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Everything posted by byrgesen

  1. I am not asking for you two smugs to do anything because you cant do anything, you are nobody. I am asking if this is legal, according to the EULA that we all agree to, when playing DayZ and hosting a server. The server is already reported, but that doesnt mean we cant have a discussion about doing this. Again, it has nothing to do with me, and everything to do with the EULA.... Stop making it personal.
  2. Both are private, one is open to the public, the other is whitelisted and characters transfer between them. I dunno how i can explain it any better. Heres a quote from the advertisement for the server: Come join www.monster-gaming.net on our 50 pop private server ranked 1st on game tracker. We do accept donations with a benefit a £5 donation gets you priority access to the server and a £10 donation gets you priority access and access to our white listed server so you can loot up in peace. TS: ts.monster-gaming.net Twitter: 1monster_gaming Server ip:
  3. Thats exactly how i understand the rules aswell. So they are breaking them by making the whitelisted server donation only.
  4. It isnt, but the Bohemia Game Content Usage Rules clearly states: Is there any acceptable way I can make money on my server/website?Yes. Voluntary donations are allowed and are not considered to be a commercial use. Nevertheless, in any way making the “donation” as part of a condition to receive access to/or getting any part of offered content would be in breach of the License Agreement. The content you create must be available to all whether they donate to you or not. The fact that you are getting donations is not a problem, but they must be provided voluntarily, i.e. not providing donations must not prevent anyone from accessing the content, download it or store it in another place and operating it there. To avoid misunderstanding, all access or the content has to be free of any charge. Am I allowed to seek crowd-funding or other forms of donation towards my modding work?Yes this is allowed, with the same rules = the access to data/content cannot be limited by any financial contribution. In no way does this mean that Bohemia guarantees any compatibility or functionality now, or in the future for your modding work or that Bohemia endorses your project. Am I allowed to offer crowd-funding/donation/stretch rewards such as naming an island after someone, naming a campaign character after someone etc?No this is not allowed, donation/funding or any other kind of rewards related to monetary contributions cannot be linked to any kind of in game content, the one exception to this is you are allowed to credit donators by name if you so wish in your mod’s ingame credits and/or documentation. As far as i can read, they are clearly breaking these rules, by denying players content, unless they pay money by "donating". And i am quoting these rules, because hosting a server means providing content to players and not all these rules apply specificly to creating actual content like mods, but also about monetizing a server or website. The last rule i linked also clearly states no monetary contribution can be linked to ingame content, which would also include being able to play on the server.
  5. The whitelisted and non whitelisted server shared the same private HIVE, its not a public HIVE and you can only gain acces to the whitelisted server by donating 10£+. They call it the "loot server" because its the place the paying players go to loot up, before they go on the non whitelisted server and PVP, with the rest of the public. Basicly the non whitelisted server acts like every other private server out there, but the whitelisted one only grants acces to paying players, making it a safe heaven for an exclussive player groups, to do nothing but gear up and gain an advantage. So they are in fact denying content to people who wont "donate". Do you understand it better now?
  6. You keep saying "alpha" and "release", i dont think it means what you think it means...
  7. byrgesen

    Tell us why we died

    We dont need anything at all, as it will give an unfair advantage to anyone playing with a team, vs solo play.
  8. byrgesen

    Plant Spawns on Greenhouses

    It would be nice to make it kinda like the heli crashes and police wrecks. So its not bound to server restarts, but have its own timeframe and when the timer runs out, a small chance of plant spawns should happen. All greenhouses should be tied to this, and only a handfull should actually spawn plants, with a small chance of pristine produce, so we end up with perhaps only 5-10 plants every x hours, where 1-3 of these would be able to give edible food. Not a bad idea at all tbh, but the amount should be restricted heavily, making it a sight for sore eyes, to find a greenhouse with pristine vegetables in :)
  9. byrgesen

    Mini gun

    After talking it over with google, im pretty sure the minigun on the "Huey" is a M134 Minigun. Heres the specifications: Weight - 85 pounds (39 kg) | 41 pounds (19 kg) lightweight mod. Length - 801.6 mm Barrel length -558.8 mm So yeh, good luck carrying that round, let alone trying to aim at anything, thats not directly in front of you. Not to mention, carrying the ammo (thousands of rounds, 2,000–6,000 rpm) and being able to withstand the recoil of it. No, i have to say no, it would not make sense to try and pick up such a weapon and walking around with it.
  10. byrgesen

