-functional. Hopefully.
  9. byrgesen


    Because its the GSP's job to shut it down, Bohemia cant shut the server down. I agree, its not a perfect system at all, but its our job to report bad servers/admins and then the GSP will make a "ruling"
  10. What Arma II beta version are you running?
  11. byrgesen

    Status icons

    I think the best idea would be to give people the choice between, messages in the corner, status icons and audio cues :) Maybe thats wishfull thinking, but it would give people a choice to have it like they want.
  12. byrgesen


    No they cannot reset your char, this happens because the HIVE doesnt update your information. If you encounter these servers, report them mate. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158966-dayz-standalone-server-hosting-rules-server-reporting/
  13. byrgesen


    Passwording yes, it should have been disabled, but kicking can be done for legitimate reasons on the public servers.
  14. byrgesen

    More ammo ASAP

    If anything ammo should be more rare then the guns imho. People dont pick up 100 guns, when the shit hits the fans, but they do pick up 100 bullets and use them.
  15. byrgesen

    Lower the bleed chance or allow players to cut pants for rags

    Tbh, if we assume the zombies are living people with a advanced rabies kinda virus, like we always have in DayZ, and we then assume that every single swing they make at you, is with full force and the zombie has no sense of pain what so ever, i think its fine the way it is imho. If i grab a random guy, by his shirt, it doesnt take much effort to rip it completely apart. Now imagine not becoming exhausted, not becoming tired and not feeling any kind of pain, i think its safe to asume that it will tear your clothes to shreds, in a matter of seconds. If we then look at how living beings are still growing fingernails, and human fingernails will actually get really sharp when they grow, dont even need a cm of nail to draw blood from the skin (i work with children, so i know what im talking about lol), combined with the full force hits and no pain what so ever, it would not require much effort to make people bleed imho. I can understand its frustrating to bleed all the time, but the game is trying to simulate a full on attack from a raging human being, with no limitations (stress, pain, lack of energy) and if you have ever been in any kind of fight, you know how easy it is to hurt another human, to the point where he needs stiches to stop the bleeding. Just one punch could be enough to fracture his jawbone and make him spew blood from his mouth. Getting into a fight with a zombie should be deadly and life threatening, they should be a real threat in Chernarus. I will also add, that if you know how to swing a melee weapon, you can knock ANY zombie down, in one hit, without it ever touching you. Its really easy to handle 1 or 2 zombies at the same time. The problem lies in handling many more, as it should be. Running into 10 zombies, with no escape route, should be a death sentence. Fyi, they already do that :) If your characters shock value exceeds your blood level, you pass out and become unconsious, so its already in the game. Every single weapon/punch has a shock value. But i do like your bruising idea, and how it should heal slowly, perhaps over a couple of hours, based on the severity/location of the hit, and therefor cribble your char abit, also based on the severity/location of the hit.
  16. byrgesen

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    This thread gives me a headache, so much misinformation..... The "new engine" is already in the game and has been since the very start of development, that is the so called "Arma 2.5" engine Bohemia started off with. From the very get go, the entire point of making a standalone, was to get over the limitations Arma had, when it comes to a persistant open world game, as Arma was never designed for such a thing. I see people using sentences like "when will we get the new engine" or "when we get it, the game will run so much better" and this is hurting my eyes. You wont get a new engine, we already have Enfusion, and the only reason it will not be named "Real Virtuality 2/3/4/5 whatever" is because in the end it will be so far from RV that the resemblances will be very small. People need to understand that the work that has been done on player skeletons, AI pathfinding and intellegence, player collision, door collision, the entire attachment system and so on, is the creation of Enfusion. We already have the engine, in a raw unpolished state, and over the next 1-2 years it will be refined. As an example they are working on disconnecting the renderer from the simulation, as this is how the RV engine works, and they want to do so, to increase performance client side and hopefully take better advantage of DirectX technologies. Dean should have never used the word "New Engine", as this is simply not the case imho, but he isnt a PR guy, hes a computer nerd, with poor people skills and in general, its very easy to misunderstand what these people say. Realize this people, we have Enfusion right now, they are working on refining it, and it has from day 1 been the entire purpose of creating a standalone title. If you have been following the development from the mod times, you would know this. That is not entirely true actually. If the server FPS drops below 5-10, the clients will suffer and that is why you lag (takes 5 secs to take out a weapon, object takes 10 secs to render on the floor when dropped, people look like they are teleporting, etc.) It has been like this in all the RV engines, the client is heavily dependent on the servers ability to tell it what to do. This is the exact reason why creating missions for Arma II and III is such a delicate process. That is the entire reason we see the devs so focused on making the server run better. Because if the server runs like crap, every single player on that server will feel it, in terms of ingame lag. Ofc when you talk about FPS client side, this isnt relevant, but FPS lag isnt the only kind of lag we got here, just wanted to point this out :)
  17. byrgesen