    Polaroid Cameras

    Hello people. Ok so i thought about something, i understand we will have pen and paper and be able to leave notes for other players and such, awsome idea. Now lets expand abit on it :) How about polaroid cameras? Im talking old 1980 style, running of batteries like a flashlight. Now i can already hear people screaming "WTF no way" or "Why would we want something like that", but hear me out hehe. Imagine you are running along, fighting for your life and you end up in a firefight with another survivor. After, what could seem like hours, you end up victorious and you go to get the spoils from the dead survivor. Now you find several pictures on him, he has taken og various places, what do you do? It could be important placed, the dead survivor could have taken pictures to remember a stash for some loot, maybe he even has a picture of other survivors fighting for they're lives. You might even find notes written on the back of the polaroid pictures, explaining some details about it, or a riddle or something like that. I would love to see this implemented, since we already have batteries, we have a power source, and polaroid pictures can last for a very very long time, if they arent exposed to direct sunlight. In my oppinion, this would add another "layer" of player to player interaction in the game, which we desperately need and it would keep the world "alive" through pictures and notes on the back of them :) Small pic for reference: Thoughts, criticism or ideas on this suggestions? :)
  11. byrgesen

    Polaroid Cameras

    You suggestion was good, you where just a month to late :P Jokes aside, its not the completely same idea, and we are almost 7 bil people on this planet, so having an original idea, is almost not possible any more hehe. But like you said, the more its suggested, the better it usually is. Im glad to hear you are want this as much as me :) I can wait years for this feature, but i hope its on the drawing board, thats for sure!
  12. byrgesen

    rare items ///// don't just make it military gear

    Bring back the mountain dew!!!
  13. byrgesen

    More filter options: exclude things

    Theres no doubt we need better filter options down the line, i completely agree.
  14. byrgesen

    0.54 Issues

    It was an example as to how long it takes to create a good game, regardless of content in said game. Good games takes years to develop, storyline or not, and rushing a game has never brought good results. EA is a prime example of this imho!! Ohh and wingman made a good point to, in the first year of DayZ development they had a very small team. It wasnt untill they brought in the Bratislava department, they had the man power even remotely close to other AAA titles.
  15. byrgesen

    0.54 Issues

    Development was announced August 2012 and began shortly after that. Devblogs from September, October and November will show us this and it wasnt until December 16th 2013, they released the game in Early Acces on Steam. This means the game is "soon" 2 years old, in 5 months we will have the 2 year anniversary of the development announcement and i think its safe to say that the development was well on its way by September 2012(unless the devblogs arent telling the truth), so in 6 months the game has been under development for 2 years. Is that alot? Not really. Take a game such as Watch dogs, it began development sometime in 2009, and wasnt released until May 27th 2014, after being delayed for half a year by Ubisoft. So thats 5 years for a good game. Same with GTA 5, started development in 2009, almost directly after the release of GTA 4, was released on PS3/Xbox360 September 17th 2013, PS4/Xbone came in November 18th 2014 and we have yet to see a PC release. What im trying to say is, good games take a hell of a lot of time to make. Can easily take 5 years to create a good game, this is not news in the gaming world. Bohemia is still at the early stages of putting an engine together for us. It has been stated many times in devblogs, interviews and comments, that many things are being put on hold right now, because they need to finish some of the underlying architecture in the engine to support the new features. So far we have received at least 20+ patches, both big and small, during a year and a half of early acces. I find that satisfying tbh. Sorry for going off topic, but things like this needs to be put in perspective. I have no issues with the current patch though, runs silky smooth and doesnt crash :)
  16. byrgesen

    Mosquito/Nat/Fly Sounds. - TAKE THEM OUT.