    Cars in Dayz Standalone

    Well we know for sure we are getting "private shards", but we also know for sure we wont have any kind of database acces or acces to the loot table, on those servers. The question is, do they want to completely release the server files for "true" private servers, like we have in the mod. Im not really sure. Dont get me wrong, i love private servers, and the ability to create a community, i did that in the mod and loved it. But it also has the potential to completely rip the community apart, because we will get the exact same server hell and abussive admins, as we have in the mod. By releasing the server files to the public and giving us complete control, like in the mod, they are basicly saying we can do what ever we want, and very very few people can handle complete freedom, without abusing it in some way. Even though the private shards arent connected to the public HIVE, it will still be under the influense of global loot economic, meaning Bohemia will control exactly what vehicle and how many parts will spawn. They will most likely still make the military land and air vehicles rare as hell, and extremly difficult to maintain.
  18. byrgesen

    How to "Play in a lit up city at night"

    Make a public event and get people to attend it. It would be awsome :)
  19. byrgesen

    Cars in Dayz Standalone

    In a real life scenario, it would make sense yes, but in a video game like this, im not really sure. As i see it, finding a vehicle to repair in DayZ, should be like finding the holy grail. Im not sure how awsome it would be to find a vehicle, if every other one was functioning, even with limited fuel, as most of them would most likely still have some left in them, in the scenario you describe. I would how ever expect, almost, that the part we need from vehicles, could be found in the abandoned ones around Chernarus. Theres no logic in making all vehicle parts spawn as loot, in piles, in workshops and garages around chernarus, some of it should be retrievable from the wrecked vehicles imho.
  20. If you dont receive an answer from BE, it is most likely because they have no intention of reversing the ban. I can almost garantuee you they dont have the man power to personally respond to every single ban appeal they get, so if the data they collected on you are solid, i dont even think they will respond to your emails. The email you wrote is correct btw :)
  21. byrgesen

    Cars in Dayz Standalone

    Devs have already stated that they wont allow people to alter the loot tables, and i think its safe to say that includes vehicles. There would be no point in making a global economy, if they wanted to give people the ability to create "1000 vehicles" servers.
  22. byrgesen

    New map in the future?...whats the rumours?

    Just want to point out, that making a new map, in great detail takes a VERY long time. So if we eventually do get the ability to create new maps, dont expect anything good to come out of the community for at least a year. Many of the best maps for Arma have taken more then a year to create :)
  23. byrgesen

    Add Status Report to main menu

    Thats true, but at the same time, the peopel who write these threads, on a daily basis, could have the information right in front of them and still not see it. Dont get me wrong, i would love to see this in the menu, but it doesnt matter how well you deliver information to the public, people will always ask "stupid" questions and ask the same questions over and over again. Hopefully we will get it, i really hope so. Its abit messy to have to go to these forums for a changelog, then go to tumblr for the status report and then go to twitter for random dev information. And yes i know it all gets posted here, but the dev tracker is a mess imho.
  24. byrgesen

    Kicking from a server, what to do?

    Your answer lies here mate: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158966-dayz-standalone-server-hosting-rules-server-reporting/
  25. byrgesen

    i miss heatpacks

    Well, when i go camping, im bringing heatpacks. Especially in the winter. its so nice to pop open 2 of those, tos them in the sleeping bag and go to sleep half an hour later in a very hot bag :) The ones i have can be "re-charged" by being frozen down. Live in Denmark. But i dont think they should work the same way as the heatpacks in the mod, aka insta fix. It should be something we can tuck under our clothes and slowly raise the temprature with imho.