    Its ambient sound effects and it is a major thing in games like this. Personally, i have no problem with the sounds, but i also dont want them to start removing stuff like this. You complain about mosquitoes, the sound gets removed. Someone else start complaining and they remove that, and so on and so on. Honestly mate, if you cant play this game, because you occationally hear a mosquito, why dont you seek proffesional help? Im serious here, because it sounds like its something that holding you back, from living life to its fullest. Phobia is not something to make fun of, but if you dont do something about it, why should Bohemia care? Why should anyone care, really? This goes for all mental "illnesses" that you are self aware off. Go get the help you need, find a way to try and make the situation better, dont make the world around you change because you dont wanna work on it. You dont need to get rid of the mosquito sounds in this game, you need to be OK with it in real life mate, its as "simple" as that. Dont compare bugs and glithces, to something that is neither a bug, nor broken mate. The mosquito sounds have nothing to do with the renderer, the new zombie AI, glithcy ambient sounds, being able to adjust graphics or anything of the sorts. You have all the right in the world to be constructive and provide guidance to Bohemia, on theyre product development, but lets not start mixing things together, which has nothing to do with one another.
  17. byrgesen

    New Dayz 3D map

    Unity is not a .ru website, so calm down :) Its a well renowned web plugin, used by millions of people around the world. You can Safely install Unity. @OP This is really nice, one of the best maps ive seen so far tbh. Keep up the good work and you will soon make Isurvive, DayZDB and other maps obsolete :)
  18. byrgesen

    DirectX 12

    If they have any kind of plans, for using Enfusion for future projects (which i recall some info about them wanting to) it would be foolish to not go for DX12, in my opinion, as it would be more "future safe".
  19. byrgesen

    Hanging people

    But could you at least acknowledge, that there are other people in the world, who are far more open minded and dont pull the racist card as quick?? Also the whole "Where the base amount of player live" argument, is kinda pointless, as the game is taking place in a fictional ex soviet country, and not America. America merely "brought freedom" to Chernarus. @OP I think its a great idea. We can already tie people up, we can cut them with knifes, we can kill them with disinfectant, forcefeed them and blindfold them, along with numerous other things. How did hanging become worse then most of what we already got, and will get? :P
  20. byrgesen

    A New Tier Of Weaponry, Police

    I think its a great suggestion, and i think it might be something already in the works (at least a bigger variety of weapons is) But at the same time, shouldnt the "Global Loot Economy" not solve this issue pretty well? As far as i understand, the whole point of it, is to control the amount of loot, so the better it is, the fewer there will be. It should also affect all servers on the public HIVE, when its finished. Combine that with at least twice as many new weapons, and all of a sudden it becomes really difficult to find a good one.
  21. byrgesen

    Kid Zombies

    If dying light can do it, why cant dayz?? http://dyinglight.wikia.com/wiki/Screamer
  22. The main reason it takes so long for Bohemia to do it, is because in order to change the renderer, the entire simulation has to be disconnected from it, and it has always been closely connected in the RV engine. The renderer it self, should not be to much of a workload, but disconnecting the simulation from the old renderer, is a giant task, in the very core of the engine :) As far as DX goes, im all for DX12, if its a viable option. Doesnt matter to me if it takes 1 month or 6 months more to do it, as long as its done right and the result speaks for it self! Thats very true. But we all also know it will take Microsoft about that time to make it stable aswell :D Soooo, in essence, you are saying that new games should not require better hardware? :huh: Find me another game that can handle the map size of DayZ, the amount of object, the draw distance and the simulation aspects, before you start saying its not doing anything "ground breaking". Theres a reason Arma has been so popular, it does something 99% of most games cannot do. That doesnt mean it doesnt have drawbacks (low fps as an example) but they are clearly working on it, as we speak and have come up with solutions for the problems. I cant help but laugh abit at your BF3 vs DayZ graphics comparison lol....
  23. byrgesen

    4gb ram or 8gb ram ?

    DayZ wont really use 8gb of ram, but like SmashT said, with the current prices of ram, it a good idea to have 8+gb, because it will simply make your computer better at multitasking. Perhaps you run the game, a browser in the background, steam (obviously), some music and possibly other software aswell. This is where the 4gb of ram will make a difference. But dont buy it because you expect DayZ to use it, it wont ever use 8gb of ram, because most of the game is read directly from the HDD/SSD (thats why people claim better performance when going with a SSD, even though it doesnt improve the framerate it self)
  24. byrgesen

    in defence of FOV slider

    This^ Such a simple change, would allow people to set the FOV to anything they want, but not abuse it, like we see them doing now, quickscoping bastards!!! But honestly, i couldnt care less about the FOV slider, ive never ever used it in DayZ, or made any FOV adjustments in any of the Arma games.
  25. byrgesen

    Polaroid Cameras

    Please do good sir :)